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The New England ATTC, in partnership with the New England Association of Recovery Court Professionals, provided a basic/universal TA webinar titled, "How to Best Treat and Manage Methamphetamine Use" with subject matter experts Brian Meyer and Helen Harberts. The recording is available for download.
Published: October 4, 2023
Presentation Slides
The presentation slides from “How to Best Treat and Manage Methamphetamine Use” (described above) are also available for download.
Published: October 4, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
Third & Fourth Quarter Updates The goals of this newsletter are to share Regional Best Practices with regard to training and technical assistance (TA) initiatives, provide updates on regional strategic initiatives and curriculum development, and facilitate ongoing collaboration among state partners and programs. Please click here to view our collaborators over the prior reporting period. View the Newsletter!
Published: September 30, 2023
Presentation Slides
This presentation titled, “Eliminating Disparities, Building Equity, and the Enhanced CLAS Standards: Current Context and Approaches” reviews current approaches to ensure adherence to CLAS standards and eradicate health disparities.
Published: September 22, 2023
Each person who enters recovery is as unique as their story. And this month, in honor of recovery month, we are bringing you recovery stories from people in diverse populations. Hear what people in these communities want providers to know. Episode 4: Jazie is a non-binary person who is coming up on their 2nd sober anniversary. Jazie recognizes the older version of themselves taught them many things and acknowledges that they would not be the best version of themselves without that former self.    
Published: September 21, 2023
Each person who enters recovery is as unique as their story. And this month, in honor of recovery month, we are bringing you recovery stories from people in diverse populations. Hear what people in these communities want providers to know. Episode 3: Casey explains that recovery does not have to be abstinence only.  She discusses her thoughts on why she practices abstinence only now, but she may not always. She discusses why she may use substances in spiritual practices or rituals that her culture has used for centuries, and that does not contradict being in recovery. Casey uses her voice to stand up for who she stands on.     
Published: September 21, 2023
Beyond sobriety, programs dealing with substance use disorders have embraced a more comprehensive goal: Recovery. There are four recognized domains of recovery: Health, Home, Purpose, and Community. There are a myriad of resources, both internal and external, that make up recovery capital. As a person begins their journey, they draw on their initial store of recovery capital and as that journey continues, they gain more recovery capital. More recovery capital, more recovery. More recovery, more recovery capital. By assisting an individual identify their recovery capital and make plans for its increase, their recovery becomes stronger.  This session, presented by Norma Jaeger, PhD (ABD), Executive Director of Recovery Idaho, explored the many potential elements of recovery capital and how to support an individual in building more recovery capital to support their life in recovery. View recording | Download slides | Download handouts: Recovery Capital Scale, Recovery Capital Worksheets 
Published: September 21, 2023
Print Media
The New England ATTC co-hosted the Recovery Science and Harm Reduction (RSHR) Reading Group meeting on September 21, 2023. This discussion reviewed the article, “Understanding Stigma Through the Lived Experiences of People With Opioid Use Disorder.” Article link: View the September 2023 RSHR Reading group meeting summary that includes a brief article summary and key themes that arose in discussion with the participants.
Published: September 21, 2023
Presentation Slides
This module aims to educate about harm reduction as an evidence-based public health approach to minimizing adverse health consequences and other events that may be experienced by people who use psychoactive substances.  Harm reduction strategies and how to put them into practice in the process of helping to achieve behavior change are discussed.
Published: September 18, 2023
Presentation Slides
Este módulo tiene como objetivo educar al lector sobre la reducción de daños como un enfoque de salud pública, basado en evidencia, para minimizar las consecuencias adversas a la salud y otras áreas de la vida que pueden experimentar las personas que consumen sustancias psicoactivas.  Se discuten estrategias de la reducción de daños y cómo ponerlas en práctica en el proceso de ayuda para lograr cambios de conducta.
