You are visiting us from Virginia. You are located in HHS Region 3. Your Center is Central East ATTC.

ESAS: Adolescent Brain Maturation and Health: Intersections on the Developmental Highway

This session will cover important information for understanding the impact of the changing brain during adolescence, and what providers should keep in mind, including:
1. The maturation of the adolescent brain likely contributes to behaviors that are characteristic of this developmental period.
2. This maturation also informs our understanding of risk for substance use disorders and other behavioral disorders.
3. Service providers can leverage teen brain science when working with adolescents and parents.

Starts: Sep. 2, 2020 5:00 pm
Ends: Sep. 2, 2020 6:30 pm
Registration Deadline
September 2, 2020
Event Type
Webinar/Virtual Training
Hosted by
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