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Addiction Science Made Easy (ASME)

Research Brief Catalog

Addiction Science Made Easy, currently written by Meg Brunner, MLIS (Northwest ATTC and the NIDA CTN Dissemination Library), features two research papers per month, explaining the science in clear language and putting the findings in context for addiction workforce members. One paper typically comes from NIDA’s National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network (CTN), the other from a SAMHSA-funded project.
Tomko RL, et. al
Tomko RL, et al. Incremental Validity of Estimated Cannabis Grams as a Predictor of Problems and Cannabinoid Biomarkers: Evidence from a Clinical Trial. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2018;182:1-7
Published: February 1, 2018
Carmody, T, et al.
Carmody T, et al. A Complier Average Causal Effect Analysis of the Stimulant Reduction Intervention using Dosed Exercise Study. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications 2018
Published: March 1, 2018
Gunner, NR
Gubner NR, el al. Menthol Cigarette Smoking Among Individuals in Treatment for Substance Use Disorders. Addictive Behaviors 2018;80:135-141
Published: March 1, 2018
Pagano, A, et al.
Pagano A, et al. Cigarette Smoking and Quit Attempts Among Latinos in Substance Use Disorder Treatment. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 2018 (in press).
Published: April 1, 2018
Wu LT, et al.
Wu LT, et al. Substance Use Disorders and Medical Comorbidities Among High-Need, High-Risk Patients with Diabetes. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2018
Published: April 1, 2018
Squeglia LM, et al.
Squeglia LM, et al. The Effect of N-Acetylcysteine on Alcohol Use During a Cannabis Cessation Trial. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2018;185:17-22
Published: May 1, 2018
McNeely, et al.
McNeely J, et al. Barriers and Facilitators Affecting the Implementation of Substance Use Screening in Primary Care Clinics: A Qualitative Study of Patients, Providers, and Staff. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice 2018;13:8. Free online at PubMed Central
Published: May 1, 2018
Sanchez, K, et al.
Citation: Sanchez K, et al. A Psychometric Evaluation of the Concise Health Risk Tracking Self-Report (CHRT-SR) — A Measure of Suicidality — in Patients with Stimulant Use Disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research2018 (in press).
Published: June 1, 2018
Barbosa-Leiker, C, et al.
Barbosa-Leiker, C, et al. Sex Differences in Opioid Use and Medical Issues During Buprenorphine/Naloxone Treatment. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 2018 (in press).
Published: June 1, 2018
Brown, JL, et al.
Brown JL, et al. Impact of Behavioral Drug Abuse Treatment on Sexual Risk Behaviors: An Integrative Data Analysis of Eight Trials Conducted Within the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network. Prevention Science 2018 (in press). [doi: 10.1007/s11121-018-0913-6]
Published: July 1, 2018
Crist, RC, et al.
Crist RC, et al. Pharmacogenetic Analysis of Opioid Dependence Treatment Dose and Dropout Rate. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 2018;44(4):431-440.
Published: July 1, 2018
Lapham GT, et al.
Lapham GT, et al. Prevalence of behavioral health conditions across frequency of cannabis use among adult primary care patients in Washington State. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2018 (in press). [doi: 10.1007/s11606-018-4558-8]
Published: August 1, 2018
Baker NL, et al.
Baker NL, et al. Biological Correlates of Self-Reported New and Continued Abstinence in Cannabis Cessation Treatment Clinical Trials. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2018;178:270-277.
Published: August 1, 2018
Zhu Y, et al.
Zhu Y, et al. Correlates of Long-Term Opioid Abstinence After Randomization to Methadone Versus Buprenorphine/Naloxone in Multi-Site Trial. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology 2018 (in press)
Published: September 1, 2018
Campbell ANC, et al.
Campbell ANC, et al. Brief Report: Gender differences in demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with opioid use disorder entering a comparative effectiveness medication trial. American Journal on Addictions 2018 (in press).
Published: September 1, 2018
Campbell, BK, et al.
Campbell BK, et al. Health Risk Perceptions and Reasons for Use of Tobacco Products Among Clients in Addictions Treatment. Addictive Behaviors 2018 (in press). [doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2018.08.037]
Published: October 1, 2018
Shulman M, et al.
Shulman M, et al. Cognitive Functioning and Treatment Outcomes in a Randomized Controlled Trial of Internet-Delivered Drug and Alcohol Treatment. American Journal on Addictions 2018 (in press).
Published: October 1, 2018
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