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Be Prepared Poster

Naloxone is a safe, life-saving medication that can reverse an overdose from opioids. Termed an ‘opioid overdose reversal medication’, Naloxone is easy to carry and administer. This poster illustrates being prepared for an overdose emergency by having an opioid overdose reversal medication on-hand, just like people commonly have a fire extinguisher on-hand for a fire emergency.



Naoloxone Training - From CDC, a free one-hour course titled “Talking about Naloxone.”  This course includes an optional risk factors assessment for opioid-related harms and provides communication tips and strategies for engaging in and conducting a conversation with patients about naloxone. CE is available.


From CDC, a 30-second video on how to administer naloxone spray to someone experiencing an opioid overdose.


From the opioid overdose prevention advocacy group Get Naloxone Now, this free course titled: Bystander Training for Opioid Overdose Prevention,Recognition and Response is now available. This training:

  1. Describes the U.S. opioid overdose epidemic;
  2. Explains the risk of overdose from opioid analgesics and heroin;
  3. Teaches how to recognize an opioid overdose;
  4. Demonstrates how to respond effectively to an opioid overdose (using animated scenarios, graphic sequences, and narration provided by professional voice actors) and;
  5. Links learners to additional resources, including SAMHSA’s overdose toolkits and drug treatment finder.


  • CDC FACT SHEET: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT NALOXONE: FACT SHEET FOR FAMILY AND CAREGIVERS From CDC, this fact sheet teaches family members and caregivers general facts about naloxone including where to get it and how to prevent an opioid overdose.
  •  CDC FACT SHEET: HOW AND WHEN TO USE NALOXONE FOR AN OPIOID OVERDOSE: FACT SHEET FOR FAMILY AND CAREGIVERS  From CDC, this fact sheet teaches family members and caregivers how to identify an opioid overdose and use naloxone.  It also includes the side effects of naloxone.
  • SAMHSA OVERDOSE AND PREVENTION TOOLKIT SAMHSA’s updated Overdose Prevention and Response Toolkit provides guidance to a wide range of individuals on preventing and responding to an overdose. The toolkit also emphasizes that harm reduction and access to treatment are essential aspects of overdose prevention. The toolkit, designed to augment overdose prevention and reversal training, provides guidance on the role of opioid overdose reversal medications, including naloxone and nalmefene, and how to respond to an overdose. It also contains appendices for specific audiences, including people who use drugs (PWUD), people who take prescription opioids, first responders, healthcare practitioners, and others.

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