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Presentation Slides
This presentation was given by CEO of TB HIV Care, Professor Harry Hausler at the 2nd National Advisory Board Meeting for the South Africa HIV ATTC on March 1, 2019. This presentation details the partnership between TB HIV Care and the South Africa HIV ATTC, including the success and growth of this collaboration.
Published: May 1, 2019
Presentation Slides
This presentation was given by the Director of the KwaZulu Natal Department of Health: Directorate of Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders, Dr. Nikiwe Hongo at the 2nd National Advisory Board Meeting for the South Africa HIV ATTC. This presentation details the current and future trainings of the South Africa HIV ATTC with KZN Health and plans for implementation of SBIRT skills into health care practice and delivery.
Published: May 1, 2019
Presentation Slides
This presentation was given by the Deputy Director of the National Department of Health (DOH): Directorate of Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders, Mr. Kgalabi Ngako at the 2nd National Advisory Board Meeting for the South Africa HIV ATTC. This presentation details the partnership between National DOH and the South Africa HIV ATTC.
Published: May 1, 2019
Presentation Slides
This presentation was given by the Chair of the Central Drug Authority, David Bayever at the 2nd National Advisory Board Meeting for the South Africa HIV ATTC. This presentation details the NDMP and planned implementation strategy, as well as it’s overlap with the National Strategic Plan. The South Africa HIV ATTC will play a role in the successful implementation of the NDMP with a focus on training and technical assistance in addressing the behavioral drivers of HIV risk and outcomes.
Published: May 1, 2019
Presentation Slides
This presentation was given by the CEO of SANAC, Dr. Sandile Buthelezi at the 2nd National Advisory Board Meeting for the South Africa HIV ATTC. This presentation details South Africa’s National Strategic Plan for managing the HIV/TB/STI responses in South Africa.
Published: May 1, 2019
Presentation Slides
This presentation was given by the convener of South Africa’s Drug Policy Week, Mr. Shaun Shelly at the 2nd National Advisory Board Meeting for the South Africa HIV ATTC. This presentation details the current climate of drug policy in South Africa.
Published: May 1, 2019
Online Course
Supporting Recovery from Opioid Use: A Peer’s Guide to Person-Centered Care is a one-hour, self-paced course designed to equip peers and other outreach workers with information, resources, and practical tips to better understand opioids use disorders. Certificate of Completion Available
Published: May 1, 2019
Presentation Slides
  Presenter: Dr. Tracey Nichols (March 13th, 2019) Objectives ´Learn the benefits of Spirituality in recovery.   ´Learn how to implement Spirituality through recovery.    ´Learn different ways of embracing Spirituality.    ´Learn how to connect to your higher power within you.
Published: April 30, 2019
Presentation Slides
  Presenter: Rev. Robin Barnet (February 13th, 2019) Webinar Power Point Presentation Objectives Communities of Faith and community organizations identify their commonalities in order to collaborate and serve individuals with substance use disorders. ▪ Increase faith communities understanding of substance use disorders as a disease that adversely affects an individual's’ mental, physical and spiritual being. ▪ Increase faith communities knowledge of the distinction between Pastoral Care and Mental health/Substance use Treatment ▪ Increase the cultural sensitivity awareness of Providers and Communities of Faith, who serve individuals with mental health issues and substance use disorders.
Published: April 30, 2019
Presentation Slides
Presenter James E Campbell, LPC, LAC, MAC, CACII Objectives  Be provided with information regarding the prevalence of Substance Use Disorders in the general population Enhance understanding of both points of tension and common themes of the faith and treatment/recovery communities And Explore potential ways the faith community helps to meet the needs of individuals with substance use disorders
Published: April 30, 2019
Presentation Slides
MIA:STEP is a training for those that supervise or mentor treatment providers in a clinical setting and are expected to give feedback and coaching to help practitioners improve their skills and effectiveness. This training for clinical supervisors provides practical tools to be used to enhance treatment providers' Motivational Interviewing (MI) skills. 
