With the development, integration and expansion of problem solving (treatment/therapeutic) courts around the nation and an increase presence of professional social workers and psychologist in courtrooms, probation, parole and other criminal justice settings the notion of treatment rather than incarceration is fully supported and integrated into the judicial system and valued by most Judges and legal counsel. As a result, the need for justice involved treatment providers are in great demand. This workshop has been specifically designed to assist clinical and administrative professionals in the development, implementation and maintenance of creating and maintaining a justice involved treatment program/track. This six-hour interactive workshop will provide participants with an in-depth overview of all problem-solving courts (including Drug, DWI, Veteran and Opioid courts) and clearly outline providers’ expectations and obligations (communication, toxicology testing) once a partnership has been formed. Participants will be introduced to a step-by-step process of how to create a criminal justice network and come to understand what judges expect from a provider relationship. Participants will understand the role of parole and probation, and how that relationship can impact the overall treatment process. Lastly, participants will become familiar with the various evidenced-based practices that problem-solving courts and other criminal justice professionals look for when referring to treatment providers.
Credits: This training meets the requirements for four renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and four initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). Participants must attend the session IN ITS ENTIRETY to receive a certificate of completion. SW CEUs will be available for LMSWs and LCSWs through New York State Education Department’s Board for Social Work