Substance use, addiction, and overdose are significant issues facing our communities. As faith leaders, it is critical that we are aware of and engaged in being a part of the solution through actively caring for the people both inside and outside the walls of our houses of worship.
This virtual presentation is sponsored by the Southeast ATTC Regional Center and will focus on one faith community’s journey towards being a part of the solution and outline some practical steps they have taken to care for their community well in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina. Mental Health Specialists, Addiction Specialists, treatment providers, peer support communities, and faith community-based organizations in Region 4 are encouraged to register for free.
1. Identify stages of substance use in their local community and responses for each
2. List three ways their faith community could be involved in caring for those struggling with substance use disorder
3. Verbalize a way to differentiate those struggling with substance use in order to respond appropriately
4. Articulate the importance of how faith communities can effectively impact the community as a whole
Rev. Lance Rhoades
Dramatically touched by God as a teenager, Lance Rhoades has been a trailblazer in active ministry for over 20 years. He is currently the senior pastor at Tree of Life Open Bible Church in the Brookline section of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He moved the church from Oakland to Brookline after renovating an iconic church building. This move lead him to oversee many community outreach projects, including a clothing closet, daily hot food programs, a preschool and recovery initiatives.
He also serves as Open Bible East Allegheny District Director and now has partnered with key stakeholders in the South Pittsburgh region to lead the South Pittsburgh Opioid Action Coalition (SPOAC) to reduce opioid overdoses in this area.