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The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted enduring health disparities among the Hispanic and Latino population due to persistent inequities, including access to healthcare and access to culturally competent behavioral healthcare. Bicultural and multicultural behavioral health providers have been positioned to help address these gaps but must now navigate their roles in the context of the current crisis. This virtual session will outline the unique challenges and opportunities faced by bicultural and multicultural providers during the current pandemic and will discuss considerations and strategies for moving forward.
Presented by
Marilyn Laila Sampilo, PhD, MPH
Published: May 27, 2020
Print Media
The National Hispanic and Latino Addiction Technology Transfer Center is please to provide new fact sheets on Alcohol Use and Abuse During COVID-19 to download and distribute. This fact sheet has been translated from English to both Spanish and Portuguese.
It is natural to feel stress, anxiety, anguish and worry during and after a crisis like COVID-19. The separation from loved ones, the loss of freedom, and the uncertainty about the state of the disease are all cause for concern. Studies show that most people in social isolation report negative psychological effects, including symptoms of post-traumatic stress, confusion, and anger. The biggest stressors include fears of becoming infected, loss of job, frustration, boredom, inadequate supplies, inadequate information, financial losses, and stigma. But how we manage that stress is important since there are healthy and unhealthy ways of doing so. Excessive use of alcohol is not a healthy way of managing stress.
Download English
Es natural sentir estrés, ansiedad, angustia y preocupación durante y después de una crisis como el COVID-19.
La separación de los seres queridos, la pérdida de libertad, y la incertidumbre sobre el estado de la enfermedad son causantes de preocupación. Estudios demuestran que la mayoría de las personas que se encuentran en aislamiento social registran efectos psicológicos negativos, incluidos síntomas de estrés postraumático, confusión y enojo. Los mayores factores estresantes incluyen temores de infección, frustración, aburrimiento, suministros inadecuados, información inadecuada, pérdidas financieras y estigma. Pero la forma en que manejamos ese estrés es importante ya que existen maneras saludables y maneras no saludables de hacerlo. El uso excesivo de alcohol no es una manera saludable de controlar el estrés.
Descargar en Español
É natural sentir estresse, ansiedade, angústia e preocupação durante e após uma crise como o COVID-19.
A separação dos entes queridos, a perda da liberdade e a incerteza sobre o estado da doença são motivo de preocupação. Estudos começaram a mostrar que a maioria das pessoas que estao em isolamento social relata efeitos psicológicos negativos, incluindo sintomas de estresse pós-traumático, confusão e raiva. Os maiores estressores incluem o medo de infecção, receio de perder o emprego, frustração, tédio, suprimentos inadequados, informações inadequadas, perdas financeiras e estigma. Mas como lidamos com esse estresse é importante, pois existem maneiras saudáveis e não saudáveis de fazê-lo. O uso excessivo de álcool não é uma maneira saudável de gerenciar o estresse.
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Published: May 8, 2020
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This webinar addresses what constitutes an “evidence-based treatment (EBT)” and an “evidence-based practice (EBP),” the difference between efficacy and effectiveness, and what we need to know about them in order to make more informed decisions in selecting EBTs and EBPs that are best suited to our agencies or clinics. Major concepts underlying EBTs will be discussed: 1) treatment integrity/fidelity, 2) external validity/generalizability, 3) operational definitions, and 4) statistically vs. clinically significant results. Factors related to the application of EBTs/EBP to culturally diverse populations will be examined: 1) samples on which EBTs are based, 2) use of ethnic vs. cultural groups, 3) “generic” vs. culturally specific EBTs, 4) cultural content vs. cultural context, 5) advantages and disadvantages of culturally adapted EBT, and 6) sustainability of EBTs/EBP. The webinar will present the contribution of meta-analyses to EBTs, the EBTs in the context of the factors that contribute to change in interventions (e.g., therapy relationship and client contribution), limitations of EBTs, common elements of EBTs, and the role of politics, power, and privilege in the scientific study of treatment outcome. Processual issues critical to moving from EBTs to EBP will be discussed. The webinar will describe alternative approaches to EBTs/EBP, such as those grounded on practice-based evidence and community-based evidence or those considered “promising practices,” and alternative concepts to external validity (generalizability), such as ecological validity and social validity.