Published: May 31, 2019
Presentation Slides
This training is an introduction to the evidence-based clinical method of Motivational Interviewing, an effective approach in the care of challenging clients, and will provide participants with an opportunity to explore creative ways of integrating these approaches. Motivational Interviewing is a client-centered, evidence-based, directive method for enhancing intrinsic motivation to change by exploring and resolving ambivalence. After orientation to the underlying spirit, structure, and principles of Motivational Interviewing, practical exercises will help participants strengthen empathy skills, recognize and elicit patient change talk, and roll with resistance.
Published: April 24, 2019
In partnership with an NIAAA funded project awarded to researchers at Rhode Island Hospital, we developed an intensive TA curriculum to promote the implementation of screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment into pediatric trauma centers. The curriculum includes an online orientation video, three self-paced webinars, self-paced submission of role plays with standardized case vignettes, and monthly coaching calls. Materials are currently being actively piloted and will be available in the ATTC Network once finalized.
Published: April 23, 2019
Professional boundaries set the parameters of effective and appropriate interaction between professionals and the persons they serve. They protect clients or patients as well as the provider. This course will discuss professionalism and ethics, dual relationships, how to build a safe working environment and maintain professional boundaries that are essential for practice and achieving client goals.   Agenda - Part One Module 1 - Training Overview and Introductions - Roles & Responsibilities of a Peer Advocate. Module 2 - Code of Ethical & Professional Conduct. Objectives: Define peer advocate responsibilities. Describe the difference between peer advocates, counselors and sponsors. List at least 4 categories in the Code of Ethical and Professional Conduct. Watch a Live Webinar Recording (Part One) at:   Agenda - Part Two Module 3 - Boundaries Module 4 - Professionalism Module 5 - Dual Relationships Module 6 - General Guidelines Objectives: Define Boundaries Describe the difference between peer advocates, counselors and sponsors. List at least 4 guidelines for professionals in the workplace. Define the term "dual relationships" and describe at least 5 dangers of dual relationships. State at least 3 guidelines for social media best practices on the job. Watch a Live Webinar Recording (Part Two) at:
Published: April 18, 2019
eNewsletter or Blog
Electronic newsletter featuring news and updates on events. April 2019 issue includes a feature article by Todd Molfenter and Matt Roosa on implementing evidence-based practices, resources for Alcohol Awareness Month, a recap of the NIATx Change Leader Academy in Minnesota. 
Published: April 15, 2019
Presentation Slides
Stigma is a major barrier preventing millions of people who are struggling with substance use from entering treatment today. This presentation is designed to help professionals break that stigma that creates an unnecessary barrier to treatment by understanding recovery oriented language and strategies that can be integrated into practice immediately. Participants will: Be able to identify use strengths based language to reduce stigma associated with substance use disorders. Be able to conceptualize the factors that influence stigma associated with substance use disorders and their consequences. Be able to discuss targets and interventions aimed at addressing stigma associated with substance use.
Published: February 27, 2019
Presentation Slides
This program focuses on criminogenic risk factors, evidence-based practices and treatment planning that will identify and target behavioral interventions and facilitate positive outcomes for clients. The use of actuarial risk, needs, responsivity factors (RNR) and how to integrate assessments to deliver supervision treatment planning that impacts the client relationships will be discussed. During this workshop, the Criminal Thinking scales instrument used in predicting general offending will also be explored. Attention is given to evidence-based strategies that deal with the critical needs of clients and correlates with behavioral changes that reduce the risk of reoffending. The methods used to facilitate this training will be small group discussions, experiential exercises ad case studies.
Published: March 15, 2019
Presentation Slides
This training provides information about the use of Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorders in the criminal justice system.
