This virtual conference will focus on the integration efforts that support a collaborative healthcare approach. Professionals working in these areas will be able to increase their knowledge of new updates in an interprofessional environment. These clinical updates are designed to assist in creating comprehensive screening protocols in primary care, substance use treatment, and infectious disease and sexual health clinics.
Physicians, physicians assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners, case managers, social workers, students of health professions, and other members of the healthcare team. Professionals and students in infectious disease, sexual health and family planning, substance use, behavioral health, mental health, and primary care are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Accreditation information is listed on the registration page.
Please email [email protected] or call 412-624-1895 with any questions.
This training is a collaboration between the Mid-Atlantic Education and Training Center, The Danya Institute, the Central East TTCs (ATTC, MHTTC, PTTC), and the STD/HIV Prevention Training Center at Johns Hopkins.