National Academy of Medicine
Resources to support the health and well-being of Clinicians during the COVID-19 outbreak.
ASAM COVID-19 Resources
American Society of Addiction Medicine shares guidelines covering topics such as access to Bupropenrine, adjusting drug testing protocols, infection mitigation, outpatient settings, telehealth access for addiction treatment, access to care in Opioid treatment programs and much more.
SMI Adviser’s list of evidence-based resources on COVID-19
Guidance to help support the mental health community during the COVID-19 crisis, SMI Adviser provides timely and authoritative resources, education, consultation, tools and more.
AAAP and Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS) Resources
AAAP and PCSS resources include: recorded webinars, online trainings, tip sheets, live webinars and more.
AMA Quick Guide to Telehealth in Your Practice
In an effort to keep our health care workers and patients safe amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the American Medical Association has designed resources to support physicians and practices in expediting the implementation of telemedicine.
AATOD Guidance to OTPs in Response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
View information on maintaining adequate supplies of medications and other vital materials. Also read about facility infectious disease control standards and how to protect your workforce.
APA's Practice Guidance for COVID-19
Guidance released by the Department of Health and Human Services, FDA and at the state level related to COVID-19 to assist psychiatrists with providing mental health and substance use services. Learn more on inpatient Psychiatric settings, Commercial Payers, Substance Use, Prior Authorizations, Disorders, and Telehealth & Telepsychiatry and COVID-19.
CDC Guidelines for In-Person On-site Treatment
For healthcare professionals learn tips on how to preserve supplies, care for patients, avoid potential exposure at work, first responder guidance, and more.
Elsevier's Novel Coronavirus Information Center (Clinical Resources Tab)
Elsevier’s free health and medical research on the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and COVID-19. Find clinical information, \research & drug discovery, public health and patient resources information.
The Lancet Coronavirus Resource Centre
This resource brings together new 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) content from across The Lancet journals as it is published. All of our COVID-19 content is free to access.
National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers COVID-19 Resources
Updated regularly, this is a collection of key member, industry, and federal resources curated by NAATP to meet the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. View messages from NAATP
Resources to Support Mental Health and Coping with the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Compilation of resources for the general public, parents and caregivers, mental health professionals, community leaders, and tribal populations.
Suggestions About Treatment, Care and Rehabilitation of People with Drug Use Disorder in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
In this article, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime addresses the safety of the staff and the patients, continuity of psycho-social therapies, as well as continuity of low-threshold services during the pandemic. (Moved from Resources for Everyone)
The Opioid Epidemic and COVID-19: How Social Determinants of Health Create Differential Impacts
Links to evidence-based resources and practices related to the virus.