Print Media
Este producto es un periódico bianual que discute temas relacionados al campo de la adicción.
Published: December 1, 2011
Curriculum Package
The 1.5 hour self-paced, online course is designed to introduce key terms, topics, and resources essential to SBIRT. SBIRT is a comprehensive, integrated, public health approach to the delivery of early intervention and treatment for persons with substance use disorders, as well as those who are risk of developing these disorders. The course provides an introduction to SBIRT, including the rationale for and efficacy of implementation in various settings.
Published: November 1, 2011
The Journal of the Arizona Dental Association-Inscriptions, Volume 25, Number 13, September 2011 featured an article focused on the potential of patient abuse of prescription drugs, especially opioid based medication prescribed by dental practitioners to manage pain. Provided in the article are data and ways to engage patients in conversation regarding their prescription drug use.
Published: September 1, 2011
Curriculum Package
This curriculum was written by American Indians for the benefit of American Indians. The authors were mindful of how frequently psycho-educational skills programs provided to American Indian participants have been culturally biased and consequently unsuccessful because of their inherent prejudices and inappropriateness. Research suggests a less prescriptive, more flexible program that promotes culturally relevant and appropriate psycho-educational group techniques to promote cultural identity, self-disclosure, processing, altruism and an emphasis on psychology’s strength model rather than on psychology’s traditional deficit model.
Training Objectives: 1) Experience a world view of interpreting reality through heart and hand as well as head, 2) Gain awareness of one’s own attitudes, beliefs and perceptions about substance misuse based on cultural experience, 3) Gain awareness of how one’s attitudes, beliefs and perceptions are a product of one’s life experience.
Primary Author: Rockey Robbins, Ph.D. (Cherokee and Choctaw), Associate Professor, College of Counseling Psychology at the University of Oklahoma
Published: March 24, 2011
Print Media
Este producto es un periadico bianual que discute temas relacionados al campo de la adiccian.
Published: February 28, 2011
This is the spanish version of this product. In September, 2006 and March, 2007, 30 leaders in the addiction field gathered in Greenville, South Carolina and Savannah, Georgia (respectively) to discuss this critical topic.
Published: February 1, 2011
Print Media
This book comprises 20 essays in which family members described, in their own words, the most challenging part about having a family member with a substance use disorder, what it means to have a loved one find long-term recovery and explain why they are committed to recovery.
Published: January 13, 2011
Print Media
The Change Book offers a comprehensive blueprint for change, which will help direct each aspect of the design, development, implementation, evaluation and revision of a technology transfer plan. Factors influencing the success of a technology transfer initiative, effective change strategies, and Principles for successful adoption to occur are addressed.
View PDF or Download Above.
Published: June 1, 2010
eNewsletter or Blog
The ATTC Messenger is a monthly e-publication that communicates tips and information on best practices along with features including Addiction Science Made Easy articles, information about national professional development events and funding opportunities, links to state-of-the-art online resources and other electronic publications relevant to the field.
Published: April 1, 2010
A bibliography of books, manuals, newsletters and other resource guides, journals, and online courses available on the topic of Clinical Supervision.
Published: September 28, 2009
Curriculum Package
Designed for delivery by clinical supervisors with staff; can give insight into the strengths/challenges regarding approaches to treatment of co-occurring disorders and help identify areas where more in-depth training is needed or where programs need enhancement. Eighteen 45-minute modules were developed for use in a learning environment that includes a mix of treatment professionals with various degrees of experience.
Published: March 1, 2007
Curriculum Package
Seven week course designed to enhance knowledge and abilities in addiction training.
Published: February 1, 2007
Curriculum Package
Opioid abuse and addiction (e.g., heroin, OxyContin) remains a critical national public health concern. In 2002, tablet formulations of the medication Buprenorphine were approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of opioid addiction. In order to prepare the field to effectively integrated this new treatment, the Buprenorphine Treatment Blending Team developed an awareness training to disseminate information and enhance awareness among multidisciplinary (non-physician) addiction professionals about Buprenorphine treatment.
This training is designed to provide a broad overview of the medication, its effects, and the role of non-physician practitioners in providing and supporting the treatment of individuals receiving this medication.
Published: January 1, 2003