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eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC. The April 2024 issue spotlights content celebrating National Minority Health Month and Alcohol Awareness Month. It also features links to upcoming trainings focused on supporting Black students experiencing racial trauma, harnessing AI for substance misuse prevention, and process improvement. Make sure you're subscribed to our email contact list so you never miss a month of The Great Lakes Current newsletter, and thank you for reading!  
Published: April 12, 2024
According to the American Psychological Association, one way to define cultural competence is the ability to understand, appreciate and effectively interact with people from cultures or belief systems different from one's own. Cultural humility is foundational to this goal and is a lifelong process that can help increase provider self-awareness and promote person-centered approaches to effect equity in client/patient outcomes. This interactive training invites learners to reflect on their cultural identities, history, and experiences that influence and often cultivate both providers and client/patient perspectives. Further, the content will bring the concepts of cultural humility and cultural competence together as essential components for culturally responsive care in meeting the needs of racial, ethnic, and other marginalized communities.
Published: March 29, 2024
According to the American Psychological Association, one way to define cultural competence is the ability to understand, appreciate and effectively interact with people from cultures or belief systems different from one's own. Cultural humility is foundational to this goal and is a lifelong process that can help increase provider self-awareness and promote person-centered approaches to effect equity in client/patient outcomes. This interactive three-part training invites learners to reflect on their cultural identities, history, and experiences that influence and often cultivate both providers and client/patient perspectives. Further, the content will bring the concepts of cultural humility and cultural competence together as essential components for culturally responsive care in meeting the needs of racial, ethnic, and other marginalized communities.
Published: March 27, 2024
According to the American Psychological Association, one way to define cultural competence is the ability to understand, appreciate and effectively interact with people from cultures or belief systems different from one's own. Cultural humility is foundational to this goal and is a lifelong process that can help increase provider self-awareness and promote person-centered approaches to effect equity in client/patient outcomes. This interactive three-part training invites learners to reflect on their cultural identities, history, and experiences that influence and often cultivate both providers and client/patient perspectives. Further, the content will bring the concepts of cultural humility and cultural competence together as essential components for culturally responsive care in meeting the needs of racial, ethnic, and other marginalized communities.
Published: March 25, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC. The March 2024 issue spotlights content celebrating Women's History Month and National Social Work Month. It also features updated versions of the Sustainability Planning in Prevention Guidebook and Sustainability Planning in Prevention Toolkit, as well as upcoming trainings focused on provider well-being and culturally responsive services for Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) clients. As always, you will also find links to all scheduled events and trainings hosted by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC! Make sure you're subscribed to our email contact list so you never miss a month of The Great Lakes Current newsletter, and thank you for reading!  
Published: March 18, 2024
Print Media
 DESCRIPTION The COVID-19 pandemic fundamentally shifted the health and wellbeing of every human on planet Earth. LGBTQ community members were impacted early in the crisis, and continue to show disparities in contracting the virus, as well as higher rates of death, disability, substance use disorders, and suicide related to pandemic distress. These impacts were not evenly distributed across all LGBTQ people, however, but were concentrated among queer and transgender of color and gender diverse people in general. New research is emerging that points to both expected and surprising impacts of the disease unique to LGBTQ people. This webinar will explore LGBTQ population dynamics, needs, and ways to support vulnerable community members as the world population emerges into the post-COVID reality.   Please use the download attachment 1 button on the right side of the page to view the entire factsheet in English.     This factsheet is now available in Spanish. Translation services by the National Hispanic and Latino Behavioral Health Center of Excellence. Traducido por: To download the full version of the Spanish factsheet, use the Download Attachment 2 button on the right side of the page.  
Published: March 15, 2024
Print Media
The Central East ATTC is committed to fostering a positive and affirming environment that acknowledges LGBTQ identities and realities. Though nearly every care provider expresses the intention of creating a welcoming environment for LGBTQ clients, good intentions alone are not enough to maintain a practice free of prejudice, repair poor office forms and protocols, minimize microaggressions, and eradicate disrespect for the lived experiences of sexual and gender minority community members. When a member of any marginalized group enters your setting, they are scanning for potential threats, hazards, and disappointments with their care as a reflexive gesture of self-protection. This factsheet provides an overview of indicators for creating safety and engagement techniques that can help build trust and reassurance for your LGBTQ clients. Download this factsheet to learn more.   To download the factsheet in English, please use the download attachment 1 on the right side of the page. This factsheet is now available in Spanish. Translation services by the National Hispanic and Latino Behavioral Health Center of Excellence. Traducido por: To download the full version of the Spanish factsheet, use the Download Attachment 2 button on the right side of the page.  
