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Indigenous Psychology Part 2: Finding of the Future

In Part 2 of this behavioral health webinar, the presenters will offer suggestions on how to approach Indigenous peoples in a clinical way that also speaks to a worldview from an Ingenious perspective, and will conclude by providing some resources that may assist clinicians and community members in addressing the issues aforementioned. 


  •  Keaw’e Bone, EBCI, Lakota, and Hawaiian
  • Theresa Sault-Brill, Aniishinabek and Menominee


Please note your time zone:
1-3 ET . 12-2 CT . 11-1 MT . 10-12 PT . 9-11 AKST

Starts: Aug. 18, 2021 12:00 pm
Ends: Aug. 18, 2021 2:00 pm
Registration Deadline
August 18, 2021
Event Type
Webinar/Virtual Training
Hosted by
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