About the Presenter
Luis A. Vargas, PhD
Luis A. Vargas is a retired clinical psychologist and a member of the Board of Directors of the National Latino Behavioral Health Association. He was on the staff and faculty of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine (UNM-SOM) for 30 years. He worked part-time at Samaritan Counseling Center and its Spanish-speaking clinic, St. Joseph’s Center for Children and Families, following his retirement from UNM . He was the director of the UNM-SOM clinical psychology internship program for fourteen years and served six years as the Chair of the New Mexico Board of Psychologist Examiners. His clinical and scholarly work has focused on providing culturally responsive services to diverse children, adolescents, and families in Latino communities. He is committed to training mental health professionals to maintain a scientific mindedness in providing culturally responsive services in the context of evidence-based practice and global psychology.
Published: April 29, 2020
*This webinar was in Spanish*
El Abuso de Sustancias Durante El COVID-19 es una presentación que introduce a Los Centros Hispano/Latino de Capacitación y Asistencia Técnica en Adicción y en Prevención (NHL-ATTC y NHL-PTTC) de SAMHSA a los miembros de los programas de La Ventanilla de Salud (VDS), un programa diseñado por la Secretaría de Salud y la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores del Gobierno de México para ayudar a identificar los servicios de salud que necesitan las familias mexicanas en Estados Unidos dentro del Consulado de México.
La VDS ofrece educación en distintos temas de salud. El objetivo de la VDS es mejorar el acceso a servicios primarios y preventivos de salud, aumentar la cobertura en seguros públicos y promover una cultura de prevención de salud a los mexicanos que viven en Estados Unidos.
Por medio de este taller educativo, los miembros de los centros proveen información sobre los centros NHL-PTTC) y NHL-ATTC con el propósito de formar enlaces con las 50 sucursales de VDS ubicadas por todo el país.
El taller también ofrece información sobre la prevención del abuso de sustancias, define que es la prevención, presenta la Prevención como disciplina o profesión y ofrece información y recursos sobre la prevención.
Finalmente presenta información sobre los trastornos del abuso de sustancias, y como aprender sobre las causas, consecuencias y tratamientos disponibles sobre ellos.
Y una sección de información sobre retos del COVID-19 y el uso de sustancias y ofreció recursos para la comunidad.
Published: April 23, 2020
** This is a SPANISH Language Webinar. Pre-recorded versions are available in English and Portuguese **
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En su charla TED titulada "Todo lo que crees que sabes sobre la adicción es incorrecto", el cual ha sido visto más de 15 millones de veces, el periodista británico Johann Hari analiza la investigación disponible sobre las causas subyacentes de la adicción y concluye, de manera brillante, que lo contrario de la adicción no es la sobriedad, es la conexión.
COVID-19 ha interrumpido esa conexión y nos ha afectado de formas que quizás no habíamos experimentado antes, o de formas que pueden ser peligrosas para nuestra recuperación. Ha hecho más difícil el tener el apoyo a nuestra recuperación de la forma que funcionaba para nosotros y nos ha forzado a que cambiemos y aprendamos nuevas herramientas para mantener nuestra recuperación.
Este seminario web analizará cómo nuestra recuperación ha sido afectada durante estos tiempos del COVID-19 y qué podemos hacer para mantenerla y fortalecerla.
Los participantes:
Aprenderán cómo el aislamiento social, la soledad y la inseguridad afectan a las personas en recuperación
Entenderán los pasos para la recuperación y la resiliencia de la pandemia
Discutirán soluciones prácticas para fortalecer la recuperación durante el aislamiento social.
