Served as the Viral Hepatitis Program Coordinator for the State of Nebraska DHHS Division of Public Health for 4 years. Holds two bachelor degrees in BioPsychology and Nursing and a Master’s Degree in Healthcare Administration. Has worked at the State of Nebraska DHHS since 2000 and has experience providing training to adults on topics such as HIV/AIDS surveillance data, pandemic influenza, antimicrobial resistance, infection control and prevention and maternal and behavioral health.
Passionate about viral hepatitis education development and delivery to healthcare professionals. Served on a team of state viral hepatitis coordinators that collaborated with the Mid-America ATTC project development of the HCV Current initiative to increase hepatitis C (HCV) knowledge among medical and behavioral health professionals. Presented the initial 2017 HCV Current training at conferences and medication-assisted treatment clinics. Attended updates to the training provided in 2019.
Provided the Mid-America HCV Current training in sessions at: Nebraska's Behavioral Health Conference in 2015, the Kansas Annual Conference for Behavioral Health in 2016 and to local medication-assisted treatment (MAT) centers in Lincoln Nebraska.
Has provided adult education on healthcare related topics since 2000. Was the lead nurse planner for the Nebraska DHHS, Division of Public Health Nurse Education Provider Unit and continues to assess training needs and development of behavioral health training for long term care facilities across Nebraska.