This training is intended for professionals that intend to bill for SBIRT services
SBIRT is an evidence-based practice that uses a preventive public health approach to identify and intervene with persons whose patterns of use puts them at risk for, or are experiencing substance-related health problems, and deliver referrals to treatment for persons with a high potential for substance use disorders.
The National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2019 report indicated that 165 million people in the US had used illicit drugs in the previous month from when the surveys were conducted, and 65.8 million were binge drinkers. Many will not meet the criteria of alcohol or substance use disorder, highlighting SBIRT as an essential intervention to integrate in health care and behavioral health settings. This course will review validated instruments used to screen for substance use, how to provide a brief intervention, and essential components of successful facilitation of referrals to specialized care.
Participant Criteria: This SBIRT 4-hour course meets NYS OASAS training requirement for Qualified Health Professionals (i.e., Licensed Social Workers, occupational therapists, physicians, PAs, RNs, licensed psychologists, certified rehabilitation counselors, therapeutic recreation specialists, licensed marriage and family therapists, and licensed mental health counselors), who intend to bill for SBIRT services in their settings.
Dates: March 15 and March 17, 9:00-11:00 (ET)
Credits: This training meets the requirements for four renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and four initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). Participants must attend both sessions IN THEIR ENTIRETY to receive a certificate of completion.
All participants registering are required to turn on their video cameras and to actively participate in order to receive credit.