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Robert Hazlett PhD

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Dr. Hazlett has 40 years’ experience in positions as therapist, hospital administrator, children services director, project director, and executive director in the mental health, behavioral health, and addictions fields.

In the last 12 years he has assisted in SBIRT grant preparation, solicited appropriate provider sites, developed training curricula and has provided training to physicians, residents, nurses, medical assistants, health care educators, and social workers in the area of screening, brief interventions and treatment for substance misuse, abuse, and dependency. He has successfully assisted in the implementation of the SBIRT project in hospital emergency rooms, medical centers, urgent care, multi-physician practices, senior care centers, mobile medical, mental health, substance abuse treatment, federally qualified health centers, and other social services agencies.

Dr. Hazlett was responsible for implementation and training of the SBIRT initiative in the state of Pennsylvania and Florida. In his last position with the Florida Department of Children and Families, Substance Abuse Programs Office, his contribution consisted of establishing 28 SBIRT provider contracts with 65 SBIRT sites providing services to older adults throughout Florida. Since the completion of the Florida SBIRT grant period, he continues to provide consultation services for SBIRT and is currently working as a consultant/trainer with the National SBIRT ATTC.

As a consultant Dr. Hazlett has assisted in the development of a virtual reality training module for physicians in Arizona, as well as providing guidance, training, and grant writing assistance for SBIRT programs in Pennsylvania, Florida, Wisconsin, Colorado, New York, North Carolina, Virginia, Texas, Massachusetts, Louisiana, and the continent of Australia.

trainer, facilitator
Experience Implementing
Workshops Per Year
Robert W. Hazlett, Ph.D.
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