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Products and Resources Catalog

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Mid-America ATTC invites participants to join a new Invitation to Change (ITC) support group, a holistic model designed to support families impacted by substance use. This group empowers family members with strategies to encourage positive change in their loved ones while also fostering self-care and resilience. We’re excited to offer our 15-week Invitation to Change (ITC) support group in a virtual format to make it accessible to more families and loved ones. This group is open to anyone who serves as a support system for someone struggling with substance use. 📅 Dates: March 5 – July 2, 2025🕚 Time: Every Wednesday from 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM (CST)📩 For more info, contact Amber Takens at [email protected].
Published: February 3, 2025
Online Course, Website
In 2019, an estimated 1 in 59 adults in the U.S. was under community supervision. Researchers estimate that 60 to 80% of individuals on probation have a substance use disorder. Many people on community supervision who have an opioid use disorder never get the high-quality care needed to recover. There are many reasons for this - logistical barriers, lack of access to evidence-based treatments, stigma... But as a professional working with people on probation/ parole, you can change that. This learning series is designed specifically for community supervision officers and community treatment providers working with justice-involved individuals. Whether you're supervising someone with an OUD under community supervision or providing their treatment, every interaction is an opportunity to achieve better outcomes. This course consists of six modules. The resources and videos throughout this course: Provide probation officers and community treatment providers with the knowledge, tools, and resources to respond to the treatment needs of individuals under supervision, and Improve access and linkage to evidence-based treatment in the community for individuals with opioid use disorders who are under supervision. It is important for probation officers and community providers to review all modules in order to align role clarity and expectations. Please note that you will see the following acronyms used throughout this course: PO - Probation Officer CP - Community Provider SUD - Substance Use Disorder MOUD - Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Access this course here.  
Published: July 1, 2024
The New England ATTC, in partnership with the IAMSBIRT Study (Implementing Alcohol Misuse SBIRT), has created a suite of SBIRT training and technical assistance resources for pediatric trauma center staff. Resources include separate webinars about screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment, motivational interviewing in adolescents, and IAMSBIRT oversight. In addition, there are worksheets in English and Spanish about safe administration and disposal of opioids, and materials to monitor SBIRT fidelity. Resources can be found here:
Published: June 28, 2024
The New England ATTC, in partnership with Project MIMIC (Maximizing Implementation of Motivational Incentives in Clinics), has created a suite of contingency management training and technical assistance resources. The resources are broadly applicable, though likely to be especially relevant to opioid treatment programs. Specific resources include an overview of contingency management resources, an example contingency management session, a demonstration of how to track contingency management fidelity, and a discussion of how to design a contingency management protocol. Resources can be found here:
Published: June 21, 2024
The New England ATTC Co-Director, Dr. Sara Becker, has a Commentary out in Addiction titled, “Contingency Management Needs Implementation Science.”  Dr. Becker was invited to contribute this commentary in recognition of her – and by extension the New England ATTC’s - reputation as a national leader in efforts to increase access to contingency management in specialty addiction treatment settings. This commentary asserts that efforts to increase access to contingency management must be informed by rigorous methods of implementation science. Click here for access to the full text. 
Published: June 17, 2024
The Naloxone is an Act of Love website was developed with support by the New England Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) in partnership with the Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) on Opioids and Overdose. The website hosts a suite of resources designed to reduce stigma surrounding the use of naloxone and those who experience an opioid overdose along with encouraging viewers to get trained in and carry Naloxone. Specific resources include narrative videos, posters, and coasters. 
Published: September 1, 2022
SBIRT, or Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment, offers methods for ascertaining the level of intervention needed for behavioral health issues in a variety of clinical settings.    Check out the newest version of the SBIRT for Health and Behavioral Health Professionals course on
Published: March 10, 2022
Overview:  Today, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) released a new mobile app, My Mental Health Crisis Plan, which allows individuals who have serious mental illness (SMI) to create a plan to guide their treatment during a mental health crisis. The app was developed through SMI Adviser, a project funded by SAMHSA and administered by the American Psychiatric Association.   The app provides an easy, step-by-step process for individuals to create and share a psychiatric advance directive (PAD). A PAD is a legal document that includes a list of instructions and preferences that the individual wishes to be followed in case of a mental health crisis, should they not be able to make their own decisions.
Published: October 1, 2020
The YouTube Channel of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC. Features recorded webinars presented by the three Great Lakes projects, organized in playlists specific to each project. Topic-specific webinars are also organized in specific playlists.
Published: August 5, 2020
The Mountain Plains ATTC partnered with University of North Dakota’s (UND) ECHO Clinic to create a seven-part ECHO series using an interdisciplinary approach to train health professionals on pain management and recovery titled, “Addressing Substance Use Disorder in 2019: An Interprofessional Approach to Pain Management and Recovery”. This seven-part ECHO Series provides a venue for a variety of health professionals to learn how to help patients/clients manage their pain without the use of opioids. Each month a different health professional presented on how to management pain from their professional perspectives (e.g., Occupational Therapist; Addiction Counselor; Nutritionist; Chiropractor; Physical Therapist; Music Therapist; and Psychiatrist) in order to promote interdisciplinary approaches especially as it relates to Opioid Use Disorders and preventing overdose. Finally, a rural perspective will be included in each session. A typical ECHO structure will be followed for the seven sessions including a 20 minute didactic followed by a case study and discussion. To view this 7-part series, other Project Echo presentations on the management of opioid use disorders (OUD), and/or get additional information visit UND’s Center for Rural Health Project Echo webpage. In addition, all Project ECHO teleECHO™ sessions are recorded and available for continuing medical education (CME) credit.
