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When working with Hispanic and Latino populations, clear language should never be a linear process, particularly for a collectivist society that defines and interprets experiences within a cultural context. Latino values such as "machismo" and "personalismo" can be very insightful, but when defined and understood through an American perspective, we wonder why we feel a disconnect with the Hispanic client/patient we need to provide prevention services to. This interactive presentation will inform on Latino cultural nuances that can reframe communication for Hispanic individuals with substance use and/or mental health problems and discuss prevention strategies to support “recuperación” (recovery). This training was approved for four renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and four initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). As an IC & RC member board, OASAS accredited courses were granted reciprocal approval by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee. Many other states offered reciprocity.
Published: October 11, 2024
Print Media
DESCRIPTION Microaggressions are subtle expressions that create barriers to recovery and discourage help-seeking. These can manifest as internalized stigma, verbal comments, behavioral actions, or environmental cues. Types include self/internalized microaggressions, like thoughts such as “It’s all my fault”; verbal microaggressions, such as “They brought this upon themselves”; behavioral microaggressions, where individuals receive differential treatment; and environmental microaggressions, characterized by a lack of representation and recovery resources. Cultural awareness is vital in addressing stigma, as beliefs about addiction significantly influence attitudes toward help-seeking. Different cultures may hold varied perspectives on substance use disorders and recovery approaches, affecting individuals' willingness to engage in treatment. To combat stigma, a multifaceted approach is needed: community collaboration, culturally relevant practices, public awareness campaigns, and promoting empathy. By embracing these strategies, communities can mitigate the effects of stigma microaggressions and foster environments that support recovery and social integration. To download the entire version of the fact sheet, please use the Microaggressions button on the right side of the page.  
Published: September 15, 2024
Print Media
DESCRIPTION  As public support and acceptance of sexual and gender minority (SGM) people has grown, more and more facets of the community have begun to disclose their identities publicly. The terms that SGM individuals use to identify themselves are numerous and ever evolving, but respectfully using and discussing these terms doesn’t need to be intimidating. This webinar will introduce a variety of current identifying terms using real-world examples, explore the reasons behind SGM individuals’ varying levels of disclosure, and prepare providers to confidently engage with these emerging identities. To download the entire version of the fact sheet, use the Emerging Identities button on the right side of the page. Additional Resources  To view the webinar that accompanies this fact sheet, use the button below. Below is an article shared by Kate Bishop, MSSA, the subject matter expert on this topic. Multiple Minority Stress and LGBT Community Resilience among Sexual Minority Men  
Published: September 15, 2024
According to the American Psychological Association, one way to define cultural competence is the ability to understand, appreciate and effectively interact with people from cultures or belief systems different from one's own. Cultural humility is foundational to this goal and is a lifelong process that can help increase provider self-awareness and promote person-centered approaches to effect equity in client/patient outcomes. This interactive training invites learners to reflect on their cultural identities, history, and experiences that influence and often cultivate both providers and client/patient perspectives. Further, the content will bring the concepts of cultural humility and cultural competence together as essential components for culturally responsive care in meeting the needs of racial, ethnic, and other marginalized communities.
Published: March 29, 2024
According to the American Psychological Association, one way to define cultural competence is the ability to understand, appreciate and effectively interact with people from cultures or belief systems different from one's own. Cultural humility is foundational to this goal and is a lifelong process that can help increase provider self-awareness and promote person-centered approaches to effect equity in client/patient outcomes. This interactive three-part training invites learners to reflect on their cultural identities, history, and experiences that influence and often cultivate both providers and client/patient perspectives. Further, the content will bring the concepts of cultural humility and cultural competence together as essential components for culturally responsive care in meeting the needs of racial, ethnic, and other marginalized communities.
Published: March 27, 2024
According to the American Psychological Association, one way to define cultural competence is the ability to understand, appreciate and effectively interact with people from cultures or belief systems different from one's own. Cultural humility is foundational to this goal and is a lifelong process that can help increase provider self-awareness and promote person-centered approaches to effect equity in client/patient outcomes. This interactive three-part training invites learners to reflect on their cultural identities, history, and experiences that influence and often cultivate both providers and client/patient perspectives. Further, the content will bring the concepts of cultural humility and cultural competence together as essential components for culturally responsive care in meeting the needs of racial, ethnic, and other marginalized communities.
