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Addiction Science Made Easy (ASME)

Research Brief Catalog

Addiction Science Made Easy, currently written by Meg Brunner, MLIS (Northwest ATTC and the NIDA CTN Dissemination Library), features two research papers per month, explaining the science in clear language and putting the findings in context for addiction workforce members. One paper typically comes from NIDA’s National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network (CTN), the other from a SAMHSA-funded project.
Evelien A. P. Poelen, et al.

Evelien A. P. Poelen, Eske M. Derks, Rutger C. M. E. Engels, Jan F. J. van Leeuwe, Ron H. J. Scholte, Gonneke Willemsen, Dorret I. Boomsma. (June 2008).  The relative contribution of genes and environment to alcohol use in early adolescents: are similar factors related to initiation of alcohol use and frequency of drinking?  Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research (ACER).  31(6):

Published: June 1, 2008
Tatiana Foroud, et al.

Tatiana Foroud, Leah Flury Wetherill, John Kramer, Jay A. Tischfield, John I. Nurnberger Jr, Marc A. Schuckit, Xiaoling Xuei, Howard J. Edenberg. (June 2008).  The Tachykinin Receptor 3 is associated with alcohol and cocaine dependence.  Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research (ACER).  31(6):

Published: June 1, 2008
Michael Livingston

Michael Livingston. (June 2008). A longitudinal analysis of alcohol outlet density and assault.  Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research (ACER).  31(6):

Published: June 1, 2008
Emily L.R. Harrison and Mark T. Fillmore

Emily L.R. Harrison and Mark T. Fillmore.  (July 2008).  Effects of alcohol on simulated driving and perceived driving impairment in binge drinkers.  Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research (ACER).  31(7):

Published: July 1, 2008
Robert W. Robin, et al.

Robert W. Robin, Denise Romano, Jane Robinson, Boris Meandzija, Ran Wu, Aryeh L. Levenson, Iva GreyWolf, Lawrence E. Chance, Colin A. Hodgkinson, David Goldman, and Verner Stillner.  (July 2008).  Naltrexone alone and with sertraline for the treatment of alcohol dependence in Alaska native and non-natives residing in rural settings: a randomized controlled trial.  Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research (ACER).  31(7):

Published: July 1, 2008
Kwangik Hong, Keri Bergquist, and Rajita Sinha

Kwangik Hong, Keri Bergquist, and Rajita Sinha.  (July 2008).  Gender differences in response to emotional stress: an sssessment across subjective, behavioral and physiological domains and relations to alcohol craving.  Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research (ACER).  31(7):

Published: July 1, 2008
Sandra A. Brown, Mark Myers, Ana Abrantes, Christopher W. Kahler.

Sandra A. Brown, Mark Myers, Ana Abrantes, Christopher W. Kahler.  (August 2008).  Social recovery model: an 8-year investigation of adolescent 12-step group involvement following inpatient treatment.  Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research (ACER).  31(8):

Published: August 1, 2008
Mark D. Wood

Mark D. Wood.  (August 2008).  Density of familial alcoholism and its effects on alcohol use and problems in college students.  Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research (ACER).  32(8):

Published: August 1, 2008
Karen Norberg, Kathleen K. Bucholz, and Laura J. Bierut

Karen Norberg, Kathleen K. Bucholz, and Laura J. Bierut.  (August 2008).  Correspondence between secular changes in alcohol dependence and age of drinking onset among women in the United States.  Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research (ACER).  32(8):

Published: August 1, 2008
Suzanne M. de la Monte, Ming Tong, Ariel C. Cohen, Donna Sheedy, Clive Harper, and Jack R. Wands

Suzanne M. de la Monte, Ming Tong, Ariel C. Cohen, Donna Sheedy, Clive Harper, and Jack R. Wands.  (September 2008).  Insulin and insulin-like growth factor resistance in alcoholic neurodegeneration. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research (ACER).  32(9): 1630 - 1644.

Published: September 1, 2008
Jukka T. Halme, Kaija Seppä, Hannu Alho, Sami Pirkola, Kari Poikolainen, Jouko Lönnqvist, and Mauri

Jukka T. Halme, Kaija Seppä, Hannu Alho, Sami Pirkola, Kari Poikolainen, Jouko Lönnqvist, and Mauri Aalto.  (September 2008).  Hazardous drinking: prevalence and associations in the Finnish general population.  Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research (ACER).  32(9): 1615 - 1622.

Published: September 1, 2008
William C. Kerr, Deidre Patterson, Mary Albert Koenen, and Thomas K. Greenfield

William C. Kerr, Deidre Patterson, Mary Albert Koenen, and Thomas K. Greenfield. (September 2008).  Alcohol content variation of bar and restaurant drinks in Northern California.  Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research (ACER).  32(9): 1623-1629.

Published: September 1, 2008
Allen Zweben, Helen M. Pettinati, Roger D. Weiss, Marston Youngblood, Christine E. Cox, Margaret E.

Allen Zweben, Helen M. Pettinati, Roger D. Weiss, Marston Youngblood, Christine E. Cox, Margaret E. Mattson, Prakash Gorroochurn, and Domenic Ciraulo. (September 2008).  Relationship between medication adherence and treatment outcomes: The COMBINE Study.  Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research (ACER).  32(9): 1661 - 1669.

