In this webinar, Natania Crane, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Associate Director of the UIC Recovery Clinic, provides current information on research and treatment related to cannabis use and mental health, including recent changes in cannabis use, how the endocannabinoid system may regulate mental health symptoms, and what we currently know about cannabis use and mental health.
Sponsored by the Northwest and Pacific Southwest Addiction Technology Transfer Centers (ATTCs) and the Western States Node of the NIDA Clinical Trials Network.
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Published: February 29, 2024
Presenter: Deborah Hasin, PhD (Columbia University)
Over the last two decades, the cannabis landscape in the U.S. has changed considerably. Legalization, product potency and commercialization have increased while perceived risk has declined. In this context, national increases in cannabis use and cannabis use disorder will be reviewed, including particular subgroups in which the increases have been disproportionately large, e.g., individuals with pain and with psychiatric disorders, including psychosis.
Learning objectives:
To be able to describe time trends in the prevalence of cannabis use and cannabis use disorder;
To be able to describe the influence of state-level legalization of cannabis on rates of cannabis use and cannabis use disorder;
To be able to describe sub-groups of the population at particular risk for increases in cannabis use and cannabis use disorder, and some potential explanations of these differences.
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Published: October 19, 2023
The National Latino Behavioral Health Association (NLBHA), the National Hispanic and Latino PTTC, and the Strategic Prevention Framework - Connecting our Voices Program, joined efforts today to present you this video about Marijuana Prevention, with the goal to increase the awareness among youth.
Conscientização sobre o uso de cannabis entre os jovens
NLBHA, os Centros e o Programa Conectando nossas Vozes se uniram para apresentar a vocês este vídeo educativo sobre Prevenção da Maconha, com o objetivo de aumentar a conscientização entre os jovens.
Published: August 16, 2022
The Great Lakes A/MH/PTTC is offering this training for individuals working in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI. This training is being provided in response to a need identified by Region 5 stakeholders.
Great Lakes ATTC Spring Webinar Series: Pregnant Women and Marijuana–Special Considerations Recording
This session focuses on navigating conversations with pregnant women about the growing trends of cannabis and e-cigarette use. Health risks will be examined, and participants will learn about the research on the perceived risks of cannabis and tobacco use. Best practices in screening for cannabis and e-cigarette use will be explored and strategies for educating pregnant women and addressing cannabis use will be shared.
• Differentiate known and perceived risks
• List predictors of cannabis use in pregnancy
• Describe how perceived risk can impact cannabis and tobacco use by pregnant women
• Identify key factors for educating pregnant women about cannabis use
Linda Frazier, MA, RN, MCHES, Director of Addictions Initiatives at Advocates for Human Potential (AHP), has extensive leadership and consulting experience with more than 30 years’ experience in a variety of clinical settings, including outpatient behavioral health, medications for addiction treatment (MAT), women’s health, adolescent, and college health. Ms. Frazier served as associate director of treatment and recovery services for the Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Office of Behavioral Health. She has served on the leadership team of the American Public Health Association Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Section since 2009 and is currently the Past Chair.
Elizabeth Carla Lemos, CADC, Senior Program Manager at Advocates for Human Potential (AHP), has been delivering substance use disorder treatment services for more than twenty years. Her experience includes serving as the program director of a PPW residential program, director of re-entry services for an agency on Los Angeles’ Skid Row, and supervisor for a substance use program for individuals while incarcerated. She is currently completing her master’s degree at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology.
Published: May 24, 2022
According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, cannabis use rates increased in 2020, with almost 50 million individuals 12 or older reporting use of cannabis in the past year. This increase is reflected in the state-specific data for HHS Region 8 in five of the six states (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Utah).
Learning Objectives:
Summary of relevant research findings and association recommendations to consider when clients present with medical cannabis cards
Risk factors for the development of cannabis use disorders
Diagnostic symptoms of cannabis use disorders
Use of a decision-making matrix for medical cannabis practice with case scenarios
Cannabis Webinar Series: The Clinician’s Guide to Addressing Medical Cannabis in Substance Use Treatment Settings
This webinar is part of a series on the current science of cannabis, for more information on the other webinars in the series view the series homepage.
Published: April 8, 2022
According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, cannabis use rates increased in 2020, with almost 50 million individuals 12 or older reporting use of cannabis in the past year. This increase is reflected in the state-specific data for HHS Region 8 in five of the six states (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Utah).
Learning Objectives:
After attending this webinar, attendees will be able to better understand marijuana/cannabis use among older adults with respect to:
Recreational and medical marijuana use and use frequency
Cannabis use disorder rates; other substance use & use disorders
Stressors, social support, mental disorders & suicidal thoughts
Risks for DUI, ED visits, & healthcare service use
Poison control center calls related to marijuana
Marijuana treatment admissions
Cannabis Webinar Series: Cannabis Use Among Older Adults
This webinar is part of a series on the current science of cannabis, for more information on the other webinars in the series view the series homepage.