Published: March 25, 2024
Print Media
DESCRIPTION Though trauma is linked with Substance Use Disorder for people from all walks of life, LGBTQ communities experience unique sources and dynamics of trauma, as well as distinct influences and social consequences that impact the prevalence of Substance Use Disorders within the population. These may include family rejection and estrangement, increased incidence of childhood sexual abuse, identity discernment stress and faith-related shame, survivor’s guilt for those who lost dozens of friends in the early days of the AIDS epidemic, and many other special situations. This webinar will highlight some of the dimensions of trauma specific to LGBTQ individuals, substance use behaviors linked to those events, and some of the unique sites of resilience and support available within LGBTQ communities. Please use the download attachment 1 button on the right side of the page to to view the entire  English factsheet.       This factsheet is now available in Spanish. Translation services by the National Hispanic and Latino Behavioral Health Center of Excellence. Traducido por:   To download the full version of the Spanish factsheet, use the Download Attachment 2 button on the right side of the page.
Published: March 15, 2024
Print Media
The Central East ATTC is committed to fostering a positive and affirming environment that acknowledges LGBTQ identities and realities. Though nearly every care provider expresses the intention of creating a welcoming environment for LGBTQ clients, good intentions alone are not enough to maintain a practice free of prejudice, repair poor office forms and protocols, minimize microaggressions, and eradicate disrespect for the lived experiences of sexual and gender minority community members. When a member of any marginalized group enters your setting, they are scanning for potential threats, hazards, and disappointments with their care as a reflexive gesture of self-protection. This factsheet provides an overview of indicators for creating safety and engagement techniques that can help build trust and reassurance for your LGBTQ clients. Download this factsheet to learn more.   To download the factsheet in English, please use the download attachment 1 on the right side of the page. This factsheet is now available in Spanish. Translation services by the National Hispanic and Latino Behavioral Health Center of Excellence. Traducido por: To download the full version of the Spanish factsheet, use the Download Attachment 2 button on the right side of the page.  
Published: March 15, 2024
Print Media
 DESCRIPTION The COVID-19 pandemic fundamentally shifted the health and wellbeing of every human on planet Earth. LGBTQ community members were impacted early in the crisis, and continue to show disparities in contracting the virus, as well as higher rates of death, disability, substance use disorders, and suicide related to pandemic distress. These impacts were not evenly distributed across all LGBTQ people, however, but were concentrated among queer and transgender of color and gender diverse people in general. New research is emerging that points to both expected and surprising impacts of the disease unique to LGBTQ people. This webinar will explore LGBTQ population dynamics, needs, and ways to support vulnerable community members as the world population emerges into the post-COVID reality.   Please use the download attachment 1 button on the right side of the page to view the entire factsheet in English.     This factsheet is now available in Spanish. Translation services by the National Hispanic and Latino Behavioral Health Center of Excellence. Traducido por: To download the full version of the Spanish factsheet, use the Download Attachment 2 button on the right side of the page.  
Published: March 15, 2024
Print Media
The purpose of the listening sessions was to gather information from family members and loved ones of people with substance use challenges to better understand family members’ experiences supporting and seeking support for their loved one who is using substances; to ask what questions family members have about supporting their loved one who is using substances; to ask who or what is providing support for family members; and the unmet needs for support for family members. Version 1 of this report in February 2023, which described the process and findings from the initial round of listening session in 2022. Version 2 of this report describes the process and findings of additional follow up community outreach in 2023 to enhance the first phase of this consultation process: including a new round of listening sessions with family members and loved ones of people who use substances.  This project is in collaboration with the African American Behavioral Health Center of Excellence and National Hispanic and Latino ATTC.
