Part one of the Moral Reconation Therapy webinar series was held on February 26th, 2020, and registration for part two of this series is now open!
During the first part of the series, "The What, The How, & The Why: Over 30 Years of Organic Success with Moral Reconation Therapy MRT®," Dr. Ken Robinson, Co-Developer of MRT®, shared a historical perspective of the model, how it's implemented, and some of the results from over 30 years of research and outcome data.
The second part of this series, "Building Successful Programs: Implementing MRT® in Drug Courts," will focus on the details involved in implementing MRT within drug courts. Dr. Ken Robinson, Co-Developer of MRT will share some frequently asked questions regarding MRT implementation. Additionally, attendees will have the opportunity to view a video of a Mock MRT Group, with MRT Trainers playing group participants attending a meeting. This webinar will be held on April 15, 2020 at 1PM ET.
Click here to register!