Published: March 15, 2024
Print Media
DESCRIPTION Though trauma is linked with Substance Use Disorder for people from all walks of life, LGBTQ communities experience unique sources and dynamics of trauma, as well as distinct influences and social consequences that impact the prevalence of Substance Use Disorders within the population. These may include family rejection and estrangement, increased incidence of childhood sexual abuse, identity discernment stress and faith-related shame, survivor’s guilt for those who lost dozens of friends in the early days of the AIDS epidemic, and many other special situations. This webinar will highlight some of the dimensions of trauma specific to LGBTQ individuals, substance use behaviors linked to those events, and some of the unique sites of resilience and support available within LGBTQ communities. Please use the download attachment 1 button on the right side of the page to to view the entire  English factsheet.       This factsheet is now available in Spanish. Translation services by the National Hispanic and Latino Behavioral Health Center of Excellence. Traducido por:   To download the full version of the Spanish factsheet, use the Download Attachment 2 button on the right side of the page.
Published: March 15, 2024
This  Black History Month, let's pause to recognize the remarkable achievements, unwavering strength, and outstanding triumphs of the Black community. It's also a time for us to recommit to cultivating an environment of inclusiveness, fairness, and opportunities for all. By recognizing and elevating diverse voices, we enrich our workplace and the vitality of our organizations, communities, and society. Take advantage of MATTC’s FREE Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) training to improve your organization’s quality of services provided to all individuals, which will ultimately help reduce health disparities and achieve health equity. More information is found in the flyer attached! Please email [email protected] for additional information. 
Published: February 22, 2024
Print Media
The purpose of the listening sessions was to gather information from family members and loved ones of people with substance use challenges to better understand family members’ experiences supporting and seeking support for their loved one who is using substances; to ask what questions family members have about supporting their loved one who is using substances; to ask who or what is providing support for family members; and the unmet needs for support for family members. Version 1 of this report in February 2023, which described the process and findings from the initial round of listening session in 2022. Version 2 of this report describes the process and findings of additional follow up community outreach in 2023 to enhance the first phase of this consultation process: including a new round of listening sessions with family members and loved ones of people who use substances.  This project is in collaboration with the African American Behavioral Health Center of Excellence and National Hispanic and Latino ATTC.
Published: January 5, 2024
This recording is part 1 of the CLAS Matters Series. The series aims to initiate conversations and yield compassionate outcomes within organizations and community providers to ensure services offered are inclusive, equitable, respectful, and available for marginalized populations.  This is one hour introductory session that provides a general overview about CLAS and the 15 standards. Watch the recording here!
Published: July 27, 2023
This recording is part 2 of the CLAS Matters Series. The series aims to initiate conversations and yield compassionate outcomes within organizations and community providers to ensure services offered are inclusive, equitable, respectful, and available for marginalized populations.  This is a 90 minute session that introduces a framework to support cultural responsiveness. This session provides a greater understanding about the three major themes of the CLAS standards Watch the recording here!
Published: July 27, 2023
Print Media
  The Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC are dedicated to integrating cultural responsiveness into all our training and technical assistance offerings. We aim to help develop workforce competencies to provide equitable and inclusive care to all. Download this guide to learn more about our growing inventory of evidence-based trainings designed to improve the delivery of culturally-responsive prevention, treatment, and recovery approaches!   If you have questions about the culturally-responsive trainings we currently offer or suggestions for additional culturally-responsive trainings that would support the behavioral health workforces in our region, please contact:  Alfredo Cerrato, Senior Cultural & Workforce Development Officer ([email protected])  
Published: July 7, 2023
Presenters: Maya Magarati, PhD, and Angela Gaffney, MPA (Seven Directions) Seven Directions (UW Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences) is hosting the 2023 Our Nations, Our Journeys (ONOJ) conference June 27-29 in Minnesota, a biannual, in-person gathering of 300 tribal and urban Indian public and behavioral health practitioners, leaders, researchers, and Indigenous students focusing on healing from the opioid epidemic. This webinar, presented by Maya Magarati, PhD, and Angela Gaffney, MPA, will outline Seven Directions’ core visions and framework against a backdrop of ONOJ, discuss ways to appropriately engage with Indigenous communities, and spotlight (1) the development and implementation of an Indigenous Evaluation Toolkit for tribal public health programs, and (2) other opioid overdose prevention resources and communities of practice for tribal public health practitioners as facilitated by Seven Directions. Download slides | Watch recording    Webinar keyword: Specific populations
Published: June 8, 2023