Published: January 5, 2024
Presenters: Maya Magarati, PhD, and Angela Gaffney, MPA (Seven Directions) Seven Directions (UW Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences) is hosting the 2023 Our Nations, Our Journeys (ONOJ) conference June 27-29 in Minnesota, a biannual, in-person gathering of 300 tribal and urban Indian public and behavioral health practitioners, leaders, researchers, and Indigenous students focusing on healing from the opioid epidemic. This webinar, presented by Maya Magarati, PhD, and Angela Gaffney, MPA, will outline Seven Directions’ core visions and framework against a backdrop of ONOJ, discuss ways to appropriately engage with Indigenous communities, and spotlight (1) the development and implementation of an Indigenous Evaluation Toolkit for tribal public health programs, and (2) other opioid overdose prevention resources and communities of practice for tribal public health practitioners as facilitated by Seven Directions. Download slides | Watch recording    Webinar keyword: Specific populations
Published: June 8, 2023
Presenters: Paul Hunziker, MA and Lynsey Parrish-Dearth (Northern Cheyenne, Crow, Turtle Mountain Chippewa), MSW, LICSW March 2023 Culture is a part of every interaction a clinical supervisor has with their supervisees, clients and other staff at their agencies. The leadership role that a clinical supervisor plays demands that they feel confident in their skills navigating cultural discussions. This includes working with staff to develop their skills in cultural humility and awareness. Clinical supervisors in training regularly report that having more representative video examples of supervisor skills would be useful. In response to this feedback the Northwest ATTC has created a video series which demonstrates examples of a supervisor working with a supervisee on culturally related issues in their professional development. For this webinar two of the creators of these video demonstrations, Paul Hunziker and Lynsey Parrish-Dearth, will discuss how they incorporated cultural skills-building into the demonstration. Paul and Lynsey also co-teach a tribe focused clinical supervision skills training. During the webinar they will also discuss implications for training supervisors working in tribe-based settings.  Download slides | Watch recording Keywords: Specific populations, workforce development, training, clinical supervision, cultural humility  
Published: April 7, 2023
Print Media
The purpose of the listening sessions was to gather information from family members and loved ones of people with substance use challenges to better understand family members’ experiences supporting and seeking support for their loved one who is using substances; to ask what questions family members have about supporting their loved one who is using substances; to ask who or what is providing support for family members; and the unmet needs for support for family members. This report describes the process and findings of the first phase of this consultation process: listening sessions with family members and loved ones of people who use substances. This project is in collaboration with the African American Behavioral Health Center of Excellence and National Hispanic and Latino ATTC.
Published: February 27, 2023
Print Media
*Also Available in Spanish!* This Issue: LAYING GROUNDWORK FOR A HARVEST AND HEALTHY YEAR This issue will bring a reflection by our Program Director, highlighting some of our accomplishments of the year and the 2022 National Latino Behavioral Health conference. Our Executive director wrote an article bringing awareness on Achieving Latino Behavioral Health Equity in America. Please read to learn more about the resources we are highlighting this quarter, our upcoming events and projects, and more. Please read to learn more about the resources we are highlighting this quarter, our upcoming events and projects, and more. In This Issue Our Mission Dicho of the Quarter Page 01 A reflection by our Director Page 02 NLBHA Highlights Page 04 Highlighting the experts Page 05 Quarterly Highlights and Celebrations Page 06 Article by Dr. Richard Cervantes, PhD Page 07 NHL Executive Leadership and Fellowship Program Page 10 Media Corner Page 12 Staff Contact information Page 13 [Español] Cimentando Las Bases Para un Año Saludable y de Buena Cosecha Esta edición traerá una reflexión de nuestro Director de Programa, destacando algunos de nuestros logros del año y la Conferencia Nacional de Salud Conductual Latina de 2022. Nuestro director ejecutivo escribió un artículo para generar conciencia sobre Lograr la Equidad en la Salud Mental de los Latinos en América. Lea para obtener más información sobre los recursos que destacamos este trimestre, nuestros próximos eventos y proyectos, y más. Lea para obtener más información sobre los recursos que destacamos este trimestre, nuestros próximos eventos y proyectos, y más.   ESTA EDICION El “Dicho” del Trimestre Página 01 Una Reflexión de Nuestra Directora Página 02 Puntos Destacados de NLBHA Página 04 Destacando a los Expertos Página 05 Puntos Destacados del TrimestreyCelebraciones Página 06 Artículo por el Dr. Richard Cervantes Página 07 Programa Nacional de LiderazgoyBecas para Ejecutivos Hispanos Latinos Página 10 Rincón de los Medios Página 12 Información de Contacto del Personal Página 13
Published: December 21, 2022
Talking To Change: A Motivational Interviewing Podcast, hosted by Glenn Hinds and Sebastian Kaplan, is a series of conversations exploring Motivational Interviewing (MI) and its influence on supporting individuals and groups as they make positive health and lifestyle changes. Talking to Change: An MI Podcast. Talking to Change: An MI Podcast. Episode 60: Training MI Across Cultures, with Rik Bes. In this episode, Glenn and Sebastian welcomed Rik Bes to the podcast to discuss his work training MI across cultures. Rik talks about how to bring client-centeredness to addiction services in The Netherlands, ways to broaden the cultural scope, adaptations and metaphors from the Middle East to New Zealand, the importance of co-training and seeking feedback, and how to develop hybrid training programs.  
