Products and Resources - SAMHSA Reporting

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Behavioral health programs that thrive in the future will be those that do the best job of creating an inclusive organization. Staff appreciation, feelings of inclusion, and happiness have a direct impact on quality client care. In this skill-building virtual presentation, participants will learn why cultural humility is a more realistic goal than cultural competence. Topics will include how to help your co-workers feel appreciated, how to have a discussion of differences, micro-aggressions, micro-insults, and micro-invalidations; and a six- step strategy to repair damage if you insult a co-worker. Join this webinar to learn how to be a diversity change agent in the workplace and create an inclusive organization.   Creating an Inclusive Organization  
Published: October 26, 2021
eNewsletter or Blog
The November 2021 Dialogue contains articles on: Addiction: Native Americans & the Opioid Crisis | Mental Health: Spread Kindness | Prevention: Veterans and Substance Use Prevention | ORN: Mobile Clinics Reach Rural Areas | Spotlight: Dr. Ala Stanford Center for Health Equity (ASHE). Additional sections include upcoming training and webinar events, behavioral health observances, new resources, and Region 3 news. The Dialogue is designed to inform behavioral and mental health professionals of news and upcoming events in the Central East states. This electronic newsletter is disseminated bi-monthly on the first Tuesday. You are encouraged to provide us with any feedback or submit articles and topics for discussion in future issues of the newsletter, [email protected]. Sign up to receive the Dialogue in your mailbox. Visit the Dialogue Archives.
Published: November 3, 2021
eNewsletter or Blog
Monthly electronic newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.  November 2021 issue features the Counselor's Corner blog, new products from SAMHSA, and a complete calendar of events. 
Published: November 2, 2021
The National Hispanic and Latino Addiction Technology Transfer Center (NHL ATTC) and The National Hispanic and Latino Prevention Technology Transfer Center (NHL PTTC), both housed at The National Latino Behavioral Health Association (NLBHA), are pleased to deliver an incredible toolkit with several resources around the El Día De Los Muertos/Day of the Dead, Grief and Loss. Our goal with this toolkit is to not only normalize grief and offer options for healthy coping mechanisms, but also to help our communities to find support and healthy outlets to express their pain and grief. This is an extensive directory of resources that our team carefully prepared for you. You will find articles, webinars, fact sheets, support groups, books recommendations, videos, movies, and resources to approach the topic with children. Some of the resources are available in all three languages (English, Spanish and Portuguese). We hope these resources are useful for you and for your healing process. Please share it with your family, friends, and colleagues. Stay safe, healthy, and remember we are all in this together. Thank you. ¡Gracias! Obrigado. Español Los Centros Nacionales Hispano y Latino de Asistencia Técnica en Adicción y Prevención, ambos ubicados dentro de la Asociación Nacional Latina de Salud Mental y Adicciones, se complace en entregar esta increíble caja de herramientas con varios recursos alrededor de El Día de Los Muertos/Día de Muertos, Duelo y Pérdida. Nuestro objetivo con esta caja de herramientas es no sólo normalizar el duelo y ofrecer opciones para mecanismos de afrontamiento saludables, sino también ayudar a nuestras comunidades a encontrar apoyo y salidas saludables para expresar su dolor y pena. Este es un extenso directorio de recursos que nuestro equipo preparó cuidadosamente para usted. Encontrará artículos, seminarios web, hojas informativas, grupos de apoyo, recomendaciones de libros, videos, películas y recursos para abordar el tema con los niños. Algunos de los recursos están disponibles en los tres idiomas (inglés, español y portugués). Esperamos que estos recursos sean útiles para usted y para su proceso de curación. Por favor, compártalo con su familia, amigos y colegas. Mantente a salvo, saludable, y recuerda que estamos todos juntos en esto. Gracias. ¡Gracias! Obrigado. Portugués O Centro Nacional Hispânico-Latino de Treinamento e Assistência Técnica em Abuso de Substâncias (NHL ATTC) e o Centro Nacional Hispânico- Latino de Treinamento e Assistência Técnica em Prevenção (NHL PTTC), ambos sediados na Associação Nacional Latina de Saúde Mental e Abuso de Substâncias (NLBHA), têm o prazer de oferecer este kit de ferramentas incrível com diversos recursos sobre o Dia de Finados, Luto e Perda. Nosso objetivo com este kit de ferramentas é não apenas normalizar o luto e oferecer opções para mecanismos de enfrentamento saudáveis, mas também ajudar nossas comunidades a encontrar apoio e formas saudáveis para expressar sua dor e sofrimento. Este é um extenso diretório de recursos que nossa equipe preparou cuidadosamente para você. Você encontrará artigos, webinars, folhetos educativos, grupos de apoio, recomendações de livros, vídeos, filmes e recursos para abordar o assunto com crianças. Alguns dos recursos estão disponíveis nos três idiomas (Inglês, Espanhol e Português). Esperamos que esses materiais sejam úteis para você e para o seu processo de cura. Por gentileza, compartilhe com sua família, amigos e colegas. Fique seguro, saudável e lembre-se de que estamos todos juntos. Gracias. ¡Gracias! Obrigado. Introduction Videos        Directory of Resources This is an extensive directory of resources that our team carefully prepared for you. You will find articles, webinars, fact sheets, support groups, books recommendations, videos, movies, and resources to approach the topic with children.       