About the Listening and Discussion Series: Emerging Issues Around Covid-19 and Social Determinants of Health for the Substance Use Prevention, Treatment and Recovery Workforces
The Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Network, and the Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) Network are facilitating a FREE, national online discussion and resource sharing opportunity for the substance use (SU) prevention, treatment, and recovery workforces focused on emerging issues around social determinants of health (SDH) and COVID-19.
Join us to huddle with other SU prevention, treatment, and recovery workforce professionals and engage around key emerging issues related to SDH, strategize and share ways to address these issues, and identify key tools and resources useful to the field. We will host one initial open Listening Session (90 minutes) to frame the upcoming Strategic Discussions and share key resources. This Listening Session will be followed by a series of Strategic Discussions (60 minutes) where invited speakers from the field will discuss emerging issues, strategize and share ways to address these issues, and identify key tools and resources useful to the field. The Listening Session will not be recorded, but we will capture key themes from the conversation to share. The five Strategic Discussions will be recorded and uploaded to the SDH & COVID Discussion Series web-pages, along with other tools and resources, on the ATTC Network site and the PTTC Network site.