Published: December 13, 2022
Print Media
This Issue: CONNECTIONS: HONORING CULTURE AND EMBRACING CHANGE This issue will bring awareness to the National Recovery Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, and National Suicide Prevention Week. Our Executive Director, Mr. Fred Sandoval shared more details about the work NLBHA is doing in collaboration with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. We are also providing more details about our upcoming National Latino Behavioral Health Conference. Please read to learn more about the resources we are highlighting this quarter, our upcoming events and projects, and more. In This Issue Our Mission Dicho of the Quarter Page 01 A reflection by our Director Page 02 NLBHA and AFSP: National Suicide Prevention Week Awareness Page 03 Story time: meet our team member, Ana L. Chavez-Mancillas, MSW Page 06 Highlighting the experts, Quarterly Highlights and Celebrations Page 07 Article by Eva Moya, PhD Page 08 Media Corner Page 10 Conference Highlights Page 11 NHL Executive Leadership and Fellowship Program Page 12 Community Campaigns: National Suicide Prevention Week, National Recovery Month, Hispanic Heritage Month Page 10 Staff Contact information Page 15   Español Esta Publicación: Conexiones: Honrando La Cultura Y La Aceptación Del Cambio Português Esta Edição: Conexões: Honrando a Cultura e Abraçando Mudanças
Published: September 2, 2022
This is part 2 of the Northwest ATTC's 3-part summer webinar series: Innovative and Successful Approaches to Staff Recruitment and Retention. Find information on all 3 parts here. The current behavioral health workforce emergency is nothing new in the culturally and linguistically specific communities in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. Traditional recruitment strategies by dominant culture organizations often fail due to a variety of systemic and cultural barriers that are largely invisible to the established behavioral health systems. Executive Director Fernando Peña with NW Instituto Latino operates a culturally specific SUD Recovery Community Organization that despite the ongoing behavioral health workforce emergency is fully staffed with culturally and linguistically specific staff and routinely has multiple applicants for each open position as one becomes available. In this session, Fernando shared his understanding of the systemic barriers that impact Latinx communities when it comes to the behavioral health workforce as well as some strategies he has used to recruit, retain and support their respective teams. Watch recording (no slides were presented with this session)
Published: September 1, 2022
Presenter: Jovan Hollins, MBA, D/E/I Consultant March 2022 Pillars of Connection is a team built to connect all of us to our humanity. PoC specializes in leadership perspectives, and helping organizations and career professionals develop skills and tools to connect with each other for the greater good of humanity. This will happen by looking internally, serving externally, celebrating our differences, and creating a sense of belonging. In this session, we will connect on the importance of understanding self-awareness, getting knowledge of those whom you serve, developing skills to build trust and engage, as well as finding ways to take action or advocate for change. Awareness, Knowledge, Skills, Action/Advocacy are the pillars in which we create the frameworks for deeper connections, and fighting systems of oppression. Our desire to serve our clients equitably and identify opportunities for more diverse teams will be a support to overall success.  About the speaker:  Mr. Hollins is the Chair of Diversity/Equity/Inclusion, helping his organization develop processes and strategic plans to align D/E/I mission and vision to the organizations overarching strategic plan. Before starting a D/E/I development consulting firm, Jovan worked 2 years as a Vice President of Operations for the largest privately held Home Health Organization. Before joining corporate America, Jovan was an Air Force Academy graduate and officer in the United States Air Force. Upon a successful start to his career in the Air Force and aerospace engineering, Jovan began facilitating courageous conversations on race equity.  After attending Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management for his MBA, Jovan has found ways to add value as a transformational leader in both D/E/I, and as an executive operational specialist. Download slides | View recording Webinar categories: Specific populations, Workforce development
Published: March 31, 2022
Presentation Slides
Slides and handouts: This webinar will explore issues surrounding Indigenous moral, values, and beliefs. These can have a profound affect on the decisions people make on a daily basis. Indigenous morals and values have changed since colonization and can often have negative effects on behavior. Morals, values, and beliefs represent three different aspects of an individual's character and way of life. This webinar will offer an opportunity for participants to share some tools to hep them take back and carry on their cultural morals and values.
