The New England ATTC in partnership with RICARES is providing a basic/universal TA session titled “Predictors of Retention and Drug Use Among Patients With Opioid Use Disorder Transferred to a Specialty “Second Chance” Methadone Program” on 11/16/23 from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM. One of the main barriers to treatment for people in recovery from substance use disorder is that many treatment programs require participants’ sobriety. The researchers in this study designed a “Second Change” methadone treatment program for people who had been discharged from other treatment programs. This “Second Chance” program focused more on keeping people in treatment versus keeping people substance-free. This study showed that people in methadone treatment who struggle to be abstinent from substances may be helped by treatment programs that prioritize keeping people in treatment over sobriety and that higher methadone doses can help people to stay in treatment and to not use opioids. Register now!
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