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Personalized Computer-Based Therapy Effective for Treatment-Resistant Methadone Patients

December 1, 2015
Kim, S.J., et al.
Kim SJ, et al. Can persons with a history of multiple addiction treatment episodes benefit from technology delivered behavior therapy? A moderating role of treatment history at baseline. Addictive Behaviors 2015 (in press). [Find more: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2015.11.009]
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In this study (not performed in the CTN), researchers examined the impact of replacing half the standard counseling sessions in a methadone maintenance program with TES.

This article may be of interest to those following the impact of NIDA Clinical Trials Network protocol CTN-0044, which examined the use of a web-delivered psychosocial treatment for substance use disorders called the Therapeutic Education System (TES).

Analyses found that standard +TES produced significantly better opioid abstinence than standard treatment alone for participants with:
a moderate or high frequency of lifetime SUD treatment episodes, and all three levels (low, moderate, and high) of detoxification and inpatient/outpatient treatment episodes.

The standard+TES condition also enhanced cocaine abstinence compared to standard treatment among participants with:

  • a moderate or high frequency of lifetime SUD treatment episodes,
  • a high level of detoxification episodes, and
  • a moderate or high level of inpatient treatment history.

Conclusions: Technology-based behavioral therapy as part of methadone maintenance treatment can be more effective than standard treatment alone, especially among patients with a history of multipleaddiction treatment episodes. This evidence underscores the finding that personalized computer-based SUD therapy offers promise for treatment-resistant patients who may require prolonged treatment and care.