Published: December 22, 2021
S2 E5: Serving Marginalized Communities x Impacts of IPV In this episode, we focus our attention on substance use coercion including the common forms, the effects on survivors, and how providers address the needs equitably by integrating services. Our conversation suggests that integrated services uniquely benefit survivors and are associated with decreased substance use and experiences of violence. We highlight this topic as new resources have been released from the National Center on Domestic violence, Trauma, and Mental Health in late 2020. Resources: Substance Use Coercion as a Barrier to Safety, Recovery, and Economic Stability: Implications for Policy, Research, and Practice: Technical Expert Meeting Summary and Report Understanding Substance Use Coercion in the Context of Intimate Partner Violence: Implications for Policy and Practice: Summary of Findings Literature Review: Intimate Partner Violence, Substance Use Coercion, and the Need for Integrated Service Models       Gabriela Zapata-Alma, LCSW, CADC, Director of Policy and Practice on Domestic Violence and Substance Use, National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health | [email protected] Gabriela Zapata-Alma, LCSW, CADC, is the Director of Policy and Practice on Domestic Violence and Substance Use at the National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma, and Mental Health, as well as a senior lecturer and coordinator of the addiction training program at the University of Chicago’s School of Social Service Administration. Gabriela brings over 15 years of experience supporting people impacted by structural and interpersonal violence. Currently, Gabriela's author's best practices provide trauma-informed policy consultation to advance racial equity, as well as capacity building related to serving marginalized communities impacted by violence, trauma, and other social determinants of health, nationally, and internationally.
Published: March 29, 2021
Print Media
  The Southeast Addiction Technology Transfer Center (Southeast ATTC) is preparing an in-depth monograph on the power of spirituality in SUD recovery, scheduled for release in Summer, 2021. Meant for treatment, recovery, and faith audiences, the monograph will offer data on effectiveness, wisdom from history, and an abundance of suggestions for treatment, recovery, and faith leaders. Meanwhile, we are releasing two issue briefs, each offering a look at one facet of the monograph.   Written by: Pamela Woll, MA, CPS Document Design by: Celene Craig, MPH, MS Southeast Addiction Technology Transfer Center (January 2021)  
Published: March 22, 2021
        The history of formerly enslaved black people in the United States and their descendants have a unique place in the United States. While slavery is often thought of as a thing of the past, the institution was a far-reaching financial cornerstone and slaveholding states had an outsized influence on the nation’s formative years. The trauma of slavery, its social stratifications, and the rationalizations for its existence has been perpetuated by other social assaults such as Jim Crow, domestic terrorism through organizations such as the Klu Klux Klan, and discriminatory housing policies from the federal government. In understanding the entrenched, pervasive nature of these issues, it is imperative to draw upon the contributions of historians and sociologists.    The ongoing impact of these events contributes to present-day social determinants of mental health for African-Americans such as black disproportionate exposure to poor academic opportunities, families, and communities disrupted by mass incarceration, exposure to violent communities, and the stressors of incessant micro and macro-aggressions. Additionally, the rationale for the justification of slavery, the inferiority of blacks, is one that remains prevalent in American messaging, whether it be through the educational system, from politicians, or through media representations. In this presentation, a structural competency approach will be applied to explore the ongoing impacts of slavery and institutional racism, the ways in which these issues can impact patients and clinicians, and the medical and mental health professional's role and responsibility in not only being aware of but combatting these issues.      