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Opioid Clinical Decision Support in Primary Care: CTN-0095

Rossom and HookerPresented by: Rebecca Rossom, MD, MS and Stephanie Hooker, PhD, MPH

In this session, Drs. Rossom and Hooker discussed the design and implementation of Opioid Wizard, a clinical decision support tool embedded in the EHR for primary care clinicians and developed as part of NIDA Clinical Trials Network protocol CTN-0095. The goal of the tool is to help clinicians identify, screen, diagnose and treat opioid use disorder (OUD).

They also discussed one of the supplements to CTN-0095, which tested a training to reduce stigma towards people with OUD among primary care clinicians.

This session was sponsored by the Northwest and Pacific Southwest ATTCs and the Western States Node of the NIDA Clinical Trials Network.

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June 26, 2024
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