Pierluigi Mancini, PhD, MAC
Project Director @National Hispanic and Latino Addiction Technology Transfer Center and Prevention Technology Transfer Center
Pierluigi Mancini, PhD, MAC is the Project Director for the National Hispanic and Latino Addiction Technology Transfer Center and the National Hispanic and Latino Prevention Technology Transfer Center. Both SAMHSA funded centers are housed at the National Latino Behavioral Health Association ( located in New Mexico. With over 30 years of experience in culturally and linguistically appropriate behavioral health treatment and prevention, Dr. Mancini is one of the most sought after national and international consultants and speakers on mental health and addiction, his areas of expertise is immigrant behavioral health and health disparities. Dr. Mancini founded Georgia’s first Latino behavioral health program in 1999 to serve the immigrant population by providing cultural and linguistically appropriate services in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Pierluigi Mancini, PhD, MAC es el Director del Centro Hispano Latino de Capacitación y Asistencia Técnica en Adicción (NHL-ATTC) y del Centro Hispano Latino de Capacitación y Asistencia Técnica en Prevención (NHL-PTTC). Ambos centros financiados por la agencia federal SAMHSA son parte de La Asociación Nacional Latina de Salud Mental y Adicciones (NLBHA por sus siglas en inglés ubicada en Nuevo México. Con más de 30 años de experiencia en el tratamiento y la prevención de la adicción y la salud mental con sensibilidad cultural y lingüísticamente apropiadas, el Doctor Mancini es uno de los consultores y oradores nacionales e internacionales más solicitados. Sus áreas de especialización son la salud mental del inmigrante y las disparidades de salud. El Doctor Mancini fundó el primer programa de salud mental y adicciones para latinos en el estado de Georgia en el año 1999 para brindar servicios en inglés, español y portugués.
Published: April 14, 2020
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This presentation defines domestic violence (DV) and intimate partner violence (IPV) and provide statistics on the prevalence of DV in the United States. Why do victims of violence stay in this type of relationship? Domestic violence and intimate partner violence do not discriminate between socioeconomic statuses, race, or ethnicity. Domestic violence and intimate partner violence are learned behaviors that are caused by the need for power and control over another person. Victims of DV or IPV may turn to substances to try to cope with the pain, shame and guilt. This only exacerbates the trauma because it may lead to addiction and co-occurring disorders.
Learning objectives:
Define the types of domestic violence and intimate partner violence
Identify causes of domestic violence and intimate partner violence
Recognize why a victim of domestic violence or intimate partner violence might turn to addiction
Identify ways of coping with trauma
Identify ways of finding help
Glory McDaniel, MA, LPCC, LAC, NCC
In May of 2018, Glory McDaniel earned her Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Program from Denver Seminary. Mrs. McDaniel is a bilingual therapist working with specific treatment of co-occurring substance use disorders and posttraumatic stress, addiction, and mental illness, leading both English and Spanish groups, educating the community as well as individual counseling. She serves on the board of the Colorado Association of Addiction Professionals (CAAP) and facilitator for Mending the Soul (MTS) groups for women survivors of abuse. Mrs. McDaniel earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Human Services with emphases in Domestic Violence Counseling and Addiction Counseling from the Metropolitan State University of Denver in 2013. She interned with the Center for Trauma and Resilience, formerly known as Denver Center for Crime Victims (DCCV), and later joined the Colorado Organization of Victim Assistance (COVA) as their Human Trafficking Case Manager.
Mrs. McDaniel believes in helping others by providing support, counseling, and education on various topics such as domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, anxiety, depression, mental illness, and substance use disorder. Her ultimate career goal is to establish a nonprofit and start a shelter for women who have/are experiencing abuse and provide them with necessary skills that will empower them to become self-sufficient and live a happy, healthy and prosperous life.
Published: February 25, 2020
Print Media
The Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC are pleased to offer a menu of intensive technical assistance options to help organizations build and enhance their skills in working with clients from diverse backgrounds.
Download a summary of the training options here.
