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Published: 12/20/2024
Invitation to Change Family Support Group Project What is the Invitation to Change (ITC) Approach? The Invitation to Change model was developed by CMC: Foundation for Change and focuses on building communication skills, improving family relationships and self-care for families. Support groups can be facilitated by paid or volunteer community members, peer support specialists or clinicians. The […]
Published: 11/21/2024
The University of Texas Addiction Research Institute is pleased to share that we have beenrefunded by the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration for another five yearfunding cycle (September 2024 – September 2029) for the Region 6 South Southwest AddictionTechnology Transfer Center. We are honored to continue our 32 year role developing andstrengthening the specialized […]
Published: 11/20/2024

This Learning Community is an intensive, collaborative, interactive professional learning opportunity focused on the integration of hepatitis C (HCV) services into office-based opioid treatment (OBOTs) and Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs). It is based on the Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Network’s Your Guide to Integrating HCV Services into Opioid Treatment Programs. HCV services include prevention education, screening, antibody […]
Published: 04/26/2024
What is the Invitation to Change (ITC) Approach? The Invitation to Change model was developed by CMC: Foundation for Change and focuses on building communication skills, improving family relationships and self-care for families. Support groups can be facilitated by paid or volunteer community members, peer support specialists or clinicians. The Invitation to Change model and strategies are […]
Published: 03/29/2024
Check out the new resource from South Southwest ATTC and Faith Partners, Inc. a non-profit 501©3, which was founded in 1995 by religious leaders seeking ways to mobilize faith communities’ resources to address alcohol and drug issues in their communities. Faith Partners provides the leadership, training, educational materials and consultation to initiate, develop and sustain […]
Published: 12/18/2023
History of National Recovery Month National Recovery Month, which started in 1989, is a national observance held every September to promote and support new evidence-based treatment and recovery practices, the nation’s strong and proud recovery community, and the dedication of service providers and communities who make recovery in all its forms possible. SAMHSA aims to […]
Published: 09/05/2023
New resource out from SAMSHA this week! Connecting Communities to Substance Use Services: Practical Tools for First Responders This guide provides practical, evidence-based information that first responder agencies, their partners, and communities can use to implement or expand practices and programs for linking people to substance use services. During their day-to-day work, […]
Published: 08/18/2023
SAMHSA Harm Reduction Framework The SAMHSA Harm Reduction Framework is the first document to comprehensively outline harm reduction and its role within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The Framework will inform SAMHSA’s harm reduction activities moving forward, as well as related policies, programs, and practices. The Framework Provides a roadmap […]
Published: 07/20/2023
June is Pride Month! While we take time to celebrate the achievements of the LGBTQIA+ community, the origin of Pride month is clouded in devastating riots and clashes with police resulting in what became known as the Stonewall Riot in 1969 on June 28th. That day marked the first of 6 days when gay and […]
Published: 06/07/2023
Rich Rosing, a professor at Houston Community College in the Human Service Technology Program and a member of the South Southwest ATTC Educational Consortium has helped make strides in reducing stigma in the substance use treatment field by proposing new DAAC (Drug and Alcohol Abuse Counseling) course titles for all community colleges across Texas that […]
Published: 02/21/2023
SAMHSA Proposes Update to Federal Rules to Expand Access to Opioid Use Disorder Treatment and Help Close Gap in Care Changes Would Make Permanent COVID-Timed Medication Flexibilities, and Update Decades-Old Definitions and Standards for Opioid Treatment Programs at a time when fewer than 1 out 10 Americans can access treatment for substance use disorder. Public […]
Published: 12/13/2022
SSW ATTC is pleased to introduce Kasey Claborn, Ph.D. as our new Co-Director as of September 1, 2022. We are thrilled to have her as part of our team, as well as in leadership of the Addiction Research Institute, where SSW ATTC resides at the University of Texas Austin. Dr. Claborn is a licensed clinical […]
Published: 09/06/2022
The Mental Health Awareness Training (MHAT) advisory will promote implementation of MHATs by targeting the workplace more broadly, from traditional settings to places in the community people go all the time. More Information
Published: 09/02/2022
This advisory discusses the role of peer support workers and models of peer support services that are available to assist individuals who are experiencing a crisis. Peer support services are a vital component of crisis care. More Information
Published: 09/02/2022
Smoking cessation during treatment is crucial to the physical health of the client and can improve treatment outcomes for their behavioral health disorders. Download the toolkit.
Published: 06/02/2022
Published: 07/02/2021
SAMHSA has published a series of Advisories based on existing Treatment Improvement Protocols (TIPs) and Technical Assistance Publications (TAPs). These Advisories summarize updated guidance and recommendations on topics in the substance use disorder (SUD) treatment field. The new Advisories include: Advisory: Comprehensive Case Management for Substance Use Disorder Treatment Published: January 2021 This Advisory is based on TIP 27, Comprehensive Case Management for Substance Abuse Treatment. It surveys the underlying […]
Published: 02/09/2021
Download the PDF Developed by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). Contact
[email protected] for inquiries.
Published: 09/24/2020
South Southwest ATTC: Implementing Remote Technology In a Time of Crisis
Published: 06/25/2020
Double Jeopardy: COVID-19 and Behavioral Health Disparities for Black and Latino Communities in the U.S. (Submitted by OBHE) Download the 5 page report
Published: 06/11/2020
PUBLIC HEALTH UPDATE FROM CDC AND SAMHSA: As the situation with COVID-19 rapidly evolves, SAMHSA is promoting the use of evidence-based resources and practices related to the virus. To avoid duplication of efforts, SAMHSA-funded initiatives, including South Southwest ATTC, are disseminating information provided by SAMHSA or the CDC. Refer to the following links: CDC’s COVID-19 […]
Published: 03/25/2020
Hepatitis C Prescriber Toolkit Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has just released state-specific resources to assist providers in navigating health coverage requirements that may impact the prescription of hepatitis c treatment. It is a easy, online, user friendly guide that allows providers to look up guidelines along the lines of prescribing restrictions, patient assistance programs, […]
Published: 12/09/2019
Looking For Substance Use Treatment in your community? In 2018, more than 19.3 million Americans adults reported to have a substance use disorder. With that number raising daily, finding proper treatment has been extremely hard. To help combat the opioid crisis, the "Department of Health and Human Services’s Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) […]
Published: 11/06/2019