The training will explore evidence-based treatment options for pregnant people with opioid use disorder and best practices for family-centered care. As community providers we play a role supporting the transition from active addiction to long term recovery. Key to supporting this transition is helping those we serve build their Recovery Capital. In this training we will focus on the Recovery Capital as an organizing construct and how it can be leveraged to help strengthen recovery.
Sharon Hesseltine, BSW is the Executive Director of Intentional Development and Intentional Beginnings, small businesses (one being a non-profit) providing consultation, facilitation, and training to strengthen treatment and recovery support services for pregnant and parenting families as well as individuals who have substance use disorders, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and trauma. Sharon received her Bachelor of Science in Social Work from Southern Illinois University in 1981, and in 2011 completed a 2-year post-graduate Certificate in Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health from the University of Minnesota. For over 35 years Sharon has worked in Public Health and specialized in early childhood development, women’s health, substance use disorder and recovery support services.