Published: September 18, 2023
This is a recording of the webinar presented 9-13-23 by JK Costello
Published: September 14, 2023
Print Media
  Treatment for Individuals who Use Stimulants TRUST A Protocol Using Empirically-Supported Behavioral Treatments for People with Stimulant Use Disorders     Purpose of the TRUST-MAIN Manual The authors of this manual have been involved in StimUD-related research, treatment, and training efforts for over 30 years. Over this period, the research on StimUD and its treatment has vastly increased and there is a great interest in better understanding StimUD and providing effective treatment for people who use cocaine and methamphetamine. We have produced this manual to promote the use of research-supported strategies for StimUD treatment. The manual attempts to combine a number of strategies into a framework that is appropriate for use by clinicians in settings where people with StimUD receive treatment. This manual is not intended to be a cookbook and the materials used and the framework for their use are not intended to be an inflexible, one-size-fits-all prescription. At the end of the manual, we list a variety of treatment materials (see Appendix) that can be added or substituted for the ones we are recommending. We provide the contents of this manual and the framework for combining these treatment materials as one example for how research-supported strategies can be combined into a structured treatment experience. The manual was developed at a time when CM with adequate incentives was considered impossible in the U.S. Hence, this manual was produced to offer a possible, albeit a non-evidence-based and certainly less effective alternative to CM. As evidence-based CM protocols using adequate incentives are increasingly being developed and implemented in the U.S., there is interest in having CM delivered within a framework of other evidence-based behavioral support. The use of the materials in the TRUST Manual to augment CM treatment is another possible use of the manual, either in the form of a 12-week framework, or as ad hoc behavioral support materials. The audience for the manual includes healthcare professionals who provide treatment services for individuals with StimUD. One category of these professionals who we particularly hope will benefit are therapists and other behavioral health clinicians who work in substance use disorder specialty care treatment programs. The manual has been written with this group in mind.   The manual intends to: Provide new information about the use and effects of cocaine and methamphetamine. Present several key clinical challenges that clinicians face when treating this population. Review the evidence-based treatment strategies for StimUD treatment. Discuss how motivational interviewing (MI) is central to the effective engagement of individuals in treatment and to assisting them with behavior change during treatment. Present how elements of community reinforcement approach (CRA) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be used to assist individuals with StimUD to reduce/discontinue their drug use and prevent relapse. Describe a procedure for incorporating positive incentives into the treatment milieu and/or support the use of CM for the treatment of StimUD. Provide information and guidance for how physical exercise can benefit individuals who are attempting to reduce/discontinue their use of methamphetamine and cocaine. Describe a plan for providing continuing care to assist individuals to sustain the progress they have made in a structured treatment program. List an array of manuals and training resources for other research-supported substance use disorder treatment approaches.   For those working with people receiving care for Opioid Use Disorder, an adapted version is available Treatment for Individuals who Use Stimulants while on MOUD TRUST—MOUD THERAPIST MANUAL & PATIENT WORKBOOK       Purpose of the TRUST-MOUD Manual The TRUST MOUD Manual is intended to be used with patients who are struggling with stimulant (cocaine/amphetamine) use while in treatment for OUD with methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone. Working with patients presenting in MOUD treatment is a challenging, yet incredibly rewarding experience. While it is rewarding, it can also be frustrating. Stimulant use among these patients is common and many patients don’t see their use as problematic. In fact, for some patients who use stimulants sporadically, they may not need treatment. But certainly, for some patients on MOUD, cocaine/meth use is extremely detrimental to the effectiveness of their MOUD treatment and is a serious health problem. However, in many cases, regardless of the severity of use, the patients often don’t recognize their stimulant use as a problem, and they are not interested in intensive treatment. The materials in the TRUST MOUD Manual attempt to provide this patient population with a useful set of information in a format that they find acceptable. The materials adopt CRA, CBT, and MI content and present it in a clear and relevant form that addresses the challenges they face while in MOUD treatment. We try to avoid long, didactic, lecturing materials, but rather try to create accessible topics and examples. TRUST was developed with flexibility in mind to optimize patient engagement and retention. TRUST materials can be presented in 1:1 sessions and can be scheduled with patients or in on-going stimulant treatment groups. Topics can be presented in a sequence and frequency that lets therapists select content to meet patient needs. The 24 TRUST worksheets can be used in a flexible manner to be relevant and useful to patients. Consistency is important when using the TRUST Manual. Set and adhere to meeting days and times. Start and end sessions on time. If used in a group format, have some group participation guidelines. Adhering to a specific session format and timing will enhance patients’ understanding of the group/individual session process and will allow them to focus on acquisition of new material. Patients using stimulants will undoubtedly experience cognitive impairment as they participate in sessions and utilize the TRUST materials. Slowing down to allow patients to gather their thoughts and express themselves during group or individual sessions is important. In addition, using multi-media and repetition can be helpful for patients to grasp new concepts. Use of Motivational Interviewing as a fundamental style and interpersonal approach is essential to success when using TRUST materials. Ideally, TRUST session attendance should be paired with medication visit attendance to reduce the travel burden on patients. This is especially true in rural areas, where public transportation is non-existent, or when a patient has employment, education, or homemaking responsibilities. When possible, patients should have an opportunity to determine therapy visit days and times based upon their scheduling needs. Research has shown that aerobic exercise improves cognitive capacity, reduces depression and anxiety, and improves cardiac and pulmonary function for individuals with stimulant use disorder. Several of the TRUST worksheets discuss the benefits of exercise as part of a treatment effort to reducing stimulant use. Encouraging patients to exercise will also help them to manage emotional highs and lows and help them structure their day. Getting patients to exercise is often difficult and requires ongoing encouragement and support. The TRUST materials and their use with patients on MOUD should be used with a strong harm reduction foundation. The #1 priority for this group of patients is retention in treatment with MOUD. Participation in treatment activities with TRUST materials, when appropriate, should be encouraged, rewarded, and praised. In our opinion, requiring treatment attendance with TRUST materials, with a threat of MOUD discontinuation is never justified. In an era of lethal drugs including fentanyl, retention on MOUD is essential. Other harm reduction activities should be combined with TRUST materials. Access to safe injection supplies, ready access to naloxone and fentanyl test strips, and as new drugs emerge (e.g., xylazine), it is critical to provide new information and test strips as they become available. Many patients in MOUD treatment have multiple life challenges, including use of numerous drugs and alcohol, food insecurity, being unhoused, unemployment, as well as both mental health and physical health issues. To be successful, patients will need to be retained in treatment for a significant period of time, if not for a lifetime. These issues are not going to be resolved overnight, but rather through consistent and prolonged effort. We hope these materials can be useful to your work with patients on MOUD.   Authors Richard Rawson, PhD Richard A. Rawson, PhD, is Professor Emeritus at the UCLA Department of Psychiatry and a Research Professor at the Vermont Center for Behavior and Health at the University of Vermont. He received a Ph.D. in experimental psychology from the University of Vermont in 1974. Dr. Rawson conducted numerous clinical trials on pharmacological and psychosocial addiction treatment and extensive system evaluation activities in a number of states and countries. He has led addiction research and training projects for the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and the U.S. State Department, exporting science-based knowledge to many parts of the world. Dr. Rawson has published 3 books, 40 book chapters, and over 250 peer-reviewed articles and has, for almost 50 years, conducted workshops, paper presentations, and training sessions in many areas of the world.   Albert Hasson, MSW Albert L. Hasson received his MSW from UCLA and has worked in the field of addiction medicine as a researcher and a treatment provider since 1977. Mr. Hasson participated in the development of the evidence-based Matrix Model, a cognitive behavioral intervention for StimUD Treatment, and established the Matrix Institute on Addictions, Los Angeles opioid treatment program. Along with his administrative and clinical experience, Mr. Hasson has extensive experience in implementing and evaluating behavioral and pharmacologic interventions. He has served as a project director and trainer for the Pacific Southwest Addiction Technology Transfer Center at the UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Programs.   Janice Stimson, PsyD Janice Stimson, PsyD, has worked in the field of addiction treatment since 1998. For 20 years she has worked at the Matrix Institute on Addictions in the role of Clinic Director, overseeing and managing the clinic, seeing clients and supervising staff. At the clinic private adolescent and adult treatment programs coexisted along-side national research studies. Dr. Stimson held key positions in those studies and was responsible for ensuring the success of fulfilling recruitment, training, supervision, and protocol requirements.   Michael McCann, MA Michael McCann, M.A., is one of the founders of the Matrix Institute on Addictions and creators of the Matrix Model. He has overseen the operation of Matrix clinics as well as the integration of many research projects within these sites. He has over 40 years of experience in substance use disorder treatment and research, and has authored or co-authored over 40 articles, books, and manuals. He has trained and lectured extensively on evidence-based behavioral interventions, pharmacologic treatments, methamphetamine dependence, opioid dependence, and on the implementation of evidence-based treatments into clinical practice   Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge the assistance provided by Thomas E. Freese, PhD, Beth Rutkowski, MPH, Gloria Miele, PhD, and Valerie P Antonini, MPH. Christine Morgan provided invaluable support with the production of the manual, along with editing support from Victoria T. Norith and Benjamin Nguyen, MSW, CPH. The materials in this manual include content and worksheets from the Matrix Model Therapist Manual (SAMHSA, 2006); from the Community Reinforcement Approach, plus Vouchers Manual (NIDA, 2020).
Published: September 11, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
  The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.   The September 2023 issue honors National Recovery Month, National Hispanic Heritage Month, Addiction Professionals Appreciation Day (September 20), and the 10th anniversary of the ATTC/NIATx Service Improvement Blog! As always, you will also find links to all upcoming events and trainings hosted by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC!
Published: September 7, 2023
Each person who enters recovery is as unique as their story. And this month, in honor of recovery month, we are bringing you recovery stories from people in diverse populations. Hear what people in these communities want providers to know.   Episode 1: Laura celebrates her recovery and the person she has become as a result. When her daughter was battling her own addiction, this veteran, divorced, gay mom had to advocate to get her daughter's other mom to be recognized in the healthcare setting.  Laura and her ex-partner were the first parents in MO to have a same-sex partner adoption, but even that legal distinction did not stop the discrimination this queer family faced when seeking medical care for their daughter.      
Published: September 7, 2023
Each person who enters recovery is as unique as their story. And this month, in honor of recovery month, we are bringing you recovery stories from people in diverse populations. Hear what people in these communities want providers to know. Episode 2: Hector looked at his family and chose not to repeat those patterns.  Hector practiced abstinence into his young adulthood.  When he did start using, he practiced harm reduction.  As a queer, first-generation Hispanic immigrant, he has been able to put a voice to what so many in his culture could not do.    
Published: September 7, 2023
Presentation Slides
The New England ATTC Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Director, Dr. David Zelaya, presented the opening plenary session, “Incorporating an Intersectionality Framework to Understand the Impact of Racism and Heterosexism on the Health Disparities Encountered by LGBTQ+ People of Color” at the New England School of Best Practices. This interactive presentation offered an overview of tools to help behavioral health professionals understand how systems of oppression such as racism and heterosexism create unique health disparities (e.g., addiction and behavioral health care inequities) encountered by LGBTQ+ People of Color. • Explain two strategies to reduce these health disparities in the behavioral health setting.   Click the download button above to download the slides from this presentation.
Published: August 31, 2023
The risk of fatal overdose has changed significantly in recent years, most notably with the emergence of the illicit opioid fentanyl and the increasing prevalence of polypharmacy. In this webinar, presenters Michael Hite, MBA and Desislav Hite, MD discussed trends and patterns in overdose cases over the last 5 years, factors that can increase overdose risk including identifiable life events and mental health co-occurring conditions, and how different populations are affected across Region 10. They also discussed actionable interventions to enhance overdose safety including new medical devices and digital resources, harm reduction strategies, and collaboration with local community organizations. Download slides | View recording
Published: August 24, 2023
Print Media
The New England ATTC co-hosted the Recovery Science and Harm Reduction (RSHR) Reading Group meeting on August 17, 2023. This discussion reviewed the article, “A Qualitative Analysis of Barriers to Opioid Agonist Treatment for Racial/Ethnic Minoritized Populations.” Article link: View the August 2023 RSHR Reading group meeting summary that includes a brief article summary and key themes that arose in discussion with the participants.
Published: August 17, 2023
LGBTQIA people are much more than their sexual orientation and gender identity. This interactive webinar combines the perspectives and practices of both Cultural Humility and Motivational Interviewing, inviting participants to consider how these approaches, used in tandem, can enhance engagement and retention of LGBTQIA people.
Published: August 10, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
  The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.   The August 2023 issue honors International Overdose Awareness Day (August 31), opioid overdose prevention training on HealtheKnowledge, and the newest NIATx in New Places series blog post written by Lynn Madden, PhD, MPA.  And as always, you will find links to all upcoming events and trainings hosted by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC!  
Published: August 3, 2023
The New England ATTC, in partnership with the NEARCP, hosted the next webinar in a series of basic/universal TA sessions for criminal justice professionals titled “Incentives on a Dime”. This 1.5-hour session first focused on the science supporting the use of incentives and then took a deep dive into the creation, implementation, and delivery of incentives. Participants were provided with detailed handouts, a fully customized toolkit, and an array of new incentive-based skills.
Published: August 2, 2023
This is the recording of the webinar held July 25, 2023 and a PDF of the slides used.        
Published: July 28, 2023
This recording is part 1 of the CLAS Matters Series. The series aims to initiate conversations and yield compassionate outcomes within organizations and community providers to ensure services offered are inclusive, equitable, respectful, and available for marginalized populations.  This is one hour introductory session that provides a general overview about CLAS and the 15 standards. Watch the recording here!
Published: July 27, 2023
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The ATTC Network understands that words have power. A few ATTC products developed prior to 2017 may contain language that does not reflect the ATTCs’ current commitment to using affirming, person-first language. We appreciate your patience as we work to gradually update older materials. For more information about the importance of non-stigmatizing language, see “Destroying Addiction Stigma Once and For All: It’s Time” from the ATTC Network and “Changing Language to Change Care: Stigma and Substance Use Disorders” from the Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS).
