This course is CCAR's Recovery Coach Academy. A Recovery Coach is anyone interested in
promoting recovery by removing barriers and obstacles to recovery and serving as a personal
guide for people seeking or already in recovery. The Recovery Coach Academy (RAC) is a 30-
hour training opportunity designed for those interested in becoming actively involved in serving
as a recovery coach. The training will provide participants a comprehensive overview of the
purpose and tasks of a recovery coach and will explain the various roles played by a recovery
coach. The training will provide participants tools and resources useful in providing recovery
support services and emphasizes the skills needed to link people in recovery to needed
supports within the community that promote recovery. Unequivocally, recovery coaches do not
provide clinical services. They do, however sometimes work with people experiencing difficult
emotional and physical states. As a result, the training provides participants with a basic
understanding crisis intervention and how to respond in crisis situations. In addition, skills and
tools on effective communication, motivational enhancement strategies, recovery action
planning and cultural competency will be offered.