Factsheets: Día De Los Muertos, How to honor those that we lost and deal with grief?     Factsheets: Grief and Loss in Hispanic and Latino Communities     Webinars Talking about Grief and COVID-19 in the Hispanic and Latin Community: Life Experiences and Therapeutic Strategies from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy [English]   Hablando sobre el duelo y el COVID-19: experiencias de vida y estrategieas terapéuticas desde la terapie de aceptación y compromiso [Español]   Conversando sobre Luto e COVID-19 na Comunidade Hispânica e Latina: Experiências de vida e Estratégias da Terapia de Aceitação e Compromisso [Portuguese]   Webinar Q&A Followup      
Published: November 1, 2021
  Traumatic Brain Injury and Substance Use Disorder Toolkit now available!!   Traumatic Brain Injury and Substance Use Disorders: Making the Connections merges the content on traumatic brain injury (TBI) and substance use disorders (SUD) to expand capacity to address both issues in treatment. The author, Dr. Carolyn Lemsky, is a board-certified neuropsychologist with over 25 years of experience working in rehabilitation settings in the U.S. and Canada. The toolkit provides valuable and practical information for advancing behavioral health providers’ capacity when serving persons who have brain injuries.   This toolkit is a collaboration between the National Association of State Head Injury Administrators, Mountain Plains Addiction Technology Transfer Center (Mountain Plains ATTC), and the Mid-America Addiction Technology Transfer Center (Mid-America ATTC).   Order a copy of the Traumatic Brain Injury and Substance Use Disorder Toolkit    
Published: October 27, 2021
Presentation Slides
View the slides from the presentation, “Adolescent Substance Use: An Evidence Update” with subject matter expert, Sarah Helseth, PhD, by clicking on the download button above.
Published: September 30, 2021
This month, our National Hispanic and Latino ATTC and PTTC would like to celebrate El Día De Los Muertos/ The Day of the Dead, as a traditional and healthy way to cope with the loss of those we love and care for. To learn more, please access our webpages: and Sources: #NLBHA #NHLATTC #NHLPTTC   Español  Nuestros Centros Nacionales Hispano y Latino ATTC y PTTC desean honrar El Día de Los Muertos como una forma tradicional y saludable de manejar la pérdida de aquellos que amamos y que son importantes para nosotros. Para obtener más información, visite: y Fuentes: #NLBHA #NHLATTC #NHLPTTC   Português Neste mês, nossos Centros Nacionais Hispânico-Latino ATTC e PTTC gostariam de homenagear o Dia de Finados, como uma forma tradicional e saudável de enfrentar a perda daqueles que amamos. Para obter mais informações, visite nossas páginas: e> Fontes: #NLBHA #NHLATTC #NHLPTTC  
Published: October 29, 2021
  Presenter: John Kelly, PhD, ABPP, Harvard University The goal of this webinar series from the CTN Western States Node and the Northwest and Pacific Southwest ATTCs is to help scholars and clinicians in the addiction field stay abreast of cutting edge science. In this session, John Kelly, PhD, ABPP of Harvard University discussed the fundamental causes of stigma and discrimination in relation to substance use disorder, reviewed some of the paradoxical findings from the latest stigma research, and suggested how stigma and discrimination might be more systematically addressed to enhance the clinical care and outcomes of individuals suffering from substance use disorder. Download slides | View recording    
Published: October 28, 2021
Traumatic Brain Injury and Substance Use Disorder Toolkit now available!! Traumatic Brain Injury and Substance Use Disorders: Making the Connections merges the content on traumatic brain injury (TBI) and substance use disorders (SUD) to expand capacity to address both issues in treatment. The author, Dr. Carolyn Lemsky, is a board-certified neuropsychologist with over 25 years of experience working in rehabilitation settings in the U.S. and Canada. The toolkit provides valuable and practical information for advancing behavioral health providers’ capacity when serving persons who have brain injuries. Click here to download a free digital copy Click here to order a hard copy (shipping and handling fees apply)  This toolkit is a collaboration between the National Association of State Head Injury Administrators, Mountain Plains Addiction Technology Transfer Center (Mountain Plains ATTC), and the Mid-America Addiction Technology Transfer Center (Mid-America ATTC).
