In partnership with CODAC Behavioral Healthcare, the New England ATTC is providing a training on April 6, 2022. This training is facilitated by Robert Jope, LMHC, titled "Increasing Hepatitis C Knowledge for Behavioral Health and Medical Providers. The presentation is designed to instruct behavioral health and medical providers on opportunities for screening and testing for hepatitis C (HCV), incidence of viral infections and opioid injection drug use, treatment options and patient considerations, and essential elements of effective linkage to care for persons infected with HCV. Participants will also be given the opportunity to meet with the trainer in three subsequent sessions on 4/13, 4/20, and 4/27 from 1:30-2:00 to further review content from the training, ask questions, and to discuss barriers to using the skills learned in the training. [This is a private event by invitation only]