Published February 11, 2020
Published: February 11, 2020
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Blood sugar fluctuations can trigger dopamine and opioid receptors similar to the effects of addictive substance resulting in pleasure, withdrawal symptoms and then cravings. The Mediterranean diet can prevent these fluctuations and help to balance blood glucose, help to maintain a healthy weight, prevent cravings and reduce anxiety. We will discuss simple, inexpensive, readily available, delicious and familiar ways to eat a whole foods diet. These new habits also improve energy and well being while providing the building blocks for a healthier brain and body. Recipes and meal planning guides will be provided.
Jacqueline Villalobos, ND
Chairwoman @New Mexico Medical Board Naturopathic Doctors Advisory Council
Jacqueline Villalobos, ND is a Latina with deep roots in the New Mexico/Texas/Chihuahua border area. In her work as a holistic healer, she has primarily served underserved populations. For 15 years, she worked with migrant and seasonal farmworkers in western Oregon as a primary care provider for Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center offering culturally relevant healthcare and nutrition education. 4 years ago, she returned to the desert southwest where her passion to empower people through nutrition and lifestyle education is shared with people with autism spectrum disorders as well as people in recovery from substance abuse. She also commits her time and energy to promoting the profession of naturopathic medicine. She served as Nutrition Chair for the Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Exam for 10 years. She is currently the chairwoman of the New Mexico Medical Board Naturopathic Doctors Advisory Council.
Published: January 29, 2020
--This was Part 2 of a 2-Part Webinar Series--
This presentation engaged participants in strategizing ways we as helping professionals can support continued healing, resilience and resistance within the Latinx communities we serve. This presentation explored racial battle fatigue, spotlighting and other workplace forms of oppression that impede our long-term engagement in this work. A final outcome was for participants to end this workshop with a plan for radical self-care and critical allyship to promote our well-being as helping professionals and sustain us in this work.
Spanning two decades of research, trauma-informed (T-I) practice is seen as a new frontier in behavioral health and social services (National Council for Behavioral Health, n.d.), but more is needed to honor culturally-grounded sources for resilience and resistance when healing from substance use for Latinx individuals and communities. Building on the Critical Trauma model that addresses the role of oppression-based trauma in substance use and the unique, culturally-rooted resilience and resistance characteristics for Latinx, this presentation proposed a set of culturally sustaining practices in treating individuals impacted by substance use.
Anna Nelson, LCSW
College Assistant Professor @NMSU School of Social Work
An educator for the previous decade and helping professional since 1996, Anna Nelson, LCSW, is a College Assistant Professor with NMSU School of Social Work and a Ph.D. Candidate in Educational Leadership and Administration. Ms. Nelson employs mixed-methods participatory action research grounded in Critical Race and Intersectionality theories to understand cultural, cumulative and collective trauma and its impact on communities with a strong focus on identity-driven resilience and resistance. From 2010- 2016, she served as Executive Director of the New Mexico Forum for Youth in Community, a statewide network intermediary that promoted racial, health, academic and economic justice for all youth statewide. Her professional practice emphases are youth, family and community engagement, violence prevention, trauma/healing informed culturally sustaining service systems development, and policy transformation, particularly for child welfare and juvenile justice systems.
Published: January 8, 2020
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--This is Part 1 of a 2-Part Webinar Series--
This dynamic presentation explored cumulative, cultural and collective forms of trauma for Latinx people and communities, their relationship to risk for substance use, and briefly introduce ways we as helping professionals can support continued healing, resilience and resistance among the people and communities we serve. Participants ended this workshop with a clear framework for understanding the roles oppression-based trauma and culturally-centered resilience play in the lives of Latinx who are impacted by substance use.
Spanning two decades of research, trauma-informed (T-I) practice is seen as a new frontier in behavioral health and social services (National Council for Behavioral Health, n.d.). Where trauma analysis regularly attends to impact of emotional trauma on individuals and its correlation with risk for substance use, less is understood regarding cumulative, cultural, and collective forms of trauma on Latinx individuals and communities, including immigration and acculturation traumas. These gaps are worthy of exploration given an emerging body of knowledge which evidences microaggressions (Nadal, 2018), racism (Williams, Metzger, Leins,& DeLapp, 2018), sexism (Kucharska, 2018), and homophobia (Goodwin, 2014) as correlated with risk for emotional trauma. Finally, culturally-rooted resilience and resistance are vital in the process of healing from substance use and are rarely addressed.
