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Products and Resources Catalog

Product Type
Target Audience
Date Range
Interactive Resource
Motivational Incentives: Positive Reinforcers to Enhance Successful Treatment Outcomes is 5-hour, self-paced course, designed to assist clinical supervisors in designing and customizing a Motivational Incentives program within the context of their community-based treatment organization.   > Checklist: Principles of Motivational Incentives   Developed by the NIDA/SAMHSA MI: PRESTO Blending Team.        
Published: November 12, 2013
ROWBOATS is an acronymn for helping individuals with cognitive impairment. This card contains tips for helping individuals with cognitive impairment as well as common symptoms and facts about TBI.
Published: October 20, 2013
Curriculum Package, Multimedia, Other, Print Media
The purpose of this half-day, introductory training is to provide HIV clinicians (including, but not limited to physicians, dentists, nurses, and other allied medical staff, therapists and social workers, and counselors, specialists, and case managers) with an overview of medical marijuana, its use among individuals living with HIV, and strategies on how to work with HIV patients who are using medical marijuana.
Published: August 9, 2013
Curriculum Package, Other, Presentation Slides, Print Media
The purpose of this introductory training is to provide HIV clinicians (including, but not limited to physicians, dentists, nurses, and other allied medical staff, therapists and social workers, and counselors, specialists, and case managers) with a detailed overview of screening patients for at-risk alcohol and other drug use and conducting a brief intervention with patients to reduce their at-risk substance use.
Published: July 2, 2013
Curriculum Package, Presentation Slides, Print Media
El propósito del Paquete de Entrenamiento de Integración de VIH es para proveer a especialistas del VIH (incluyendo, pero no limitado a doctores, dentistas, enfermeras, y otros empleados médicos, terapistas, trabajadores sociales, y consejeros, especialistas, y manejadores de casos) con una visión general de tratamiento integral para las personas que viven con el VIH.
Published: February 8, 2013
Curriculum Package, eNewsletter or Blog, Presentation Slides
The purpose of the HIV Integration Training Package is to provide HIV clinicians (including, but not limited to physicians, dentists, nurses, and other allied medical staff, therapists and social workers, and counselors, specialists, and case mangers) with an overview of integrated treatment for individuals living with HIV. The main focus of the training is the integration of mental health and substance use disorder treatment services with HIV care.
Published: August 1, 2012
Curriculum Package, Presentation Slides, Print Media
The purpose of this introductory training curriculum is to provide HIV clinicians (including, but not limited to physicians, dentists, nurses, and other allied medical staff, therapists and social workers, and counselors, specialists, and case managers) with an overview of alcohol and HIV. Also included the training product is a detailed trainer guide and 2-page fact sheet for HIV clinicians.
Published: July 31, 2012
Print Media, Website
This brochure provides valuable information about Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) including a listing of MAT providers in Arizona and other available resources.
Published: June 1, 2012
Curriculum Package
Self-paced online course that contains six modules of instruction covering topics related to Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Model. Topics include: understanding the scope of alcohol and drug abuse/dependence; research why dentists need to understand SUDs; and an overview on how to implement the SBIRT model in dental settings.
Published: April 2, 2012
Print Media
In recognition of Recovery Month 2011, this year's essay contest invited individuals who have been supported in their recovery by medications, including methadone or buprenorphine for opioid addiction and acamprosate or naltrexone for alcohol addiction, to share their stories.
Published: February 7, 2012
Curriculum Package
The 1.5 hour self-paced, online course is designed to introduce key terms, topics, and resources essential to SBIRT. SBIRT is a comprehensive, integrated, public health approach to the delivery of early intervention and treatment for persons with substance use disorders, as well as those who are risk of developing these disorders. The course provides an introduction to SBIRT, including the rationale for and efficacy of implementation in various settings.
Published: November 1, 2011
The Journal of the Arizona Dental Association-Inscriptions, Volume 25, Number 13, September 2011 featured an article focused on the potential of patient abuse of prescription drugs, especially opioid based medication prescribed by dental practitioners to manage pain. Provided in the article are data and ways to engage patients in conversation regarding their prescription drug use.
Published: September 1, 2011
Curriculum Package
Promoting Awareness of Motivational Incentives (PAMI) is based on the positive research outcomes and lessons learned from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Clinical Trials Network (CTN) study, titled Motivational Incentives for Enhanced Drug Abuse Recovery (MIEDAR) along with feedback from the Fishbowl Method. This product (revised 2011) is the most comprehensive awareness resource available for Motivational Incentives to date. It includes a detailed PowerPoint presentation highlighting Dr. Nancy Petry's Fishbowl Method, and a testimonial-based video which speaks to any audience about Motivational Incentives. Supporting this multi-media product is a wide variety of research-based resources which serve as a tool kit to help generate both funding and practice ideas. See for yourself how the Fishbowl Method can both energize staff and retain patients.         Watch Video Below: Using Motivational Incentives        
Published: January 19, 2011
Print Media
This book comprises 20 essays in which family members described, in their own words, the most challenging part about having a family member with a substance use disorder, what it means to have a loved one find long-term recovery and explain why they are committed to recovery.
Published: January 13, 2011
eNewsletter or Blog, Website
Each quarter in the “Meet the Researcher” series, the Research Society on Alcoholism (RSA) and the ATTC Network have partnered to introduce you to some of the scientists working hard to make an impact in the lives of individuals battling the disease of addiction. The first profile was that of Clive Harper, M.D., FRCPA, winner of the 2009 RSA Begleiter Research Award.
Published: January 1, 2010
Print Media
The National Office has been working with the Northeast ATTC to take their publication "Know the Facts in New York" and turn it into a Network Product. This booklet will present facts relating to the benefits of treatment to society.
Published: November 3, 2009
Print Media
In recognition of the 2009 Recovery Month, the National Office, in partnership with the Association of Recovery Schools (ARS), held an essay contest to celebrate student recovery and highlight the work of recovery schools. This booklet highlights the first, second and third place recovery high school and college award-winning essays, as well as nine additional receiving honorable mentions.
Published: November 3, 2009
Print Media
To encourage those who may be thinking about a profession in the addictions treatment and recovery services field and spotlight the vital role a qualified team of professionals plays in the recovery of millions of individuals, the ATTC National Office created the "In My Own Words ..." Essay Contest and this compilation of submissions and Leadership Profiles.
Published: November 15, 2008
Curriculum Package
The Addiction Severity Index (ASI) is one of the most universally used instruments for the assessment of substance abuse and related problems. This Blending Team has designed products that include a 6-hour training which addresses how to transform required "paperwork" into clinically useful information. These products also address the key tenets of treatment objectives and interventions (Measurable, Attainable, Time-Limited, Realistic, and Specific), referred to as Treatment Planning "M.A.T.R.S." What is the ASI? The ASI is one of the most reliable and valid measurements of the nature and severity of client problems, and it identifies potential problems in six domain areas: medical status, employment and support, alcohol and drug use, legal status, family/social status, and psychiatric status. This NIDA/SAMHSA-ATTC Blending Initiative is based on the work of a team comprised of staff from the Mid-America, Mountain West and Gulf Coast ATTCs and Treatment Research Institute.
Published: June 1, 2007
Print Media
The BIRP Progress Notes Checklist can be used by counselors in developing individualized treatment plans. B=Behavior: client statements & counselor observations I=Intervention: methods used to address goals & objectives R=Response: the client's response to intervention P=Plan: what is next?
Published: June 1, 2007
Print Media
The DAP Progress Notes Checklist assists counselors in developing individualized treatment plans, utilizing a D=Data, A=Assessment, P=Plan format.
Published: June 1, 2007
Print Media
The SOAP Progress Notes Checklist assists counselors in developing individualized treatment plans, utilizing an S=Subjective, O=Objective, A=Assessment, P=Plan format.
Published: June 1, 2007
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The ATTC Network understands that words have power. A few ATTC products developed prior to 2017 may contain language that does not reflect the ATTCs’ current commitment to using affirming, person-first language. We appreciate your patience as we work to gradually update older materials. For more information about the importance of non-stigmatizing language, see “Destroying Addiction Stigma Once and For All: It’s Time” from the ATTC Network and “Changing Language to Change Care: Stigma and Substance Use Disorders” from the Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS).
