This series is a sequence of three cumulative two-hour virtual sessions regarding stimulants, consumption, and community impact. The two-hour webinars will inform on the prevalence of stimulant use, define stimulant use disorder and related challenges, and recommended strategies for treatment.
Participants may join any or all sessions in the series. You must register for each course separately.
Course 2: Impact of Stimulant Use on the Brain and the Body
This session will review the fundamentals of neurobiology as it applies to cocaine and methamphetamine use. Review of the effects of acute and chronic stimulant use can help providers understand the potential impact on a person’s cognitive and memory functions and inform on conducive approaches for engagement and potential recovery pathways.
Credits: Each session meets the requirements for two renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and two initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses are granted reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee.