Gerard J. Schmidt, MA, LPC, MAC, is the Immediate Past President of NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals and the Chief Operations Officer at Valley HealthCare System in Morgantown, WV. He has served in the mental health and addictions treatment profession for the past 48 years. Publications to Schmidt’s credit include several articles on the development of Employee Assistance Programs in rural areas and wellness in the workplace, addictions practice in the residential settings and an overview of addictions practice in the United States. He has edited Treatment Improvement Protocols for CSAT for several years and has been active with the Mid-Atlantic ATTC. Schmidt has served as Chair of the National Certification Commission for Addiction Professionals (NCCAP) and NAADAC’s Public Policy Committee, and as NAADAC’s Clinical Affairs Consultant. Awards include the Distinguished Service Award in 2003 and the Senator Harold Hughes Advocate of the Year in 2010.
I have over 45 years of working in the profession and have provided training across the United States and internationally. My focus is on MATS, SBIRT, co-occurring D/O and motivational interviewing.