Published: March 9, 2022
According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, cannabis use rates increased in 2020, with almost 50 million individuals 12 or older reporting use of cannabis in the past year. This increase is reflected in the state-specific data for HHS Region 8 in five of the six states (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Utah).
Learning Objectives:
Identify three maternal/fetal physiological concerns associated with cannabis use during the perinatal period
Recognize two of the most common reasons why pregnant and postpartum people use cannabis during the perinatal period
Discuss the current recommendations regarding cannabis use during pregnancy and lactation
Consider the potential impact of cannabis legalization on the pregnant and postpartum people
Cannabis Webinar Series: Perinatal Cannabis Use
This webinar is part of a series on the current science of cannabis, for more information on the other webinars in the series view the series homepage.
Published: February 23, 2022
According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, cannabis use rates increased in 2020, with almost 50 million individuals 12 or older reporting use of cannabis in the past year. This increase is reflected in the state-specific data for HHS Region 8 in five of the six states (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Utah). With this data in mind, the Mountain Plains ATTC is sponsoring a ten-part webinar series that will address and review the latest science for cannabis including: prevention and treatment issues; public policy; medical marijuana; and special populations and cannabis (adolescents, women and maternal health, older adults, and individuals with Serious Mental Illness).
Cannabis Webinar Series: The Green Adolescent Brain
This webinar is part of a series on the current science of cannabis, for more information on the other webinars in the series view the series homepage.
Published: February 23, 2022
According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, cannabis use rates increased in 2020, with almost 50 million individuals 12 or older reporting use of cannabis in the past year. This increase is reflected in the state-specific data for HHS Region 8 in five of the six states (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Utah). With this data in mind, the Mountain Plains ATTC is sponsoring a ten-part webinar series that will address and review the latest science for cannabis including: prevention and treatment issues; public policy; medical marijuana; and special populations and cannabis (adolescents, women and maternal health, older adults, and individuals with Serious Mental Illness).
Cannabis Webinar Series: Cannabis Misuse & Cannabis Use Disorder
This webinar is part of a series on the current science of cannabis, for more information on the other webinars in the series view the series homepage.
Published: January 12, 2022
According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, cannabis use rates increased in 2020, with almost 50 million individuals 12 or older reporting use of cannabis in the past year. This increase is reflected in the state-specific data for HHS Region 8 in five of the six states (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Utah). With this data in mind, the Mountain Plains ATTC is sponsoring a ten-part webinar series that will address and review the latest science for cannabis including: prevention and treatment issues; public policy; medical marijuana; and special populations and cannabis (adolescents, women and maternal health, older adults, and individuals with Serious Mental Illness).
MPATTC Cannabis Series 2: The Neurobiology of Addiction and Prevention Webinar 12.15.21
Presentation slides available by request. Please reach out to
[email protected]
This webinar is part of a series on the current science of cannabis, for more information on the other webinars in the series view the series homepage.
Published: December 15, 2021
According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, cannabis use rates increased in 2020, with almost 50 million individuals 12 or older reporting use of cannabis in the past year. This increase is reflected in the state-specific data for HHS Region 8 in five of the six states (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Utah). With this data in mind, the Mountain Plains ATTC is sponsoring a ten-part webinar series that will address and review the latest science for cannabis including: prevention and treatment issues; public policy; medical marijuana; and special populations and cannabis.
Cannabis Webinar Series: Cannabis Legalization - What Does it Mean for Public Health & Social Equity 12.1.21
This webinar is part of a series on the current science of cannabis, for more information on the other webinars in the series view the series homepage.
Published: December 1, 2021
Presentation Slides
View the slides from the presentation, “Adolescent Substance Use: An Evidence Update” with subject matter expert, Sarah Helseth, PhD, by clicking on the download button above.
Published: September 30, 2021
The New England ATTC, in partnership with the New England Association of Recovery Court Professionals (NEARCP), is continuing to offer a bi-monthly targeted technical assistance series for justice professionals to advance the treatment of persons with or at risk of substance use disorders involved in the justice system. This is the webinar recording of the training session titled, "Complex Cases Facing Drug Courts" presented by Helen Harberts, M.A., J.D., and Brian Meyer, Ph.D., LCP, took place on June 16th at 12PM EST. During this webinar, the panel discussed several actual cases from New England Drug Court Programs involving participants who have struggled with drug court program requirements and whose behavior has been especially challenging for the drug court team to manage and address successfully. Experts provided their recommendations on whether sanctions were appropriate, whether the team was considering all treatment options, and whether a termination was appropriate.
