Do your presentations inspire and influence your audiences? Do you know how to tackle tough topics and information overload? We use presentations as one of our primary strategies to share content knowledge, build skills, ignite calls to action and affect culture change. Many of us have attempted to create compelling presentations, however, most of us never receive any formal training in presentation design - despite all we expect presentations to do for us. In this three-hour virtual workshop, participants will learn practical skills to plan and deliver exceptional presentations using the tools and resources they already have.
Please note: There is limited capacity for this event. If registration for the training is full, you will be added to a waitlist and notified if space opens up.
Both are certified prevention specialists with 30 years’ combined experience in the field. They’ve spent the last several years researching and testing ways to not only capture and hold an audience’s attention but to also inspire audiences. They’ve spent countless hours refining the presentation planning process, identifying free resources, and learning how to maximize the tools they already had. It’s also important to know that they aren’t graphic designers, artists, or especially tech-savvy. Everything they do, you can do too. They’ve presented at the Community Anti Drug Coalitions of America’s Leadership Forum, the Maine Public Health Association Annual Meeting, the New England Institute of Addiction Studies, the New England School of Best Practices, and provided training and technical assistance to non-profit organizations throughout New England. They have been featured on the Organizing for Change podcast and have an on-demand webinar available through the New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center.
This webinar is a collaboration between the Central East ATTC, the Central East MHTTC, and the Central East PTTC. |