Presenters: Paul Hunziker, MA and Lynsey Parrish-Dearth (Northern Cheyenne, Crow, Turtle Mountain Chippewa), MSW, LICSW March 2023 Culture is a part of every interaction a clinical supervisor has with their supervisees, clients and other staff at their agencies. The leadership role that a clinical supervisor plays demands that they feel confident in their skills navigating cultural discussions. This includes working with staff to develop their skills in cultural humility and awareness. Clinical supervisors in training regularly report that having more representative video examples of supervisor skills would be useful. In response to this feedback the Northwest ATTC has created a video series which demonstrates examples of a supervisor working with a supervisee on culturally related issues in their professional development. For this webinar two of the creators of these video demonstrations, Paul Hunziker and Lynsey Parrish-Dearth, will discuss how they incorporated cultural skills-building into the demonstration. Paul and Lynsey also co-teach a tribe focused clinical supervision skills training. During the webinar they will also discuss implications for training supervisors working in tribe-based settings.  Download slides | Watch recording Keywords: Specific populations, workforce development, training, clinical supervision, cultural humility  
Published: April 7, 2023
Print Media
The purpose of the listening sessions was to gather information from family members and loved ones of people with substance use challenges to better understand family members’ experiences supporting and seeking support for their loved one who is using substances; to ask what questions family members have about supporting their loved one who is using substances; to ask who or what is providing support for family members; and the unmet needs for support for family members. This report describes the process and findings of the first phase of this consultation process: listening sessions with family members and loved ones of people who use substances. This project is in collaboration with the African American Behavioral Health Center of Excellence and National Hispanic and Latino ATTC.
Published: February 27, 2023
Presentation Slides
The New England ATTC in partnership with Gateway Healthcare hosted the SAMHSA’s National Outcome Measures Service Tool: Collecting Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Race/Ethnicity Demographic Information in a Culturally Humble and Sensitive Approach virtual training on 1/25/23 with subject matter expert David Zelaya. This training aimed to provide an introductory overview regarding the ever growing and evolving language regarding sexual orientation, gender identity, and race/ethnicity. Specifically, the training contextualized the demographic questions being utilized in SAMHSA's NOMS tool. The training included experiential activities, dedicated space for reflection, in addition to a question and answer portion with the trainer. In line with the mission of the New England ATTC, this training helped to increase the cultural competency (i.e., awareness, knowledge, and skills) of the behavioral health workforce providing substance use and addiction services.
Published: January 25, 2023
Print Media
*Also Available in Spanish!* This Issue: LAYING GROUNDWORK FOR A HARVEST AND HEALTHY YEAR This issue will bring a reflection by our Program Director, highlighting some of our accomplishments of the year and the 2022 National Latino Behavioral Health conference. Our Executive director wrote an article bringing awareness on Achieving Latino Behavioral Health Equity in America. Please read to learn more about the resources we are highlighting this quarter, our upcoming events and projects, and more. Please read to learn more about the resources we are highlighting this quarter, our upcoming events and projects, and more. In This Issue Our Mission Dicho of the Quarter Page 01 A reflection by our Director Page 02 NLBHA Highlights Page 04 Highlighting the experts Page 05 Quarterly Highlights and Celebrations Page 06 Article by Dr. Richard Cervantes, PhD Page 07 NHL Executive Leadership and Fellowship Program Page 10 Media Corner Page 12 Staff Contact information Page 13 [Español] Cimentando Las Bases Para un Año Saludable y de Buena Cosecha Esta edición traerá una reflexión de nuestro Director de Programa, destacando algunos de nuestros logros del año y la Conferencia Nacional de Salud Conductual Latina de 2022. Nuestro director ejecutivo escribió un artículo para generar conciencia sobre Lograr la Equidad en la Salud Mental de los Latinos en América. Lea para obtener más información sobre los recursos que destacamos este trimestre, nuestros próximos eventos y proyectos, y más. Lea para obtener más información sobre los recursos que destacamos este trimestre, nuestros próximos eventos y proyectos, y más.   ESTA EDICION El “Dicho” del Trimestre Página 01 Una Reflexión de Nuestra Directora Página 02 Puntos Destacados de NLBHA Página 04 Destacando a los Expertos Página 05 Puntos Destacados del TrimestreyCelebraciones Página 06 Artículo por el Dr. Richard Cervantes Página 07 Programa Nacional de LiderazgoyBecas para Ejecutivos Hispanos Latinos Página 10 Rincón de los Medios Página 12 Información de Contacto del Personal Página 13
Published: December 21, 2022
Talking To Change: A Motivational Interviewing Podcast, hosted by Glenn Hinds and Sebastian Kaplan, is a series of conversations exploring Motivational Interviewing (MI) and its influence on supporting individuals and groups as they make positive health and lifestyle changes. Talking to Change: An MI Podcast. Talking to Change: An MI Podcast. Episode 60: Training MI Across Cultures, with Rik Bes. In this episode, Glenn and Sebastian welcomed Rik Bes to the podcast to discuss his work training MI across cultures. Rik talks about how to bring client-centeredness to addiction services in The Netherlands, ways to broaden the cultural scope, adaptations and metaphors from the Middle East to New Zealand, the importance of co-training and seeking feedback, and how to develop hybrid training programs.  
