The New England ATTC, in partnership with the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services is providing targeted technical assistance in Contingency Management on 6/30/23 with subject matter expert Carla Rash. Contingency management (CM) is an effective behavioral intervention that provides tangible reinforcement when target behaviors are completed and objectively verified. A large body of literature supports CM’s use for the treatment of persons with substance use disorders (SUDs). Many applications of CM in treating SUDs focus on abstinence, providing monetary rewards or prizes when clients provide objective evidence of abstinence from drugs (e.g., urine samples). Contingency management has also been adapted successfully to reinforce other behaviors, including treatment attendance, medication adherence, and treatment-related activities (e.g., submitting job applications, attending medical appointments). This workshop will review the application of CM to promote positive behavior change in substance use disorder treatment settings. Attendees will learn how to design and implement an effective CM program. Specifically, the 1) theoretical underpinnings and supporting empirical literature, 2) different types of CM programs (i.e., voucher, prize), 3) effective design features, and 4) most common deviations from evidence-based protocols and how to avoid them. [This is a private, targeted technical assistance (TA) event. If you are interested in similar TA please contact [email protected]]