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Southeast ATTC | New Faith Product: The Experience of Spirituality in Recovery

March 29, 2021


We are excited to release one of the newest products under our strategic faith initiative "Let's Have the Conversation: One Voice, One Mission"!




Strategic Initiative Mission

  • Dialogue and strengthen the substance use disorder knowledge for people working in communities of faith.
  • Teach communities of faith how to be a catalyst for change in their communities.
  • Teach faith communities how to spark the conversation that “recovery is real, and treatment does work”
  • Bridge the gap between faith systems and community providers.
  • Empower faith communities to reduce the stigma associated with substance use disorders.
  • Provide measurable results for our target population.
  • Build capacity associated with substance use disorders that will aid in creating powerful and sustainable recovery ministries.
  • Promote access to services and resources that will empower communities and their partners in addiction. 
  • The SATTC will help Faith Leaders create a welcoming and supportive environment.


About the product:

The Southeast Addiction Technology Transfer Center (Southeast ATTC) is preparing an in-depth monograph on the power of spiritual ity in SUD recovery, scheduled for release in Spring, 2021. Meant for treatment, recovery, and faith audiences, the monograph will offer data on effectiveness , wisdom from history, and an abundance of suggestions for treatment, recovery, and faith leaders. Meanwhile, we are releasing two issue briefs, each offering a look at one facet of the monograph.

This Issue Brief #2 looks beyond the evidence to the human experience of spirituality as it has been described in the science-based literature on substance use disorders and recovery. Download Issue Brief #1 HERE.


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