You are visiting us from Virginia. You are located in HHS Region 3. Your Center is Central East ATTC.

Federal Training Center Partners

The Federal Training Center Collaborative (FTCC) is an initiative of federal training centers with similar or related missions. The goal of the FTCC is to increase training collaboration in overlapping focus areas while maximizing the use of training resources.

Sylvie Ratelle STD/HIV PTC of New England

In conjunction with regional medical schools and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, the Sylvie Ratelle STD/HIV PTC of New England offers courses for healthcare providers in the diagnosis, treatment and management of sexually transmitted diseases and the prevention of human immunodeficiency virus [HIV].


These offerings meet a continuing need for effective training in STD clinical services in support of disease prevention, and are a primary source of post graduate STD education for medical professionals. PTC courses are provided primarily for health professionals in Region 1, which includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont.


The National Network of STD Clinical Prevention Training Centers (NNPTC) has launched the STD Clinical Consultation Network (STDCCN), the first online STD consultation system for providers. STDCCN provides free STD clinical consultation services to health care providers in 1-5 business days, depending on urgency.  The expert faculty at our eight regional PTCs will respond to STD consultation requests within their region. Operating nationally five days a week, during business hours, the STDCCN is convenient, simple, and free.


Online at: or




AETC of New England


The New England AIDS Education and Training Center (NEAETC), established in 1988, is one of eight Regional Education Centers and four National Centers, funded by Health Resources Service Administration (HRSA) with Ryan White Part F dollars and sponsored regionally by Commonwealth Medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

The AETC Program is administered by Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) HIV/AIDS bureau. The goal of our program is to provide education and clinical training opportunities for health care providers addressing effective counseling, diagnosis, treatment, care management of individuals living with HIV/AIDS, as well as to assist in prevention efforts. The project serves Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. The NEAETC offers programs in collaboration with community health centers, Ryan White affiliates, hospitals and medical centers, state and local health departments, AIDS service organizations, medical, nursing, dental and osteopathic schools, and other community agencies.

NEAETC provides training and education for nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians, physician assistants, social workers, dentists as well as other health care providers. We offer multiple educational opportunities including clinical consultation and skills building and we provide nurse, physician and social worker continuing education credits (CEU and CME) for many of our programs. Our programs enhance competency in HIV prevention and care, improving services for people living with HIV infection.




