Dr. Randy Brown will review the history of the ECHO tele-educational model and the history particular to the University of Wisconsin Project ECHO ACCEPT clinic regarding substance use disorders and related complications. He will review the general content of the curriculum and the format for these educational sessions. Presented on November 22, 2019.
Published: January 7, 2020
This webinar will focus on the current state of what we know about opioid use and suicide. In part 1, Dr. Jane Pearson, Chair, NIMH Suicide Research Consortium, will address overall data on opioids and suicide, affected sub-groups, and why certain sub-groups are affected more than others. In part 2, Dr. Richard McKeon, Chief, Suicide Prevention Branch, Center for Mental Health Services, will speak on challenges and opportunities regarding the integration of opioid use and suicide. He will also describe Zero Suicide and other suicide prevention initiatives.
The Great Lakes ATTC and MHTTC are hosting this webinar in collaboration with the Central East ATTC and MHTTC.
Pearson PowerPoint
McKeon PowerPoint
Published: December 16, 2019
Mat Roosa, LCSW-R, was a founding member of NIATx and has been a NIATx coach for a wide range of projects. He works as a consultant in the quality improvement, organizational development and planning, evidence-based practice implementation, and also serves as a local government planner in behavioral health in New York State. In this interview, Mat gives an overview of NIATx and process improvement in behavioral health.
Published: November 6, 2019
Dr. Mike Flaherty is a clinical psychologist with more than 30 years experience in the prevention, intervention, treatment, research and policy development related to substance use, addiction and recovery. In this podcast, Dr. Flaherty provides an overview how Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care are transforming lives in communities across the country.
Published: October 18, 2019
Presentation Slides
During this last installment of the webinar series three presenters will discuss change management strategies for successfully implementing these evidence-based practices.
Todd Molfenter, Ph.D., provides an overview on how implementation science informs successful uptake of EBPs.
Bryan Hartzler, PhD., presents tips for community-based implementation of contingency management.
Denna Vandersloot, M.Ed, shares lessons learned from implementation efforts involving the Matrix Model of treatment.
Published: September 12, 2019
Presentation Slides
The second installment of Great Lakes/Northwest ATTC webinar series features a panel of providers presenting their experiences with effective treatment strategies and evidence-based practices for working with individuals with stimulant use disorders.
Section 1: Treating Individuals with Stimulant and Opioid Use Disorders – Evergreen Treatment Center in Seattle, WA. K. Michelle Peavy, Ph.D., of Evergreen Treatment Services addresses challenges and strategies of working with individuals with comorbid opioid use and stimulant use disorders.
Section 2: Implementing Contingency Management: Lessons Learned from VA’s National Implementation Initiative. Dominick DePhilippis, Ph.D., presents on use of contingency management in the VA system.
Section 3: Using the MATRIX Model to treat stimulant disorders in a FQHC setting. Regina Fox, LSW, CSAC, will discuss use of the Matrix Model of treatment in a community-based treatment organization.
Download the FAQ Sheet
Published: September 12, 2019
Presentation Slides
Part 1 of the Great Lakes ATTC/NW ATTC 3-part webinar series provides an overview of stimulant (cocaine and methamphetamine) use in the U.S.
Presenter Rick Rawson, Ph.D., will discuss:
1. The extent and geography of stimulant use.
2. Clinical syndromes produced by acute and chronic stimulant use; s.trategies for addressing acute intoxication, withdrawal, and stimulant-induced psychosis.
3. Effective behavioral treatments for stimulant use disorders.
4. The status of pharmacotherapy research on treatments for stimulant use disorders.
5. Vulnerable populations, including the problem of stimulant use by individuals in medication treatment for opioid use disorder.
Published: September 12, 2019
Our Recovery Month 2019 Podcast features an interview with Mark Sanders, LCSW, CADC, an international speaker, trainer, and consultant in the behavioral health field whose work has reached thousands throughout the United States, Europe, Canada, Caribbean and British Islands.
In this podcast, Mark discusses the many pathways to recovery in African-American communities.
Published: September 5, 2019
During this last installment of the webinar series three presenters will discuss change management strategies for successfully implementing these evidence-based practices.
The first two installments of the series focused on effective treatment strategies and models for addressing stimulant use disorders. During this webinar, three presenters will discuss change management strategies for successfully implementing these evidence-based practices. Todd Molfenter, Ph.D. will provide an overview on how implementation science informs successful uptake of EBPs. Bryan Hartzler, PhD. will present tips for community-based implementation of contingency management. Denna Vandersloot, M.Ed will share lessons learned from implementation efforts involving the Matrix Model of treatment.
Published: September 3, 2019
The second installment of the webinar series featured a panel of providers presenting their experiences with effective treatment strategies and evidence-based practices for working with individuals with stimulant use disorders.
Section 1: Treating Individuals with Stimulant and Opioid Use Disorders – Evergreen Treatment Center in Seattle, WA. K. Michelle Peavy, Ph.D. of Evergreen Treatment Services addressed challenges and strategies of working with individuals with comorbid opioid use and stimulant use disorders. Section 2: Implementing Contingency Management: Lessons Learned from VA’s National Implementation Initiative. Dominick DePhilippis, Ph.D. described use of contingency management in the VA system. Section 3: Using the MATRIX Model to treat stimulant disorders in a FQHC setting. Regina Fox discussed use of the Matrix Model of treatment in a community-based treatment organization.
Published: August 9, 2019
Print Media
Alcohol Awareness Card
This double-sided wallet card offers a quick guide to standard drink sizes. It also describes the signs of alcohol poisoning and steps to take to help someone who is at risk of alcohol overdose. Produced by the Great Lakes ATTC and the Great Lakes PTTC
To request hard copies, contact Maureen Fitzgerald at
[email protected]
Published: July 10, 2019
Three-part webinar series offered by the Great Lakes ATTC and the Northwest ATTC.
Part 1 of the series provides an overview of stimulant (cocaine and methamphetamine) use in the U.S. Presenter Rick Rawson, PhD will discuss:
The extent and geography of stimulant use
Clinical syndromes produced by acute and chronic stimulant use
Strategies for addressing acute intoxication, withdrawal, and stimulant-induced psychosis
Effective behavioral treatments for stimulant use disorders
The status of pharmacotherapy research on treatments for stimulant use disorders
A discussion of vulnerable populations, including the problem of stimulant use by individuals in medication treatment for opioid use disorder
PowerPoint Presentation
Published: June 17, 2019
Fueled by the opioid epidemic, hepatitis C infections have increased dramatically in rural communities in the Great Lakes Region. Since 2017, a consortium of academic, public health and community-based partners have undertaken abroad research program in six rural Wisconsin counties. The research team has surveyed more than 800 people who inject drugs and interviewed diverse stakeholders working on the public opioid response to inform best practices for reducing the spread of HIV, hepatitis and preventing overdose. In this 60-minute webinar, Principal Investigator Dr. Ryan Westergaard will review lessons learned through this research and describe how the communities plan to move forward with implementation of a client-centered prevention service coordination intervention starting in late 2019.
PowerPoint Presentation
Published: June 10, 2019
Learn how addiction and infectious disease interact: Dr. Ryan Westergaard presents clinical issues related to the management of patients with infectious diseases and addiction, including important drug interactions, adherence support, and care coordination strategies.
Read the transcript:
Published: June 6, 2019
Print Media
Provides an overview of resources and initiatives to address opioid misuse in Ohio.
Information effective May 2019.
Published: May 31, 2019
Print Media
Provides an overview of state resources and initiatives to address the opioid epidemic in Minnesota. Information effective May 2019.
Published: May 30, 2019
Print Media
Provides an overview of resources and initiatives to address opioid misuse in Illinois.
Information effective May 2019.
Published: May 23, 2019
Print Media
Provides an overview of resources and initiatives to address opioid misuse in Indiana.
Information effective May 2019.
Published: May 23, 2019
Print Media
Provides an overview of resources and initiatives to address opioid misuse in Michigan.
Information effective May 2019.
Published: May 23, 2019
eNewsletter or Blog
Electronic newsletter featuring news and updates on events. April 2019 issue includes a feature article by Todd Molfenter and Matt Roosa on implementing evidence-based practices, resources for Alcohol Awareness Month, a recap of the NIATx Change Leader Academy in Minnesota.
Published: April 15, 2019
Dr. Haner Hernandez has been working to improve health outcomes for more than 20 years. In this 14-minute podcast, Dr. Hernandez shares recommendations for ways that treatment organizations can address the needs of their Latino clients.
Published: March 14, 2019
eNewsletter or Blog
News and events from the Great Lakes ATTC, February 2019.
Published: February 12, 2019
eNewsletter or Blog
Monthly electronic newsletter, Great Lakes ATTC, January 2019.
Published: January 14, 2019
eNewsletter or Blog
Great Lakes ATTC Newsroom December 2018
This month's issue features an update on 2018, tips on staying in recovery over the holidays, an invitation to visit the new Great Lakes ATTC website, along with news from SAMHSA and the Network Coordinating Office and best wishes of the season from the Great Lakes ATTC staff.
Published: January 2, 2019