Published: April 9, 2019
Presentation Slides
This course consists of two interconnected components: an online course and a face-to-face training, and is intended for supervisors in substance use disorder (SUD) treatment and recovery settings. The course totals 30 contact hours and introduces clinical supervisors, along with persons preparing to become supervisors, to the knowledge and skills essential to the practice of supervision.The Clinical Supervision Foundations course is especially suited for: Beginning clinical supervisors; Clinical Supervisors who would like to enhance or review the fundamental skills needed to be a successful clinical supervisor; Counselors who are being groomed to become clinical supervisors; and Behavioral healthcare professionals who want to learn more about clinical supervision.
Published: March 13, 2019
Presentation Slides
This one-day workshop will provide a brief overview of the medical, psychological and behavioral aspects of opiate abuse/dependence. Agonist, partial agonist, antagonist and non-medication assisted therapy will be discussed and include:   a. Deciding factors between medication and non-medication assisted treatment b. Treatment protocols 
Published: March 3, 2019
eNewsletter or Blog
The April 2019 Dialogue features: Addiction: Alcohol and CAncer | Mental Health: Mental Health Problems Linked to How American Youth Spend Their Time | Prevention: Take Back Drug events for prevention | ORN: SUD Treatment Gap. Additional sections include upcoming training and webinar events, behavioral health observances, new resources, Region 3 news, and Region 3 Spotlight: National American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Technology Transfer Center. The Dialogue is designed to inform behavioral and mental health professionals of news and upcoming events in the Central East states. This electronic newsletter is disseminated on the first Tuesday of each month. We encourage you to provide any feedback or submit articles and topics for discussion in future issues of the newsletter. If you would like to be added to our mailing list to receive the Dialogue, news, and training announcements, sign up here.
Published: April 2, 2019
This webinar, presented by Ken C. Winters, PhD, provided an overview of the Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) model for use with adolescents who may be using substances. In addition to a look at the parts of the SBIRT model, Dr. Winters also discussed techniques for maximizing the quality of a teen's self-report, provided an overview of the components of several recommended brief interventions, and provided links to evidence-based tools and resources. Ken C. Winters, PhD is a Senior Scientist at the Oregon Research Institute (MN affiliate) and Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota. His primary research interests are the assessment and treatment of adolescent drug abuse. He is on the editorial boards of the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, and the Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. Dr. Winters received numerous research grants from the National Institute of Health and various foundations and published over 125 articles over a 30-year period. Over the past 10 years he has researched brief interventions and the SBIRT model. Download slides | Watch recording Webinar category: Specific populations
Published: March 27, 2019
Stigma often makes addicted and recovering people, family and friends, treatment professionals, community activists, and other stakeholders feel powerless, angry, and frustrated. This guide is designed to help people become empowered and to provide practical tools by which people can become involved in stigma prevention activities.    This resource provides practical information about a variety of approaches to prevent addiction-related stigma. Some are especially simple and can be initiated by individuals on their own. These include tips on using stigma-free language and writing letters to the editor. Some approaches are comprehensive, such as developing a community action group and implementing a community-based campaign.
Published: October 18, 2012
Print Media
Informed by the Region 8 Needs Assessment three priority areas have been used to inform Year 1 training and technical assistance events to date. For example, Enhanced Professional Learning Series (EPLS) on SBIRT, Motivational Interviewing (MI), Skill-based Videoconferencing (SbVC), and Technology-Based Clinical Supervision (TBCS) have been conducted throughout the Region. This report is a Year 1 Summary of Mountain Plains events used to inform our Advisory Board members of key events that occurred. 
Published: September 12, 2018
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The ATTC Network understands that words have power. A few ATTC products developed prior to 2017 may contain language that does not reflect the ATTCs’ current commitment to using affirming, person-first language. We appreciate your patience as we work to gradually update older materials. For more information about the importance of non-stigmatizing language, see “Destroying Addiction Stigma Once and For All: It’s Time” from the ATTC Network and “Changing Language to Change Care: Stigma and Substance Use Disorders” from the Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS).