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Pandemic Response Resources

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Substance Use Disorder Services In The Days Of A Pandemic: You Need A Bigger Boat!

Providing SUD services during a pandemic requires a mix of disaster preparedness, safety precautions, telehealth, and ethics. During her tenure as a leader in SUD treatment, Sheila Weix has been involved with emergencies related to the HIV epidemic, 9/11, and the 2008 economic collapse. She is currently applying this experience in an outpatient treatment service that includes medication-assisted treatment in rural Wisconsin during the COVID19 pandemic. Webinar participants will learn about: Safety precautions How to move all services to telehealth Reimbursement contingencies Leadership actions underway to address this rapidly changing situation    Additional Resources: Transcript_SUD in a Pandemic_Bigger Boat Part 1  

Addressing Addiction in Our Native American Communities Volume 7 Issue 3: Recovering from Substance Use Disorders During COVID-19

  The National American Indian and Alaska Native Addiction Technology Transfer Center would like to share with you Volume 7, Issue 3 of our newsletter, Addressing Addiction in our Native American Communities for Fall 2021: Recovering from Substance Use Disorders During COVID-19. Please take a few moments to explore this issue. It is available at the link below to download.

FACTSHEET - Substance Use and Pregnancy During COVID-19/El Uso de Sustancias y el Embarazo Durante COVID-19/Uso de Substâncias e a Gravidez Durante COVID-19

The fight against COVID-19 continues throughout the U.S., increasing stress and anguish among vulnerable populations struggling with substance use. Among those vulnerable populations, pregnant women present major concerns as they face an increase in adversity during the wake of the global pandemic. It is a difficult time for everyone, especially those facing more adversities such as pregnant women. Health providers and mental health providers must be highly vigilant in caring for pregnant women and should consider providing the following tools and resources, according to American Society of Addiction Medicine. Download the Substance Use and Pregnancy During COVID-19 factsheet for more information and resources. La lucha contra el COVID-19 continúa en los Estados Unidos, aumentando el estrés y la angustia entre poblaciones vulnerables que luchan contra el uso de sustancias. Entre esas poblaciones vulnerables, las mujeres embarazadas presentan grandes preocupaciones al enfrentar un aumento de adversidad durante el despertar de la pandemia global. Es un momento difícil para todos, especialmente aquellos que enfrentan más adversidades como las mujeres embarazadas. Los proveedores de salud y de salud mental deben estar muy atentos al cuidar a las mujeres embarazadas y deben considerar proporcionar las siguientes herramientas y recursos, según la Sociedad Americana de Medicina de la Adiccion.  Descargue la hoja informativa Uso de Sustancias y Embarazo Durante COVID-19 para obtener más información y recursos. A luta contra a COVID-19 ainda continua nos Estados Unidos, aumentando o estresse e a angústia entre as populações vulneráveis ​que lutam contra o uso de substâncias. Entre essas populações vulneráveis, as mulheres grávidas apresentam grandes preocupações porque elas enfrentam um aumento da adversidade durante o despertar de uma pandemia global. É um momento difícil para todos, especialmente para aqueles que enfrentam mais adversidades, como as mulheres grávidas. Provedores de saúde e profissionais de saúde mental devem estar altamente vigilantes ao cuidar de mulheres grávidas e devem considerar fornecer as seguintes ferramentas e recursos, de acordo com a Sociedade Americana de Dependência Química. Baixe o folheto informativo USO DE SUBSTÂNCIAS E A GRAVIDEZ DURANTE COVID-19 para obter mais informações e recursos.

