You are visiting us from Virginia. You are located in HHS Region 3. Your Center is Central East ATTC.

Implementing Motivational Interviewing in Virginia CSB - TOT Day 1


Central East ATTC is working with Virginia Community Services Board (CSB) to train agency staff in Motivational Interviewing: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Clinical Supervision. The project concludes with this training of trainers (TOT) sustain their capacity in MI. Additionally, intensive technical assistance on clinical supervision in the application of MI. The project initiated with the first of two MI Basic trainings, and a project launch meeting with the senior leadership of CSB. Intermediate MI training occurred, as well as intensive technical assistance sessions on MI in clinical supervision. The project timeline goes through October 2021. CSB has agreed to be a resource for continued capacity building among the VACSB membership.

This targeted Training of Trainers (TOT) is designed to increase the participant's knowledge of Motivational Interviewing techniques and its utility in behavioral health practices. In our ongoing effort to effectively address disparities of care and increase access to care in culturally and/or ethnically underrepresented communities, we encourage people of diverse backgrounds to enroll in this very important training.

Day 1 begins with much discussion about how MI “fits” with the multifaceted role of Peer Specialist.  And, of course, there will be discussion about how it may not fit.  It will address concerns about being a guide, a mentor, a confidante.  This day is about exploration and is tailored specifically to the role of coach rather than clinician.  Day 2 and Day 3 will focus much more on tools and techniques as we continue to show how the work of MI practitioner complements the role of RC.

## This is a closed event. ##


Christine Higgins

Starts: Sep. 23, 2021 8:00 am
Ends: Sep. 23, 2021 12:00 pm
Event Type
Virtual TA Session
Hosted by
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