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La entrevista motivacional: un enfoque para facilitar el cambio (The Motivational Interview: An Approach to Facilitate Change) - Spanish Language Webinar (closed event for the Puerto Rico Department of Family Affairs)

Es una asistencia técnica enfocada en brindar habilidades en el enfoque de entrevista motivacional. Presenta el Modelo Transteórico de Cambio y sus etapas como herramientas para comprender cómo ocurre el cambio.(This is a technical assistance focused on providing skills in the motivational interview approach. Present the Trans theoretical Model of Change and its stages as tools to understand how change occurs.)



Starts: Dec. 3, 2021 9:00 am
Ends: Jan. 13, 2022 12:00 pm
Registration Deadline
December 17, 2021
Event Type
Webinar/Virtual Training
Hosted by
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