Michele Stewart-Copes is CEO of SEET Consultants, LLC, System for Education Equity & Transition and a national trainer and consultant in system of care and cultural competency coaching. She holds the National Supervisor Coach Wraparound Certification, a Master of Science degree in Guidance & Counseling and a Master’s degree in Social Work. She developed and managed the nation’s first and successful wraparound effort within an inner-city area, focused on Puerto Rican and African American neighborhoods in Hartford, CT. She has provided wraparound training and coaching in 20 states and Canada.
As Consultant and Community Coordinator with the Department of Public Health’s, Office of Minority Health, she formulated the behavioral health agenda for the Multicultural Health Advisory Commission. While chairing the Workforce Development Committee of the Connecticut Multicultural Health Partnership she organized behavioral health policy planning and identified mental health service gaps. As Senior Coach and Trainer for the international and leading wraparound training, coaching, and consulting firm in North America, Vroon VanDenBerg LLP, she facilitated the work of the U.S. National Wraparound Initiative, NWI.
As Adjunct Professor, she taught the Cultural Competency and Linguistic class in the Master of Public Health Program at Southern Connecticut State University. As Trainer with the World of Difference Office of the Anti-Defamation League, she worked with teachers and students to increase cross cultural skills. She was appointed to the Community Development and the Ethics Commission of New Britain, the National Partnership for Action’s New England Regional Health Equity Council, is a Fellow of the Connecticut Faith Based Community Development Leadership Institute and is a member of the Governor’s Council on Women & Girls Steering Committee.
As a contractor with Beacon Health Options, she trains, develops, implements, and evaluates culturally responsive organizational policies and procedures based on CLAS, Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services, standards to improve behavioral health outcomes for families of color. She is a member of the New England Addiction Technology Transfer Center Advisory Board at Brown University School of Public Health. SEET Consultants is a certified vendor with Brown University and the CT Department of Administrative Services Supplier Diversity Program.
Implicit bias, anti-racism, cultural & linguistic responsiveness, wraparound practice model.