Published: June 22, 2021
Presentation Slides
The New England ATTC, in partnership with the New England Association of Recovery Court Professionals (NEARCP), is continuing to offer a bi-monthly targeted technical assistance series for justice professionals to advance the treatment of persons with or at risk of substance use disorders involved in the justice system. These presentation slides are from the training session titled, "Complex Cases Facing Drug Courts" presented by Helen Harberts, M.A., J.D., and Brian Meyer, Ph.D., LCP, that took place on June 16th at 12PM EST. During this webinar, the panel discussed several actual cases from New England Drug Court Programs involving participants who have struggled with drug court program requirements and whose behavior has been especially challenging for the drug court team to manage and address successfully. Experts provided their recommendations on whether sanctions were appropriate, whether the team was considering all treatment options, and whether a termination was appropriate.
Published: June 16, 2021
In this session, Dr. Barbosa-Leiker of WSU presented a series of research studies focused on perceptions of risk of cannabis use during pregnancy and postpartum. Research participants included perinatal women, healthcare providers, and cannabis retailers in the state of Washington.
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Webinar category: Specific populations
Published: April 9, 2021
Curriculum Package
Pacific Behavioral Health Collaborating Council (PBHCC) IC&RC Alcohol and Drug Counselor (ADC) Academy Curriculum
Developed by the Pacific Southwest Addiction Technology Transfer Center and UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Programs
The IC&RC Alcohol and Drug Counselor (ADC) Academy curriculum is a weeklong training designed to prepare individuals based in the six U.S.-affiliated Pacific Jurisdictions to successfully pass the IC&RC ADC certification exam. The duration of the ADC Academy is forty hours of content spread across five full days of training. Funding for the development of the ADC Academy was provided by the Pacific Behavioral Health Collaborating Council (PBHCC). The curriculum is broken into five modules/days, which include:
• Day 1: Introduction to the IC&RC ADC Performance Domains and Review of Psychoactive Drugs
• Day 2: Core Competencies of Addiction Counselors – Knowledge and Skill Acquisition of Screening, Intake, Orientation, Assessment, Treatment Planning, and Counseling
• Day 3: Core Competencies of Addiction Counselors – Knowledge and Skill Acquisition of Case Management, Crisis Intervention, Client and Family Education, Referral, Report and Record Keeping, and Consultation
• Day 4: Core Competencies of Addiction Counselors – Prevention and Treatment of HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections
• Day 5: Course Review and Test-Taking Strategies
To view and download the IC&RC ADC Academy Curriculum, please visit:
Acknowledgements: This training was developed by Dr. Thomas E. Freese, PhD (Director of Training of UCLA ISAP and Director of the Pacific Southwest ATTC), Alex R. Ngiraingas, MEd, CSAC II, ICADC, ICPS, and Dr. Christopher C. C. Rocchio, PhD, LCSW, CSAC, ICADC (Clinical Specialist, UCLA) in August of 2018 under contract number 2018-002 by the University of California Los Angeles, Integrated Substance Abuse Programs (UCLA ISAP) and the Pacific Southwest Addiction Technology Center (PSATTC) for the Pacific Behavioral Health Collaborating Council (PBHCC). Additional resource provided by SAMHSA, grant number UR1TI080211.
*All PowerPoint presentations and trainer guides are 508 compliant.
Published: April 2, 2020
Print Media
Understanding addiction is essential to successfully addressing it. In this overview of substance use we discuss the spectrum of use, neurobiological responses to substances, signs and symptoms that explain the disorders, and the common definition of SUDs.
Published: May 24, 2019
How do you engage with clients who are using marijuana heavily, but not interested in treatment? This webinar, presented by Denise Walker, PhD, of the University of Washington, focused on the Check-Up model of intervention, designed to attract voluntary participation from non-treatment-seeking marijuana users. The elements of the intervention were described, with a focus on Motivational Enhancement Therapy and topics of conversation that can be used to enhance motivation to change marijuana use.
Download the slides here.
Published: January 23, 2019
Print Media
This handout was distributed to accompany a plenary talk about Adolescent Substance Use in the Era of Marijuana Legalization. Created by Yifrah Kaminer, MD
Published: July 12, 2017
Presentation Slides
This presentation had three objectives1. Describe and discuss the potential impact of changes in cannabis laws and regulations 2. Describe the limitations of the evidence for cannabis as a therapeutic substance 3. Describe the primary concerns related to adolescents use of cannabis, and how the changing landscape interacts with these issues. Presented by Alan J. Budney, Ph.D.
Published: July 20, 2016