The unique factors of client situations and perspectives are addressed through patient-centered care which is essential for helping individuals with substance use disorders and related concerns. This three-hour interactive training will focus on the core ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice and their correlation to the Canon of Ethical Principles for Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselors (CASAC).
Discussion will explore the origins of the “Do No Harm” concept, misinterpretations, and implications for practice. The content will review the application of core principles within the context of the 12 core functions of addiction counseling, and with sample case scenarios.
CREDITS: This training meets approval for 3 renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and 3 initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses are granted reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee. Many other states offer reciprocity - please check with your accrediting agency. This training is approved under the ASAP-NYCB Certification Board for CARC Elective & CARC/CRPA CE in addition to OASAS-approved hours.
NOTE: As of January 1, 2018, CASACs are required to complete a continuing, 6-hour requirement for OASAS approved ethics training. This training meets 3 of the 6 hours required for CASAC renewal.
Participants are required to attend the training in its entirety, turn on their video cameras, and actively participate in order to receive credit.