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Spirit of Communication: MI Training - McKinleyville, CA

January 30, 2020

On January 13th-14th, the National AI/AN ATTC Manager, Steve Steine, and ATTC consultants, Kathy and Kevin Tomlin, provided a pilot presentation of the “Spirit of Communication: Culturally Adapted Motivational Interviewing” training. Thirty-two local treatment providers attended the event held at the Two Feathers NASF (Native American Family Services) in McKinleyville, CA. This two-day event offered a preliminary introduction, discussion and practice of Motivational Interviewing skills/ techniques specifically adapted to Native American culture. Follow-up supervision for most of the group is being planned for the coming months. Thank you to NAFS staff and all of those who participated in this event. Your feedback and dialogue were much appreciated.

Dr. Tomlin leading discussion at MI training
ATTC consultant, Dr. Tomlin, leading discussion about motivational interviewing with attendees at Two Feathers Native American Family Services


Kathy and Kevin Tomlin leading an activity in a classroom with participants
Consultants, Kevin and Kathy Tomlin, leading an activity on values 


Front slide of Spirit of Communication presentation
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