Anna Nelson, LCSW
College Assistant Professor @NMSU School of Social Work
An educator for the previous decade and helping professional since 1996, Anna Nelson, LCSW, is a College Assistant Professor with NMSU School of Social Work and a Ph.D. Candidate in Educational Leadership and Administration. Ms. Nelson employs mixed-methods participatory action research grounded in Critical Race and Intersectionality theories to understand cultural, cumulative and collective trauma and its impact on communities with a strong focus on identity-driven resilience and resistance. From 2010- 2016, she served as Executive Director of the New Mexico Forum for Youth in Community, a statewide network intermediary that promoted racial, health, academic and economic justice for all youth statewide. Her professional practice emphases are youth, family and community engagement, violence prevention, trauma/healing informed culturally sustaining service systems development, and policy transformation, particularly for child welfare and juvenile justice systems.
Published: December 18, 2019
“Recovery Community Support Programs” were originally funded by the federal government and offered peer-to-peer support in order to assist those in recovery find a place to be assessed and referred to supportive services critical to the sustainment of log-term recovery. Programs became a meeting place were the main goal was to support those in recovery in all their needs to secure continued sobriety. As these programs grew, they began to become indispensable particularly for those coming out of the criminal justice system. Like many new efforts in program methodologies the peer-to-peer efforts failed to gravitate to the Latino/Hispanic addiction treatment efforts. There are many cultural and historical reasons for this, but, despite the barriers, there have been a few communities that have broadened their addiction treatment program offerings to include recovery peer-to-peer efforts. This VLC session will explore the developmental conditions that make these programs possible, the service components of the programs and the linguistic and policy considerations that make, or, will make these programs culturally appropriate.
Ivette A. Torres, MEd., M.S., Former Associate Director for Consumer Affairs at the federal Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
Mr. Angel Galvez, BS, MAOL
Mr. Javier H. Alegre, Community Advocate and Organizer
Ms. Vera Fuertes Molina, CPS-AMH, CPS-AD
Published: September 16, 2019
The body of work of peer support programs targeting youth is heavily focused on mental health models involving young adult peer mentors. In Connecticut, for example, some work has taken place involving youth 18-25 with mental illness and/or substance use disorder issues where peers provide support and hope to other young adults with these conditions. In 2017, SAMHSA’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health noted a rise in the lifetime illicit drug use among Latino-Hispanic youth 12-17 and 18-25 from the previous year (2016). For 12 to 17-year old’s the percentage rose from 23.2 percent of youth in 2016 to 24.6 percent of all Latino-Hispanic youth in 2017. Similarly, for 18 to 25-year old’s, the percentage of lifetime used of illicit drugs rose from 51.1 percent in 2016 to 54.7 percent in 2017. It is therefore important to explore the options of addressing these rising rates through peer support models targeting Latino-Hispanic youth and young adults.
Ivette A. Torres, MEd., M.S., Former Associate Director for Consumer Affairs at the federal Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
Ms. Ana Martinez Gaona, YCPS
Ms. Juanita Aniceto Vera
Mr. John Johnston
Ms. Solmaira Trujillo
Published: September 12, 2019
The National CLAS Standards are intended to advance health equity, improve quality, and help eliminate health care disparities. This webinar will discuss how health care organizations need to ensure that awareness, adoption, and implementation of the National CLAS Standards are incorporated to have a more inclusive definition of culture in order to better serve individuals within the Latinx community.
Define the CLAS standards
Explore the CLAS Themes and Recommendations
Understand how CLAS applies to decreasing health disparities in behavioral health for Latinx communities
Learn how to implement the CLAS standards in organizations
Jacqueline Coleman
Certified Professional Coach
Pierluigi Mancini
Consultant and Speaker on Mental Health and Addiction
Published: September 11, 2019
This is Part 2 of a two-part webinar series titled: The Intersection of Traditional Medicine and Behavioral Health in the Latinx Community.