Published: October 27, 2021
eNewsletter or Blog
The September 2021 Dialogue contains articles on: Addiction: Exploring Equity-Grounded Leadership and Recovery Stories | Mental Health: Saving Young Black Lives: Reversing Suicide Trends [Podcast] | Prevention: The Importance of Suicide Prevention and Recovery Services | ORN: Recovery Rising | Spotlight: Suicide Prevention Month. Additional sections include upcoming training and webinar events, behavioral health observances, new resources, and Region 3 news. The Dialogue is designed to inform behavioral and mental health professionals of news and upcoming events in the Central East states. This electronic newsletter is disseminated bi-monthly on the first Tuesday. You are encouraged to provide us with any feedback or submit articles and topics for discussion in future issues of the newsletter, [email protected]. Sign up to receive the Dialogue in your mailbox.
Published: September 7, 2021
eNewsletter or Blog
The July 2021 Dialogue contains articles on: Addiction: NIH Studies Mobile Clinics for HIV and SUD Treatment and Recovery Stories | Mental Health: Looking Back While Moving Forward: National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month | Prevention: BIPOC Mental Health Month | ORN: Compassion Fatigue | Region 3 Spotlight: WV Behavioral Health Workforce and Health Equity Training Center. Additional sections include upcoming training and webinar events, behavioral health observances, new resources, and Region 3 news. The Dialogue is designed to inform behavioral and mental health professionals of news and upcoming events in the Central East states. This electronic newsletter is disseminated bi-monthly on the first Tuesday. You are encouraged to provide us with any feedback or submit articles and topics for discussion in future issues of the newsletter, [email protected]. Sign up to receive the Dialogue in your mailbox.
Published: July 6, 2021
eNewsletter or Blog
The May 2021 Dialogue contains articles on: Addiction: New Buprenorphine Practice Guidelines & National Trauma Awareness Month | Mental Health: National Mental Health Awareness Month | Prevention: National Prevention Week 2021 & HIV Prevention | ORN: Fighting Stigma | Spotlight: Queer Affirming Therapy and DEA's Community Outreach Section. Additional sections include upcoming training and webinar events, behavioral health observances, new resources, and Region 3 news. The Dialogue is designed to inform behavioral and mental health professionals of news and upcoming events in the Central East states. This electronic newsletter is disseminated bi-monthly on the first Tuesday. You are encouraged to provide us with any feedback or submit articles and topics for discussion in future issues of the newsletter, [email protected]. Sign up to receive the Dialogue in your mailbox.
Published: May 4, 2021
TIC What’s in Your Soil: The Power of Community Join us for a heart-felt, wide-ranging discussion with our guest, Kim Shaw-Ellis, and get inspired by the power of being seen, valued, and connected, the power of intentional focus on goodness andways we get that which we seek, and the power of collaborating to solve problems that impact our communities and each other in ways that transform pain into joy and healing.
Published: September 23, 2022
Presentation Slides
Slides form the session Finding and Working with Self Through Cultural Ways of Crafting. This event took place on October 20th, 2021.  In cultural ways everyone has a craft. Through crafting the individual, family, or group can stay grounded in a good way. They can find themselves and further develop their relationship with their inner-selves and become more at peace with their place in the the world around them. The tools they acquire and the lessons they learn about themselves become a stronghold for well being, growth, and understanding.
Published: October 20, 2021
Recording of Finding and Working with Self Through Cultural Ways of Crafting. This event took place on October 20th, 2021. In cultural ways everyone has a craft. Through crafting the individual, family, or group can stay grounded in a good way. They can find themselves and further develop their relationship with their inner-selves and become more at peace with their place in the the world around them. The tools they acquire and the lessons they learn about themselves become a stronghold for well being, growth, and understanding.