Objective 1: Understand the historical and present-day context of structural racism and its role in the social determinants of health Objective 2: Describe the implications of population mental health including assessment, diagnosis and treatment Objective 3: Identify actions that can be taken by public servants to identify and address the mental health ramifications of structural racism. ======================================       Sarah Y. Vinson, M.D., F.A.P.A. is a physician who specializes in adult, child & adolescent, and forensic psychiatry. She is the founder of the Lorio Psych Group, an Atlanta, GA-based mental health practice providing expert care and consultation. Dr. Vinson is also the founder of Lorio Forensics, which provides consultation in a wide variety of cases in criminal, civil, and family court cases. After graduating from medical school at the University of Florida with Research Honors and as an Inductee in the Chapman Humanism Honors Society, she completed her general psychiatry training at Cambridge Health Alliance/Harvard Medical School. While there, she also received specialized training in trauma through the Victims of Violence Program. She then returned to the South to complete fellowships in both child & adolescent and forensic psychiatry at Emory University School of Medicine. In addition to providing mental health care services such as psychotherapy, consultation, and psychopharmacology through her private practice, Dr. Vinson is an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics at Morehouse School of Medicine. Just two years after joining the faculty she was honored as Psychiatry and Faculty of the Year in 2015. She is also Adjunct Faculty at Emory University School of Medicine. She has been elected and/or appointed to national and statewide office by her professional peers. She is the Past President of the Georgia Council on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and the Treasurer of the Georgia Psychiatric Physicians Association. Additionally, she is an Advisor for the Judges Psychiatry Leadership Initiative.  She has been a speaker at national conferences including the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Annual Meeting, and The National Urban League Annual Meeting. Dr. Vinson has received numerous awards in recognition of her service and leadership including the University of Florida College of Medicine Outstanding Young Alumna Award and the APA Jeanne Spurlock Minority Fellowship Alumni Achievement Award.
Published: March 19, 2021
Presentation Slides
Mary McCarty-Arias, M.A. Research Project Manager Division of Substance Use Disorders New York State Psychiatric Institute Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University Medical Center This course will introduce participants to stigma and discrimination around substance use disorders (SUDs). Other disabilities will be discussed, including mental health disorders and HIV. Participants will be able to reflect on their own practice and those used by their agencies.
Published: March 11, 2021
This Month of February​ Latino Behavioral Health Supports ​Black History Month by ​Highlighting 3 Afro-Latinx professionals​. Join us in honoring our colleagues!​ Este mes de febrero celebramos el mes de la Historia Afroamericana Como profesionales Latinos de Adicción ​y Salud Mental,​ Nos gustaría apoyar esta ocasión destacando ​a tres Afrolatinos(as).​ ¡Acompáñenos a honrar a nuestros(as) colegas!​ Este mês de fevereiro, celebramos o mês da História Afroamericana Como profissionais Latinos Abuso de Substâncias e Saúde mental, ​ gostaríamos de apoiar esta ocasião destacando três afro-latinos(as). Junte-se a nós para homenagear nossos colegas!!​ #BlackHistoryMonth #mesdelaHistoriaAfroamericana ​#mêsdaHistóriaAfroamericana​ #NHLATTC #NHLPTTC #NLBHA
Published: February 11, 2021
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The ATTC Network understands that words have power. A few ATTC products developed prior to 2017 may contain language that does not reflect the ATTCs’ current commitment to using affirming, person-first language. We appreciate your patience as we work to gradually update older materials. For more information about the importance of non-stigmatizing language, see “Destroying Addiction Stigma Once and For All: It’s Time” from the ATTC Network and “Changing Language to Change Care: Stigma and Substance Use Disorders” from the Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS).
