This webinar will provide a comprehensive overview of leveraging mobile units to address Substance Use Disorder (SUD) effectively. We will explore the potential of mobile units in both rural and urban settings, offering a range of services from harm reduction initiatives, to Buprenorphine induction, to HIV/STI testing. We will learn how to break down barriers, build community connections, and overcome challenges in implementing SUD services on mobile health units as well as discover practical strategies for billing, program expansion, and staff engagement, all within the context of fostering a supportive and stigma-free environment.
Participants will be able to:
Guest Speakers
Josh Esrick, MPP is the Chief of Training and Technical Assistance at Carnevale Associates, LLC. Mr. Esrick has over ten years of experience researching, writing,evaluating, and presenting on substance use prevention and other behavioral health topics.
Rebecca Trott, LCSW-C is the Program Manager of the Road to Recovery Program at the Anne Arundel County Department of Health. She oversees the program’s three opioid treatment programs, two located in the community and one located in a correctional center, in addition to an upcoming mobile narcotic treatment program.
Tracy Schulden, LCSW-C is the Deputy Director of Behavioral Health at the Anne Arundel County Department of Health in Annapolis, Maryland. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 32 years of experience working in a variety of treatment settings.