Published: December 13, 2022
Print Media
This Issue: CONNECTIONS: HONORING CULTURE AND EMBRACING CHANGE This issue will bring awareness to the National Recovery Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, and National Suicide Prevention Week. Our Executive Director, Mr. Fred Sandoval shared more details about the work NLBHA is doing in collaboration with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. We are also providing more details about our upcoming National Latino Behavioral Health Conference. Please read to learn more about the resources we are highlighting this quarter, our upcoming events and projects, and more. In This Issue Our Mission Dicho of the Quarter Page 01 A reflection by our Director Page 02 NLBHA and AFSP: National Suicide Prevention Week Awareness Page 03 Story time: meet our team member, Ana L. Chavez-Mancillas, MSW Page 06 Highlighting the experts, Quarterly Highlights and Celebrations Page 07 Article by Eva Moya, PhD Page 08 Media Corner Page 10 Conference Highlights Page 11 NHL Executive Leadership and Fellowship Program Page 12 Community Campaigns: National Suicide Prevention Week, National Recovery Month, Hispanic Heritage Month Page 10 Staff Contact information Page 15   Español Esta Publicación: Conexiones: Honrando La Cultura Y La Aceptación Del Cambio Português Esta Edição: Conexões: Honrando a Cultura e Abraçando Mudanças
Published: September 2, 2022
This is part 2 of the Northwest ATTC's 3-part summer webinar series: Innovative and Successful Approaches to Staff Recruitment and Retention. Find information on all 3 parts here. The current behavioral health workforce emergency is nothing new in the culturally and linguistically specific communities in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. Traditional recruitment strategies by dominant culture organizations often fail due to a variety of systemic and cultural barriers that are largely invisible to the established behavioral health systems. Executive Director Fernando Peña with NW Instituto Latino operates a culturally specific SUD Recovery Community Organization that despite the ongoing behavioral health workforce emergency is fully staffed with culturally and linguistically specific staff and routinely has multiple applicants for each open position as one becomes available. In this session, Fernando shared his understanding of the systemic barriers that impact Latinx communities when it comes to the behavioral health workforce as well as some strategies he has used to recruit, retain and support their respective teams. Watch recording (no slides were presented with this session)
Published: September 1, 2022
eNewsletter or Blog
  The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.   The August 2022 issue features content related to the nationwide transition to the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, the Great Lakes MHTTC's newly released Classroom WISE Discussion Guide, the new CDC drug overdose disparities report, and SAMSHA's "Talk. They Hear You."® youth substance use prevention campaign. You will also find links to all the upcoming events and trainings for the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC. 
Published: August 5, 2022
eNewsletter or Blog
    The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.   The July 2022 issue features content related to Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, World Hepatitis Day (July 28), Naloxone Vending Machine (NVM) Implementation, and the new Comprehensive Culturally Responsive Glossary. You will also find links to all the upcoming events and trainings for the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC. 
Published: July 8, 2022
Print Media
The New England ATTC co-hosted the Recovery Science and Harm Reduction (RSHR) Reading Group meeting on April 28, 2022 from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM. This discussion reviewed the article, “Diagnostic remission of substance use disorders: Racial differences and correlates of remission in a nationally representative sample.”  View the April 2022 RSHR Reading group meeting summary that includes a brief article summary and key themes that arose in discussion with the participants.
Published: April 28, 2022
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The ATTC Network understands that words have power. A few ATTC products developed prior to 2017 may contain language that does not reflect the ATTCs’ current commitment to using affirming, person-first language. We appreciate your patience as we work to gradually update older materials. For more information about the importance of non-stigmatizing language, see “Destroying Addiction Stigma Once and For All: It’s Time” from the ATTC Network and “Changing Language to Change Care: Stigma and Substance Use Disorders” from the Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS).
