Home > News > 53rd Annual New England Summer School of Addiction and Prevention Studies 2022 - Virtual
For 29 years, the New England ATTC has served as a proud regional workforce development partner for The New England School of Addiction and Prevention Studies, commonly called Summer School. The Summer School is an intensive 5-day learning experience, taking place June 6 -10, 2022, designed to advance the knowledge, skills, and experience of the addiction, treatment, and recovery workforce. The New England ATTC is hosting a number of plenary sessions and specialized courses focused on treatment and recovery support services to address specific needs of the regional workforce including (but not limited to): (1) Working with People in the Criminal Justice System; (2) A Revolution in Care: Integrating Harm Reduction Into Treatment and Recovery; (3) Opioid Use Disorder & Treatment 101: Understanding the Disorder, Treatment and Protocol; (4) De-escalation & Engagement Strategies: A Trauma Informed Approach; (5) Social Inequalities and Injustices That Impact Our Work; and (6) Spirituality & Holistic Faith-Based Efforts to Address Addiction.
Register and view courses at the Summer School School website!
As the COVID-19 challenges continue, In order to meet your continuing education needs amidst uncertainty, we are pleased to once again take the 53rd Summer School learning community online:
Select from over 30 intensive courses from across the continuum of treatment, prevention, and recovery.
Virtual courses will take place live by videoconference, allowing for course group work and interaction.
In addition to courses: plenary sessions, virtual community, and more!
Options are available to attend the full program, or any number of days.
Earn up to 26 Contact Hours during the week.
New England summer programs have been developed to respond to specific needs in our regional workforce. Participants may attend offerings specifically for treatment, prevention, or recovery support, or select courses of interest to all.
The Summer School provides wonderful combined learning opportunities for participants working in different areas of the behavioral health services continuum.
Please join us for new knowledge, skills, virtual networking and continuing education contact hours in June!
Partial New England State Scholarships are available from most New England states.
The Summer School is appropriate for all who recognize the impact of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs on individuals, families, and communities. We hope to see you at this year’s Virtual Summer School!