You are visiting us from Virginia. You are located in HHS Region 3. Your Center is Central East ATTC.

Geneva Sanford MSW, LSW, LICDC-CS

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Geneva Sanford is a Social Worker and Chemical Dependency Counselor who has specialized in the field of Substance Use Disorders for 30 years. Geneva received her undergraduate and graduate degrees from The Ohio State University. She currently manages the OhioHealth Trauma Recovery Center to identify, screen, and provide interventions to hospitalized trauma patients regarding substance use, mental health and victimization. Geneva is a member of the Substance Use Disorder committee to educate health care providers on best practices and services for patients. She developed and manages a Social Work internship program to provide clinical and administrative experiences in Trauma Informed Care. In addition, Geneva is a Community Lecturer at The Ohio State University College of Social Work and a Consultant for the Ohio Child Welfare Training Program under the Institute for Human Services to raise awareness and increase knowledge regarding the public health concerns of substance use.

Areas of Expertise

Since 2007, Geneva has developed and managed programs designed to provide SBIRT interventions for patients seen in the emergency room and/or admitted to the hospital. She has work collaboratively with healthcare professionals to quickly identify substance use patterns and symptoms amongst patients. Geneva has trained healthcare workers, child welfare workers, and college students on the significance of SBIRT interventions in a variety of settings and Trauma Informed Care. Her area of expertise has been in treatment facilities, healthcare, academia, presentations, and consultation. Geneva also has extensive experience in the development and implementation of programs.

trainer, facilitator
Experience Implementing
Workshops Per Year
Ohio Health Trauma Recovery Center
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