Products and Resources - SAMHSA Reporting

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eNewsletter or Blog
March 2016
Published: March 1, 2016
eNewsletter or Blog
September 2016
Published: September 29, 2016
eNewsletter or Blog
Summer 2016
Published: July 28, 2016
eNewsletter or Blog
June 2017
Published: July 30, 2021
eNewsletter or Blog
Spring 2018
Published: July 30, 2021
eNewsletter or Blog
Autumn 2018
Published: July 30, 2021
eNewsletter or Blog
Autumn 2019
Published: July 30, 2021
eNewsletter or Blog
Winter 2020
Published: July 30, 2021
eNewsletter or Blog
Summer 2015
Published: July 30, 2021
eNewsletter or Blog
Summer 2014
Published: July 30, 2021
eNewsletter or Blog
Autumn 2013
Published: July 30, 2021
eNewsletter or Blog
Autumn 2014
Published: July 30, 2021
          Substance use, addiction, and overdose are significant issues facing our communities. As faith leaders, it is critical that we are aware of and engaged in being a part of the solution through actively caring for the people both inside and outside the walls of our houses of worship. This virtual presentation is sponsored by the Southeast ATTC Regional Center and will focus on one faith community’s journey towards being a part of the solution and outline some practical steps they have taken to care for their community well in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina. Mental Health Specialists, Addiction Specialists, treatment providers, peer support communities, and faith community-based organizations in Region 4 are encouraged to register for free.     1. Identify stages of substance use in their local community and responses for each 2. List three ways their faith community could be involved in caring for those struggling with substance use disorder 3. Verbalize a way to differentiate those struggling with substance use in order to respond appropriately 4. Articulate the importance of how faith communities can effectively impact the community as a whole ..................................... Rev. Lance Rhoades  Dramatically touched by God as a teenager, Lance Rhoades has been a trailblazer in active ministry for over 20 years. He is currently the senior pastor at Tree of Life Open Bible Church in the Brookline section of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He moved the church from Oakland to Brookline after renovating an iconic church building. This move leads him to oversee many community outreach projects, including a clothing closet, daily hot food programs, a preschool and recovery initiatives. He also serves as Open Bible East Allegheny District Director and now has partnered with key stakeholders in the South Pittsburgh region to lead the South Pittsburgh Opioid Action Coalition (SPOAC) to reduce opioid overdoses in this area.      
Published: July 30, 2021
Presenter: Jenna van Draanen, PhD, MPH, University of Washington July 2021 This one-hour webinar discussed the role of harm reduction in addiction treatment and how it fits with other systems of care. In addition to covering recent service use patterns in the Northwest, Dr. van Draanen shared evidence and lessons learned from her work with overdose prevention sites (a model of peer-run safe consumption sites) in Vancouver, Canada. The session covered changes in overdose prevention site utilization during COVID-19, the importance of peer involvement in service delivery, and outcomes associated with overdose prevention site utilization. Download slides
Published: July 29, 2021
Presentation Slides
Slides from the session TOR Webinar Kratom on July 28th, 2021. 
Published: July 28, 2021
Presentation Slides
Great Plains TTC Regional Meeting Slides 7-19-21. 
Published: July 22, 2021
Recording of the session Indigenous Psychology Part 1: History of Lost. This event took place on July 21st, 2021. In Part 1 of this behavioral health lecture series, the presenters will review the merging traditional and clinical models used to treat indigenous populations. Discussion will include what story is, historical context, explaining the issues related to effectively engaging with Indigenous populations, and a statical analysis addressing the issues of this continually evolving concern. Presenters: Keaw’e Bone, EBCI, Lakota, and Hawaiian Theresa Sault-Brill, Aniishinabek and Menominee
Published: July 22, 2021
Presentation Slides
Slides from the session Indigenous Psychology Part 1: History of Lost. This event took place on July 21st, 2021.  In Part 1 of this behavioral health lecture series, the presenters will review the merging traditional and clinical models used to treat indigenous populations. Discussion will include what story is, historical context, explaining the issues related to effectively engaging with Indigenous populations, and a statical analysis addressing the issues of this continually evolving concern. Presenters: Keaw’e Bone, EBCI, Lakota, and Hawaiian Theresa Sault-Brill, Aniishinabek and Menominee
Published: July 22, 2021
Presentation Slides
Handouts for the session Essential Substance Abuse Skills Webinar. This event took place on July 7th, 2021. Our topic this month will be: HIV & STI Prevention Featuring our special guest speaker: Avis Garcia, PhD, LAT, LPC, NCC, Northern Arapaho.
Published: July 16, 2021
Recording of the session Native American Storytelling: Culture is Prevention. This event took place on July 13th, 2021. This series of sessions features traditional Native American storytelling, along with time for discussion on what can be learned from the stories, as well as the ways these stories can be incorporated by Native American providers into their work with patients. Story 1: Navajo Woman’s Role and its Origin Story 2: Navajo Clan Origins and Histories Story 3: The Use of the Ecosystem for Positive Mental and Behavioral Health-Navajo Traditional Perspective
Published: July 16, 2021
Recording of Essential Substance Abuse Skills Webinar. This event took place on July 7th, 2021. Our topic this month will be: HIV & STI Prevention Featuring our special guest speaker: Avis Garcia, PhD, LAT, LPC, NCC, Northern Arapaho.
Published: July 12, 2021
Presentation Slides
El Repositorio, desarrollado por el Northeast and Caribbean ATTC, surge de la necesidad de los proveedores de servicios de las personas con trastornos por consumo de opioides en Puerto Rico de conocer los programas disponibles para el tratamiento. Este producto tiene el propósito de servir de referencia para facilitar los referidos entre las organizaciones y/o proveedores de servicio, así como minimizar las barreras que afectan el acceso a tratamiento de las personas con trastornos por consumo de opioides. esta versión está actualizada a diciembre, 2021. 
Published: December 10, 2021
Presentation Slides
Numerosos estudios e investigaciones han evidenciado la importancia de trabajar efectivamente con las personas con trastornos por consumo de sustancias. Es imprescindible utilizar modelos basados en evidencia que científicamente hayan demostrado efectividad. El Modelo Transteórico del Cambio surge por el interés de comprender y explicar la dinámica del cambio en el manejo de las conductas de personas con trastornos por uso problemático de sustancias.
Published: July 12, 2021
Presentation Slides
Numerous studies and research have shown the importance of working effectively with people with substance use disorders. It is paramount to use evidence-based models that have been scientifically proven effective. The Transtheoretical Model of Change arises from the interest in understanding and explaining the dynamics of change when managing the behaviors of people with substance use disorders.
Published: July 11, 2021
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The ATTC Network understands that words have power. A few ATTC products developed prior to 2017 may contain language that does not reflect the ATTCs’ current commitment to using affirming, person-first language. We appreciate your patience as we work to gradually update older materials. For more information about the importance of non-stigmatizing language, see “Destroying Addiction Stigma Once and For All: It’s Time” from the ATTC Network and “Changing Language to Change Care: Stigma and Substance Use Disorders” from the Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS).