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988 Call for the Culture: HBCU National Initiative

October 16, 2024

Join us for an inspiring virtual webinar to learn about the new initiative, 988 Call for the Culture: HBCU National Initiative with Two Opportunities to Participate!

This webinar will focus on raising awareness of the new, three-digit Suicide and Crisis Lifeline that is dedicated to promoting suicide prevention, mental wellness, and resilience among HBCU students, campus leaders, and communities across the nation.

SAMHSA’s 988 and Behavioral Health Crisis Coordinating Office and its partners, the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Center for Excellence in Behavioral Health/Linkage, Education, and Prevention (HBCU L.E.A.P.), Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) grantee, and the African American Behavioral Health Center of Excellence (AABH), Office of Behavioral Health Equity (OBHE) grantee, are launching a new, national initiative, 988 Call for the Culture: National HBCU Initiative to Prevent Suicide, Enhance Mental Wellness and Resiliency, and Increase Diversity in the Crisis Care Workforce within and for the African American Community (“988 Call for the Culture: HBCU National Initiative”).

Contributing Center(s):

African American Children And Adolescents Of Parents With Substance Use Disorder: Protective Factors & Counseling

Presented By: Mark Sanders, LCSW, CADC Recorded on June 30, 2020  |  Module 8/8  

Cultural Humility Primer: Peer Support Specialist and Recovery Coach Guide

Cultural Humility Primer: Peer Support Specialist & Recovery Coach Guide to Serving and Supporting Diverse Individuals and Their Recovery Journeys was developed by the Peer Cultural Cooperative for the Northwest ATTC. This primer was created as an entry level cultural reference for Peer Support Specialists and Recovery Coaches working in both substance use disorder and mental health fields. Sections include: Principles of cultural humility Classification of disabilities and information about both visible and invisible disabilities Cultural perspectives of Black and African Americans, Asian and Pacific Islanders, Native American and Indigenous people, Latinx and Hispanics, and LGBT folks, with each section featuring an exercise with a real-life scenario An appendix features a wealth of additional resources, including glossaries of terms and acronyms, references, and tools. 