Published: September 30, 2019
SAMHSA has recently created the “Evidence-Based Practices Resource Center”.  This new Center aims to provide communities, clinicians, policy-makers and others in the field with the information and tools they need to incorporate evidence-based practices into their communities or clinical settings. The Resource Center contains a collection of scientifically-based resources for a broad range of audiences, including Treatment Improvement Protocols, toolkits, resource guides, clinical practice guidelines, and other science-based resources. The site is completely user friendly with drop down menus for specific searches, an emerging best practices section, and highlighted areas of Technical Assistance! Explore the site!
Published: May 20, 2019
The Family Recovery Pathways conference was held in Sioux Falls, SD on May 6-8, 2019, developed by the HHS Region 7 Mid-America Addiction Technology Transfer Center (Mid-America ATTC) and HHS Region 8 Mountain Plains Addiction Technology Transfer Center (Mountain Plains ATTC). This conference also had support from the Region 8 Mountain Plains Prevention Technology Transfer Center (Mountain Plains PTTC) and the ATTC Network Coordinating Office. The goal of the Family Recovery Pathways conference was to bring together professionals who engage with families impacted by substance use disorders to learn best practices in working in the child welfare and substance use disorder system. A total of 275 people representing 20 states attended throughout the three-day conference. Conference presentations featured more than 50 presenters and panelists addressing such topics as Adverse Childhood Experiences, Policy Approaches to Support Family-Centered Care, and Pregnancy and Parenting in the Midst of a Methamphetamine Epidemic. Presentations are available for download by clicking
Published: May 8, 2019
In partnership with an NIAAA funded project awarded to researchers at Rhode Island Hospital, we developed an intensive TA curriculum to promote the implementation of screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment into pediatric trauma centers. The curriculum includes an online orientation video, three self-paced webinars, self-paced submission of role plays with standardized case vignettes, and monthly coaching calls. Materials are currently being actively piloted and will be available in the ATTC Network once finalized.
Published: April 23, 2019
This list is prepared by the Division of Viral Hepatitis and the National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD & TB Prevention. It contains the state/city, the Program Manager Coordinator, e-mail address, phone number and website.
Published: November 16, 2018
Naloxone temporarily reverses the effects of opioid overdose:slowed or stopped breathing and is typically utilized by first responders. The US surgeon general issued an advisory Thursday, April 5, 2018 recommending that more Americans carry the opioid overdose-reversing drug, naloxone which is sold under the brand name Narcan.
Published: April 5, 2018
Learn through example by watching any or all of six vignettes which illustrate how, through MI, practitioners can help their patients develop intrinsic motivation to be tested for HCV and to feel positive about making a responsible health decision. Each unique scenario features a trained motivational interviewer speaking with a patient at risk for hepatitis C. The videos portray a diverse group of backgrounds and life experiences.
Published: March 22, 2018
Motivational Incentives-A Proven Approach to Treatment is a collection of products which offer tools needed to learn about and use Motivational Incentives. Also, referred to as Contingency Management, Motivational Incentives has been subject to decades of research in the addiction treatment field; beginning in the 1960s. This collection of products assists organizations along a continuum from raising awareness about Motivational Incentives through dissemination and implementation activities.   What will you find at Promoting Awareness of Motivational Incentives (PAMI) is an introductory training that exposes organizations to the principles of Motivational Incentives and demonstrates evidence of clinical effectiveness. Behavioral healthcare practitioners can then deepen their knowledge about Motivational Incentives through participating in the free, self-guided, interactive on-line course, Motivational Incentives: Positive Reinforcers to Enhance Successful Treatment Outcomes (MI:PRESTO).      
Published: January 1, 2018
Q&A with marijuana expert Dr. Kevin Hill. Topics include Addiction/dependency, adolescence, effects on the body, medical marijuana, potency, and withdrawal.
Published: June 8, 2015
Through a partnership with UNR, the PSATTC launched a learning management system called PSATTC e-Learn. Currently, there is one self-paced online course housed on the site; more will be added in the future.
Published: May 29, 2015
Print Media, Website
This brochure provides valuable information about Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) including a listing of MAT providers in Arizona and other available resources.
Published: June 1, 2012
eNewsletter or Blog, Website
Each quarter in the “Meet the Researcher” series, the Research Society on Alcoholism (RSA) and the ATTC Network have partnered to introduce you to some of the scientists working hard to make an impact in the lives of individuals battling the disease of addiction. The first profile was that of Clive Harper, M.D., FRCPA, winner of the 2009 RSA Begleiter Research Award.
Published: January 1, 2010
In response to the growing need for information to address the needs of returning veterans, the National Office added a comprehensive section to the Featured Topics Library on the Network Web site, Meeting the Needs of Returning Veterans. This Web resource provides a wealth of information and resources not only for those treating returning veterans, but also policy-makers, veterans and their families.
Published: August 11, 2008

The ATTC Network understands that words have power. A few ATTC products developed prior to 2017 may contain language that does not reflect the ATTCs’ current commitment to using affirming, person-first language. We appreciate your patience as we work to gradually update older materials. For more information about the importance of non-stigmatizing language, see “Destroying Addiction Stigma Once and For All: It’s Time” from the ATTC Network and “Changing Language to Change Care: Stigma and Substance Use Disorders” from the Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS).