Published: October 20, 2021
eNewsletter or Blog
This ATTC Addressing Addiction in our Native American Communities: Volume 7 Issue 2 was published in the Summer of 2021. 
Published: October 18, 2021
eNewsletter or Blog
Monthly e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC. The October 2021 issue features October awareness events, Counselor's Corner, and a complete calendar of events. 
Published: October 15, 2021
Online Course
This 3-hour course looks at laws and ethics related to clinician-client relationships for behavioral health professionals in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. Topics include sources for law and ethics standards, data on misconduct findings, state-specific laws, ethics codes, and real-life examples of ethics violations. The course meets the current ethics requirement among healthcare professionals in each of the four HHS Region 10 states (AK, ID, OR, WA). Written and presented by Eric Ström, JD, PhD, LMHC, a licensed mental health counselor and attorney in Seattle, WA. 3 hours Continued Education Available, NAADAC
Published: October 13, 2021
Recording of Peer Recovery Panel. In honor of Recovery Month, we are hosting a panel discussion on peer recovery! 
Published: October 12, 2021
Presentation Slides
Please join us for our event: Stimulant Use Disorders: A Continuum of Care on October 7th, 2021. Featuring our guest speaker, Ed Parsells!  Start 9:30am CT
Published: October 11, 2021
Please join us for our event: Stimulant Use Disorders: A Continuum of Care on October 7th, 2021. Featuring our guest speaker, Ed Parsells!  Start 9:30am CT
Published: October 11, 2021
Talking To Change: A Motivational Interviewing Podcast, hosted by Glenn Hinds and Sebastian Kaplan, is a series of conversations exploring Motivational Interviewing (MI) and its influence on supporting individuals and groups as they make positive health and lifestyle changes. Talking to Change: An MI Podcast. Episode 47: MI and Diabetes, with Judith Carpenter In this episode, Glenn and Sebastian talk to dietician Judith Carpenter about diabetes, responding to your “righting reflex” with “a kind heart,” effective directing, what’s been helpful for her when working with people who have diabetes (curiosity, evoking, and client feedback), ways to level power imbalances, psychological aspects of diabetes, and how MI can help when you’re worried about “opening the can of worms.”   
Published: October 8, 2021
Talking To Change: A Motivational Interviewing Podcast, hosted by Glenn Hinds and Sebastian Kaplan, is a series of conversations exploring Motivational Interviewing (MI) and its influence on supporting individuals and groups as they make positive health and lifestyle changes. Talking to Change: An MI Podcast. Episode 46: Reducing Burnout and Compassion Fatigue with Kristin Dempsey, EdD, and Ali Hall, JD  In this episode, Glenn and Sebastian talk to Kristin Dempsey and Ali Hall about compassion fatigue and burnout, including their recent focus on structural issues in organizations that have worsened due to COVID and climate crises, organizational responses to stress, why and how MI might be helpful for burnout, how MI can serve as a bridge to positive organizational outcomes, and other organizational strategies. In addition, Kristin leads a meditation for helping the helpers, and Ali discusses the concept of a “self-compassion” break.  
Published: October 8, 2021
Talking To Change: A Motivational Interviewing Podcast, hosted by Glenn Hinds and Sebastian Kaplan, is a series of conversations exploring Motivational Interviewing (MI) and its influence on supporting individuals and groups as they make positive health and lifestyle changes. Talking to Change: An MI Podcast. Episode 45: “Effective Psychotherapists” with Bill Miller and Terri Moyers  In this episode, Glenn and Sebastian talk to Drs. William R. Miller and Theresa B. Moyers, authors of “Effective Psychotherapists.” Bill and Terri describe their story of collaboration through research and writing, and talk about predicting therapy outcomes beyond techniques, empathy and genuineness, the internal experience and external skill, what not to do and how you can tell, learning the core characteristics through doing and feedback, belief in others, and how MI changed their lives.  
Published: October 8, 2021
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The ATTC Network understands that words have power. A few ATTC products developed prior to 2017 may contain language that does not reflect the ATTCs’ current commitment to using affirming, person-first language. We appreciate your patience as we work to gradually update older materials. For more information about the importance of non-stigmatizing language, see “Destroying Addiction Stigma Once and For All: It’s Time” from the ATTC Network and “Changing Language to Change Care: Stigma and Substance Use Disorders” from the Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS).