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Addiction Science Made Easy (ASME)

Research Brief Catalog

Addiction Science Made Easy, currently written by Meg Brunner, MLIS (Northwest ATTC and the NIDA CTN Dissemination Library), features two research papers per month, explaining the science in clear language and putting the findings in context for addiction workforce members. One paper typically comes from NIDA’s National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network (CTN), the other from a SAMHSA-funded project.
Babor, T. F., Xuan, Z. and Damon, D.

Babor, T. F., Xuan, Z. and Damon, D. (2013), A New Method for Evaluating Compliance with Industry Self-Regulation Codes Governing the Content of Alcohol Advertising. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1111/acer.12146

Published: July 1, 2013
Dick, D. M., Aliev, F., Latendresse, S. J., Hickman, M., Heron, J., Macleod, J., Joinson, C., Maughan, B., Lewis, G. and Kendler, K. S.

Dick, D. M., Aliev, F., Latendresse, S. J., Hickman, M., Heron, J., Macleod, J., Joinson, C., Maughan, B., Lewis, G. and Kendler, K. S. (2013), Adolescent Alcohol Use is Predicted by Childhood Temperament Factors Before Age 5, with Mediation Through Personality and Peers. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1111/acer.12206

Published: August 1, 2013
Kareken, D. A., Dzemidzic, M., Oberlin, B. G. and Eiler, W. J. A.

Kareken, D. A., Dzemidzic, M., Oberlin, B. G. and Eiler, W. J. A. (2013), A Preliminary Study of the Human Brain Response to Oral Sucrose and Its Association with Recent Drinking. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1111/acer.12194

Published: August 1, 2013
Levitt, A., Schlauch, R. C., Bartholow, B. D. and Sher, K. J.

Levitt, A., Schlauch, R. C., Bartholow, B. D. and Sher, K. J. (2013), Gender Differences in Natural Language Factors of Subjective Intoxication in College Students: An Experimental Vignette Study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1111/acer.12200

Published: August 1, 2013
Young-Wolff, K. C., Kasza, K. A., Hyland, A. J. and McKee, S. A.

Young-Wolff, K. C., Kasza, K. A., Hyland, A. J. and McKee, S. A. (2013), Increased Cigarette Tax is Associated with Reductions in Alcohol Consumption in a Longitudinal U.S. Sample. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1111/acer.12226

Published: September 1, 2013
Chung, T., Pedersen, S. L., Kim, K. H., Hipwell, A. E. and Stepp, S. D.

Chung, T., Pedersen, S. L., Kim, K. H., Hipwell, A. E. and Stepp, S. D. (2013), Racial Differences in Type of Alcoholic Beverage Consumed During Adolescence in the Pittsburgh Girls Study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1111/acer.12222

Published: September 1, 2013
Setiawan, E., Pihl, R. O., Dagher, A., Schlagintweit, H., Casey, K. F., Benkelfat, C. and Leyton, M.

Setiawan, E., Pihl, R. O., Dagher, A., Schlagintweit, H., Casey, K. F., Benkelfat, C. and Leyton, M. (2013), Differential Striatal Dopamine Responses Following Oral Alcohol in Individuals at Varying Risk for Dependence. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1111/acer.12218

Published: September 1, 2013
Lewis, B. and Nixon, S. J.

Lewis, B. and Nixon, S. J. (2013), Characterizing Gender Differences in Treatment Seekers. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1111/acer.12228

Published: September 1, 2013
Morris, D. H., Treloar, H. R., Niculete, M. E. and McCarthy, D. M.

Morris, D. H., Treloar, H. R., Niculete, M. E. and McCarthy, D. M. (2013), Perceived Danger While Intoxicated Uniquely Contributes to Driving After Drinking. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1111/acer.12252

Published: October 1, 2013
Bergman, B. G., Greene, M. C., Hoeppner, B. B., Slaymaker, V. and Kelly, J. F.

Bergman, B. G., Greene, M. C., Hoeppner, B. B., Slaymaker, V. and Kelly, J. F. (2013), Psychiatric Comorbidity and 12-Step Participation: A Longitudinal Investigation of Treated Young Adults. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1111/acer.12249

Published: October 1, 2013
Latvala, A., Rose, R. J., Pulkkinen, L., Dick, D. M. and Kaprio, J.

Latvala, A., Rose, R. J., Pulkkinen, L., Dick, D. M. and Kaprio, J. (2013), Childhood Verbal Development and Drinking Behaviors from Adolescence to Young Adulthood: A Discordant Twin-Pair Analysis. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1111/acer.12254

Published: October 1, 2013
Tolstrup, J. S., Stephens, R. and Grønbæk, M.

Tolstrup, J. S., Stephens, R. and Grønbæk, M. (2013), Does the Severity of Hangovers Decline with Age? Survey of the Incidence of Hangover in Different Age Groups. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1111/acer.12238

Published: October 1, 2013
van der Zwaluw, C. S., Otten, R., Kleinjan, M. and Engels, R. C. M. E.

van der Zwaluw, C. S., Otten, R., Kleinjan, M. and Engels, R. C. M. E. (2013), Different Trajectories of Adolescent Alcohol Use: Testing Gene–Environment Interactions. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1111/acer.12291

Published: November 1, 2013
Eliasen, M., Rod, M. H., Flensborg-Madsen, T., Petersen, J. H., Grønbæk, M. and Tolstrup, J. S.

Eliasen, M., Rod, M. H., Flensborg-Madsen, T., Petersen, J. H., Grønbæk, M. and Tolstrup, J. S. (2013), The Association Between Blood Alcohol Content and Cheerfulness, Focus Distraction, and Sluggishness Among Young Adults Attending High School Parties. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1111/acer.12268

Published: November 1, 2013
Arria, A. M., Caldeira, K. M., Vincent, K. B., Bugbee, B. A. and OGrady, K. E.
Arria, A. M., Caldeira, K. M., Vincent, K. B., Bugbee, B. A. and OGrady, K. E. (2013), False Identification Use Among College Students Increases the Risk for Alcohol Use Disorder: Results of a Longitudinal Study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1111/acer.12261
Published: November 1, 2013
Nakamura-Palacios, E. M., Souza, R. S. M., Zago-Gomes, M. P., de Melo, A. M. F., Braga, F. S., Kubo, T. T. A. and Gasparetto, E. L.
Nakamura-Palacios, E. M., Souza, R. S. M., Zago-Gomes, M. P., de Melo, A. M. F., Braga, F. S., Kubo, T. T. A. and Gasparetto, E. L. (2013), Gray Matter Volume in Left Rostral Middle Frontal and Left Cerebellar Cortices Predicts Frontal Executive Performance in Alcoholic Subjects. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1111/acer.12308.
Published: December 1, 2013
Mulia, N., Zemore, S. E., Murphy, R., Liu, H. and Catalano, R.
Mulia, N., Zemore, S. E., Murphy, R., Liu, H. and Catalano, R. (2013), Economic Loss and Alcohol Consumption and Problems During the 2008 to 2009 U.S. Recession. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1111/acer.12301.
Published: December 1, 2013
Jung, J.-G., Kim, J.-S., Kim, Y.-S., Oh, M.-K. and Yoon, S.-J.
Jung, J.-G., Kim, J.-S., Kim, Y.-S., Oh, M.-K. and Yoon, S.-J. (2013), Hypertension Associated with Alcohol Consumption Based on the Facial Flushing Reaction to Drinking. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1111/acer.12302
Published: December 1, 2013
Berner, M. M., Wahl, S., Brueck, R., Frick, K., Smolka, R., Haug, M., Hoffmann, S., Reinhard, I., Leménager, T., Gann, H., Batra, A., Mann, K. and the PREDICT study group
Berner, M. M., Wahl, S., Brueck, R., Frick, K., Smolka, R., Haug, M., Hoffmann, S., Reinhard, I., Leménager, T., Gann, H., Batra, A., Mann, K. and the PREDICT study group (2013), The Place of Additional Individual Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Alcoholism: A Randomized Controlled Study in Nonresponders to Anticraving Medication—Results of the PREDICT Study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1111/acer.12317.
Published: December 1, 2013
Holahan, C. J., Schutte, K. K., Brennan, P. L., Holahan, C. K. and Moos, R. H.
Holahan, C. J., Schutte, K. K., Brennan, P. L., Holahan, C. K. and Moos, R. H. (2014), Episodic Heavy Drinking and 20-Year Total Mortality Among Late-Life Moderate Drinkers. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1111/acer.12381.
Published: March 1, 2014
Epler, A. J., Tomko, R. L., Piasecki, T. M., Wood, P. K., Sher, K. J., Shiffman, S. and Heath, A. C.
Epler, A. J., Tomko, R. L., Piasecki, T. M., Wood, P. K., Sher, K. J., Shiffman, S. and Heath, A. C. (2014), Does Hangover Influence the Time to Next Drink? An Investigation Using Ecological Momentary Assessment. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1111/acer.12386.
Published: March 1, 2014
Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Wall, M. and Yeh, L. C.
Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Wall, M. and Yeh, L. C. (2014), International Alcohol Control Study: Pricing Data and Hours of Purchase Predict Heavier Drinking. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1111/acer.12359.
Published: April 1, 2014
Graham, K., Bernards, S., Wayne Osgood, D., Abbey, A., Parks, M., Flynn, A., Dumas, T. and Wells, S.
Graham, K., Bernards, S., Wayne Osgood, D., Abbey, A., Parks, M., Flynn, A., Dumas, T. and Wells, S. (2014), “Blurred Lines?” Sexual Aggression and Barroom Culture. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1111/acer.12356.
Published: April 1, 2014
Schmidt, T. P., Pennington, D. L., Durazzo, T. C. and Meyerhoff, D. J.
Schmidt, T. P., Pennington, D. L., Durazzo, T. C. and Meyerhoff, D. J. (2014), Postural Stability in Cigarette Smokers and During Abstinence from Alcohol. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. doi: 10.1111/acer.12409.
Published: May 1, 2014
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