Click the buttons below to view this webinar translated in Spanish or Portuguese
Community Centered Emergency Room Project a program of Social Model Recovery Systems aims to highlight the connection between culture and health-seeking behaviors while focusing in the role women play in family health decisions making. Our focus group findings show that women are the pillars of health and transcend generational/gender believes. Our focus group also sought to include the health-seeking behaviors of adults age 50+ as well as youth to better understand how they use medications and if there is a preference
Published: May 28, 2019
Click the buttons below to view this webinar translated in Spanish or Portuguese
This is Part 1 of a two-part webinar series titled: The Intersection of Traditional Medicine and Behavioral Health in the Latinx Community.
This Webinar will emphasize Curanderismo, the art of traditional medicine, practiced in many parts of the USA, Mexico, Latin America and several countries around the world. The Webinar will explore an integrative approach to traditional medicine featuring demonstrations that incorporate Curanderismo with various traditional and holistic health techniques. Curanderismo will be described with its influences and history. Some of the methods and techniques of the usage of medicinal plants and rituals and their integration into behavioral health addressing body, mind and spirit/energy will be discussed. Video snippets of well know healers from the U.S., Mexico, Afro-Cuba, and Afro-Puerto Rico will demonstrate healing modalities such as medicinal plants for the nervous system; ventosas/fire cupping, limpias espirituales/energeticas/spiritual/energetic cleansings; risaterapia/laugh therapy and temazcal/sweat lodge. At the conclusion of this Webinar, you will appreciate that to be healthy, you should have a balance of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.
Published: May 14, 2019
Dr. Haner Hernandez has been working to improve health equity and for more than 20 years. In this 14-minute podcast, Dr. Hernandez shares recommendations for ways that treatment organizations can address the needs of their Latino clients.
Published: March 14, 2019
Click the buttons below to view this webinar translated in Spanish or Portuguese
This webinar discussed the implications of the opioid crisis in the Latino population in the US. It discussed our social and cultural factors cause substance misuse in Latinos. Additionally, barriers to services and treatments are discussed, along with strategies on how to increase engagement and use of services.
Published: January 25, 2019
Presentation Slides
This presentation by Professor Bronwyn Myers discusses the Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) training model in application to substance use disorders. Professor Bronwyn Myers is a Chief specialist scientist in the Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug Use Research Unit at the South African Medical Research Council. Professor Myers also serves as an Expert Technical Assistance Advisor for the South Africa HIV ATTC.
Published: September 20, 2018
Presentation Slides
This presentation by Professor Katherine Sorsdahl discusses the Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) training model with applications in the South African context. Katherine Sorsdahl is a Professor and the Co-Director of the Alan J Flisher Centre for Public Mental Health at the University of Cape Town. She also serves as Expert Curriculum Development Advisor for the South Africa HIV ATTC.
Published: September 20, 2018
This webinar will discuss how historically menthol products have been predatorily marketed to marginalized groups and most conspicuously to African Americans. The results of predatory marketing has led to 85% of adults and 94% of teen African American smokers to smoke menthol cigarettes. Black folks die disproportionately from tobacco-related diseases compared to other races and ethnic groups. Menthol isn't deadly itself, but it allows the poison to go down easier.
Published: September 18, 2018
eNewsletter or Blog
Monthly electronic newsletter
Published: September 5, 2018
Presentation Slides
Presenter Harold Gates offers best practices for sustaining professional and organizational commitments to cultural competence and effective application of CLAS.
Published: August 8, 2018
Webinar presentation on implementing National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services.
Published: July 11, 2018
Curriculum Package, Presentation Slides
Working with persons from diverse backgrounds in any discipline requires that professionals engage in a culturally responsive manner that can enhance the clinical processes used to provide individualized treatment and health care. This interactive two-part webinar (90 minutes each) will present on the importance of acknowledging our own values & beliefs.
Published: July 6, 2018