Published: September 1, 2008
Michael S. Reich, Mary S. Dietrich, Alistair James Reid Finlayson, Edward F. Fischer,  Peter R. Martin

Michael S. Reich, Mary S. Dietrich, Alistair James Reid Finlayson, Edward F. Fischer,  Peter R. Martin. (October 2008). TI: Coffee and cigarette consumption and perceived effects in recovering alcoholics participating in Alcoholics Anonymous in Nashville, Tennessee. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (ACER). 32(10): 1799-1806.

Published: October 1, 2008
Elizabeth A. Parks, Andrew P. McMechan, John H. Hannigan, Robert F. Berman.

Elizabeth A. Parks, Andrew P. McMechan, John H. Hannigan, Robert F. Berman. (October 2008).  Environmental enrichment alters neurotrophin levels after fetal alcohol exposure in rats.  Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (ACER). 32(10): 1741-1751.

Published: October 1, 2008
Catherine Lebel, Carmen Rasmussen, Katy Wyper, Lindsay Walker, Gail Andrew,  Jerome Yager, Christian Beaulieu.

Catherine Lebel, Carmen Rasmussen, Katy Wyper, Lindsay Walker, Gail Andrew,  Jerome Yager, Christian Beaulieu. (October 2008).  Brain diffusion abnormalities in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.  Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (ACER).  32(10): 1732-1740.

Published: October 1, 2008
Nicolas Guéguen, Céline Jacob, Hélène Le Guellec, Thierry Morineau, Marcel Lourel.

Nicolas Guéguen, Céline Jacob, Hélène Le Guellec, Thierry Morineau, Marcel Lourel. (October 2008). Sound level of environmental music and drinking behavior: a field experiment with beer drinkers.  Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (ACER).  32(10): 1795-1798.

Published: October 1, 2008
Mary Waldron, Andrew C. Heath, Kathleen K. Bucholz, Pamela A. F. Madden, and Nicholas G. Martin.

Mary Waldron, Andrew C. Heath, Kathleen K. Bucholz, Pamela A. F. Madden, and Nicholas G. Martin. (November 2008). Alcohol dependence and reproductive onset: findings in two Australian twin cohorts. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research (ACER). 32(11): 1865 - 1874.

Published: November 1, 2008
Bridget Freisthler, Paul J. Gruenewald, Lori Ring, Elizabeth A. LaScala.

Bridget Freisthler, Paul J. Gruenewald, Lori Ring, Elizabeth A. LaScala. (November 2008). An ecological assessment of the population and environmental correlates of childhood accident, assault, and child abuse injuries. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research (ACER).  32(11): 1969-1975.

Published: November 1, 2008
Heidi E. Hutton, Mary E. McCaul, Patricia B. Santora, Emily J. Erbelding.

Heidi E. Hutton, Mary E. McCaul, Patricia B. Santora, Emily J. Erbelding. (November 2008).  The relationship between recent alcohol use and sexual behaviors: gender differences among sexually transmitted disease clinic patients.   Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research (ACER). 32(11): 2008-2015.

Published: November 1, 2008
Traci L. Toomey, Darin J. Erickson, Kathleen M. Lenk, Gunna R. Kilian.

Traci L. Toomey, Darin J. Erickson, Kathleen M. Lenk, Gunna R. Kilian. (November 2008).  Likelihood of illegal alcohol sales at professional sport stadiums.   Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research (ACER). 32(11): 1859-1864.

Published: November 1, 2008
Leggio L, Ferrulli A, Cardone S,
Leggio L, Ferrulli A, Cardone S, et al. Ghrelin system in alcohol-dependent subjects: role of plasma ghrelin levels in alcohol drinking and craving. Addict Biol. 2012;17(2):452–464. doi:10.1111/j.1369-1600.2010.00308.x
Published: December 1, 2008
Deborah A. Dawson, Risë B. Goldstein, S. Patricia Chou, W. June Ruan, Bridget F. Grant.

Deborah A. Dawson, Risë B. Goldstein, S. Patricia Chou, W. June Ruan, Bridget F. Grant. (December 2008). Age at first drink and the first incidence of adult-onset DSM-IV alcohol use disorders. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (ACER). 32(12): 2149-2160.

Published: December 1, 2008
Leah Wetherill, Marc A. Schuckit, Victor Hesselbrock, Xiaoling Xuei, Tiebing Liang, Danielle M. Dick, John Kramer, John I. Nurnberger Jr., Jay A. Tischfield, Bernice Porjesz, Howard J. Edenberg, Tatiana Foroud.

Leah Wetherill, Marc A. Schuckit, Victor Hesselbrock, Xiaoling Xuei, Tiebing Liang, Danielle M. Dick, John Kramer, John I. Nurnberger Jr., Jay A. Tischfield, Bernice Porjesz, Howard J. Edenberg, Tatiana Foroud.  (December 2008). Neuropeptide Y Receptor Genes Are Associated With Alcohol Dependence, Alcohol Withdrawal Phenotypes, and Cocaine Dependence.  Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (ACER). 32(12): 2031-2040.

Published: December 1, 2008
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