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Recovery Science and Harm Reduction Reading Group

May 20, 2021

The Recovery Science and Harm Reduction Reading Group is an interdisciplinary reading group that meets to discuss a recent journal article on a topic related to recovery science and/or harm reduction. We will meet on the third Thursday of each month from 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EST. Our target audience is people who use drugs or in recovery, their family and friends, peer recovery specialists, care providers, policymakers, students, researchers, and anyone else interested.

This Reading Group will take place using Zoom, and registration is optional. To support participants sharing their experiences we do not record the Reading Group meeting. We hope to continue the great conversations seen at previous meetings.

To register for upcoming events, view meeting summaries from past events, and access additional resources, visit the Recovery Science and Harm Reduction Reading Group Website

Roundtable Image


April 15th 2021: Discussed the work from Dr. Brooke Rogers and colleagues - "Adapting Substance Use Treatment for HIV Affected Communities During COVIDā€‘19: Comparisons Between a Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) Clinic and a Local Community Based Organization" 

May 20th 2021: Discussed the work from Rhys Price-Robertson, Angela Obradovic, and Brad Morgan - "Relational Recovery: Beyond Individualism in the Recovery Approach"



The New England ATTC Harm Reduction Coordinator, Dr. Brendan Jacka, serves as the co-lead organizer of the RSHR Reading Group alongside Jon Soske, PhD at RICARES, and in collaboration with the People Place & Health Collective at Brown University School of Public Health.


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