Fact Sheet: Alcohol Use and Abuse During COVID-19

The National Hispanic and Latino Addiction Technology Transfer Center is please to provide new fact sheets on Alcohol Use and Abuse During COVID-19 to download and distribute. This fact sheet has been translated from English to both Spanish and Portuguese. English It is natural to feel stress, anxiety, anguish and worry during and after a crisis like COVID-19. The separation from loved ones, the loss of freedom, and the uncertainty about the state of the disease are all cause for concern. Studies show that most people in social isolation report negative psychological effects, including symptoms of post-traumatic stress, confusion, and anger. The biggest stressors include fears of becoming infected, loss of job, frustration, boredom, inadequate supplies, inadequate information, financial losses, and stigma. But how we manage that stress is important since there are healthy and unhealthy ways of doing so. Excessive use of alcohol is not a healthy way of managing stress. Download English Español Es natural sentir estrés, ansiedad, angustia y preocupación durante y después de una crisis como el COVID-19. La separación de los seres queridos, la pérdida de libertad, y la incertidumbre sobre el estado de la enfermedad son causantes de preocupación. Estudios demuestran que la mayoría de las personas que se encuentran en aislamiento social registran efectos psicológicos negativos, incluidos síntomas de estrés postraumático, confusión y enojo. Los mayores factores estresantes incluyen temores de infección, frustración, aburrimiento, suministros inadecuados, información inadecuada, pérdidas financieras y estigma. Pero la forma en que manejamos ese estrés es importante ya que existen maneras saludables y maneras no saludables de hacerlo. El uso excesivo de alcohol no es una manera saludable de controlar el estrés. Descargar en Español Português É natural sentir estresse, ansiedade, angústia e preocupação durante e após uma crise como o COVID-19. A separação dos entes queridos, a perda da liberdade e a incerteza sobre o estado da doença são motivo de preocupação. Estudos começaram a mostrar que a maioria das pessoas que estao em isolamento social relata efeitos psicológicos negativos, incluindo sintomas de estresse pós-traumático, confusão e raiva. Os maiores estressores incluem o medo de infecção, receio de perder o emprego, frustração, tédio, suprimentos inadequados, informações inadequadas, perdas financeiras e estigma. Mas como lidamos com esse estresse é importante, pois existem maneiras saudáveis e não saudáveis de fazê-lo. O uso excessivo de álcool não é uma maneira saudável de gerenciar o estresse. Download em Português

Great Lakes Current April 2020 Responding to COVID-19

April 2020 issue of the Great Lakes Current, with a special focus on responding to COVID-19.  Includes links to resources and information produced by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC, as well as the other TTC programs across the country. 

Implications for COVID-19 and Complex PTSD for Opioid Use Disorder

Join us for this interactive session to discuss the ongoing impact of COVID-19, Complex PTSD, and strategies for working with individuals with opioid use disorder. Session objectives: 1. Explore and resolve issues related to Complex PTSD 2. Learn about typical long-term and residual effects of traumatic life experiences 3. Develop strategies to help cope with stressful reminders and memories.   Andre Johnson, MA, President and CEO of Detroit Recovery Project: Mr. Johnson holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology from Morehouse College (Atlanta, Georgia), a Masters of Arts degree in organizational management from the University of Phoenix, and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in psychology. Mr. Johnson is trained certified recovery coach, considered an expert in his field, and is invited frequently to present at seminars, workshops, and as a keynote or motivational speaker to not only those in recovery but youth, adults, families, and substance use professionals. In 2013, Mr. Johnson received the prestigious Vernon Johnson award from Faces and Voices of Recovery. In 2016, President Barack Obama named Mr. Johnson a Champion of Change and honored him at the White House.   PPT_ImplicationsforCOVID19&ComplexPTSD_Johnson_7.15.20 Transcript_ImplicationsforCOVID19&ComplexPTSD_Johnson_7.15.20

Guidance on Federal Health Privacy Laws for Behavioral Health Practitioners and Peer Support Specialists for Virtual Service Delivery during COVID-19

Many substance use disorder treatment providers and peer support specialists quickly switched from in-person services to virtual delivery at the onset of the pandemic to continue to serve patients and peers. As such, this webinar hosted by the Region 8 ATTC will feature the expertise and resources of the Center of Excellence for Protected Health Information (CoE-PHI). The presentation will include information regarding HIPAA, 42 CFR Part 2, and the CARES Act as it relates to virtual services, with time built in for Q & A. In addition, participants will be introduced to the tip sheets and technical assistance services provided by the CoE-PHI.    